每日视频新闻:提供机会 帮助民众实现美国梦
日期:2014-07-14 11:23







《变形金刚4》美国票房夺冠 高达1亿美元









Israel's Netanyahu says Gaza offensive "may take a long time"


Smoke and flames rise from a building in Gaza Sunday, as Israel launches rockets for the sixth day running. Palestinian militants later retaliated with two missiles, which were intercepted. Palestinian families took shelter in a local school after Israel warned of more attacks... ...while these Palestinian-Americans prepared to leave. Diana Mushtaha is visiting from Texas.
周日,以色列连续第六天发射火箭弹,加沙地带一座建筑上方烟雾和火焰弥漫d65G^rC#&Q2Aj-8^QRb.。随后,巴勒斯坦激进分子采取报复行动,发射两枚导弹,却被拦截VV5L#GC1RhZL|o。以色列警告发动更多袭击之后,许多巴勒斯坦家庭在当地一所学校避难B]_tT=BJ4Y。而这些巴勒斯坦美国人准备离开ab)S)uooo[f。Diana Mushtaha从德克萨斯州来这里旅游1y+];*lwXA5U


(SOUNDBITE) (English) PALESTINIAN AMERICAN, DIANA MUSHTAHA, SAYING: "You know, the worst part of everything that's going on here is that I am in danger because of the 3.1 billion that the U.S. is giving Israel every year and we have been for six days trying to talk to the embassy, trying to talk to the consulate telling them it is not safe here and this is not life..."
巴勒斯坦美国人DIANA MUSHTAHA:“你知道,这里发生的最糟糕的事情就是,由于美国每年援助以色列的31亿美元,我处于危险状况OVf^i^.;cdg7mjac。我们已经连续第六天试图与大使馆对话,试图与领事馆对话,告诉他们这里已经不安全,不适合生活……”


At least 149 Palestinians have been killed since the offensive began Tuesday, many of them civilians. No Israeli has been killed by rocket salvos from Gaza due in part to Iron Dome, a partly U.S.-funded missile interceptor system. Israel says it tries to avoid civilian casualties, but accuses Islamist Hamas of placing weaponry and gunmen in residential areas.
自周二进攻开始以来,至少149名巴勒斯坦人遇难,其中许多是平民[(Yk1|O9&4YC;Lrl。由于美国提供部分资金的导弹拦截系统Iron Dome,没有以色列人因火箭弹袭击遇难+xKc6r==W;jFC|。以色列表示,他们尽量避免平民伤亡,但是他们指控伊斯兰哈马斯在居住区设置武器和枪手EXGdd*PZSCS2zwzA#[


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: (SOUNDBITE) (Hebrew) ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER, BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, SAYING: "Hamas uses the residents of Gaza as a human shield and is bringing disaster on the residents of Gaza, and therefore the responsibility for any harm done to civilians in Gaza, which we regret, the responsibility is that of Hamas, and its partners, and them alone."


Netanyahu also told his cabinet that the offensive "may take a long time" and that "the Israeli army is prepared for all possibilities."



Election showdown in Afghanistan leads to recount


No victor in Afghanistan's presidential elections, as both rival candidates agree to a full recount supervised by the U.N. The deadlock between contenders Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani -- who have been leading in the polls -- raised concern over the transition of power in the country. This comes as U.S. troops prepare to leave the country after 12 years in Afghanistan fighting Taliban insurgents. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE, JOHN KERRY, SAYING: "With respect to the national unity both candidates have agreed to abide by the results of the audit and that the winner of the election will serve as president and will immediately form a government of national unity."


Presidential candidate Abdallah Abdullah (SOUNDBITE) (English) AFGHAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, ABDULLAH ABDULLAH; SAYING: "At the same time I would request the president of Afghanistan, President Karzai, since we have agreed upon extensive, comprehensive and very serious electoral auditing and full auditing."


Abdallah's rival, presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) AFGHAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, ASHRAF GHANI; SAYING: "So this government of national unity will provide the assurance that we will work together, we have agreed on the general framework and we will work out the details in a spirit of mutual trust and cooperation."


Within 24 hours the recounting of ballots is slated to being -- but the process may take weeks. That means the presidential inauguration, which was scheduled for August 2, will be postponed. Washington is watching closely and says there will be reprecussions if either side tries to declares victory before the recount is complete.



One man killed as shell from Ukraine hits Russian border town


Officials in Russia's Rostov region are on the scene of a fatal shelling reported to have been fired from Ukrainian territory. The shelling killed one man and injured two women in Donetsk, a town of the same name as the city in eastern Ukraine. Locals said the shelling has been happening for more than a week.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RESIDENT OF DONETSK TOWN IN RUSSIA, NO NAME GIVEN, SAYING: "The planes always follow the same route and shoot in that direction, then explosions can be heard."


Ukrainian authorities have denied responsibility for the attack. They're blaming rebel separatists, who also denied responsibility. Russian officials said the incident showed "a dangerous escalation" of regional tensions.






3D printed guitars may herald new era of cheap bespoke instruments


STORY: UPSOT: GUITAR PLAYING Professor Olaf Diegel plucks a few notes on his Americana guitar. But this is no ordinary six string - Diegel has printed it himself. In his spare time the Lund University academic uses a 3D printer to fuse together thin layers of a nylon powder called polyamide to make the body of the guitar. He's made a range of eight guitars and three bass guitars, including the "Steam Punk". SOUNDBITE (English) PROFESSOR OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT LUND'S UNIVERSITY, OLAF DIEGEL, SAYING: "What's cool is all the gears and the pistons inside of it move. Now what's interesting is that the entire body is printed as a single component with all the moving components inside of it." The pistons and gears don't have any practical use, but they're proving popular with Diegel's clients. He also makes drumkits. Selective Laser Sintering - or SLS - allows Diegel to easily print bespoke instruments like the "Steam Punk". He says it's helping entrepreneurs bring complex products to market at minimal development cost. SOUNDBITE (English) PROFESSOR OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT LUND'S UNIVERSITY, OLAF DIEGEL, SAYING: "So if you're doing simple products, often you'll find there are better, most cost effective ways of doing them using traditional technologies but if you're doing incredibly complex products, and as an example I'll hold up this little impossible to make shape. I mean, this is something you just couldn't make any other way. But suddenly 3d printing is perfect. The more complex it is, the more it loves it." What 3D printed polyamide means for more traditional guitar manufacturing methods is far from clear - the bodies are still printed on wooden inner cores for their acoustic properties. But the structural strength of the printed models might disappoint some of the world's wilder musicians. The Who's Pete Townshend is rumoured to have smashed at least 100 guitars on stage in his time, while American rapper Kesha famously destroyed hers during shows in Rio and Los Angeles a few years ago. Diegel says his instruments could be thrown against a wall and remain intact. That could make those kind of rock 'n' roll antics much more difficult.


白宫发言:提供机会 帮助民众实现美国梦



Weekly Address: Expanding Opportunity – It’s Time for Congressional Republicans to Do Their Part
WASHINGTON, DC — In this week’s address, the President recapped his visits with folks who have written him letters about their own American stories -- their successes and struggles. While Congressional Republicans are blocking meaningful measures that would strengthen the middle class, the President continues looking for ways to grow the economy and expand opportunity for more hardworking Americans. The President again urged Congress to join him, as they were elected to do, in working on behalf of everyday Americans – including those the President spent time with this week – by investing in our infrastructure to support American jobs, and ensuring that the Highway Trust Fund does not expire.


The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online atwww.whitehouse.govat 6:00 a.m. ET, July 12, 2014.


Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
July 12, 2014


Hi, everybody. This week, I spent some time in Colorado and Texas, talking with people about what’s going on in their lives.


One of them was Elizabeth Cooper, who’ll be a college junior this fall. She wrote to tell me something I hear often: how hard it is for middle-class families like hers to afford college. And she shared something I know many of you feel when you wonder what’s going on in Washington. She said she feels “not significant enough to be addressed, not poor enough for people to worry [about], and not rich enough to be cared about.”


I ran for President to fight for Americans just like Elizabeth – people who work hard, do everything right, and just want a chance to build a decent life for themselves and their families.


And after the worst economic crisis in generations, our businesses have now created nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months. The unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point since 2008. By almost every measure, our economy is better off than it was five years ago.


But while we’ve created more jobs at this point of the year than any year since 1999, too many families barely earn what they did in 1999. It’s harder to pay for college, save, or retire, because people’s wages and incomes have not gone up. Nearly all the gains of the recovery are going to the very top – and aren’t making a difference in your lives.


And I believe America does better when the middle class does better. And I’ve laid out an opportunity agenda to create jobs, train workers, educate our kids, and make sure hard work actually pays off.


These are the things we should be doing to grow the middle class and help folks work their way into the middle class. And it’s pretty uncontroversial stuff. I hope we can work together on it. And I’m always willing to compromise if folks have other ideas or if it advances generally the interests of working Americans.


But so far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class. Lifting the minimum wage, fair pay, student loan reform – they’ve said no to all of it. And that’s when I’ve acted this year to help working Americans on my own– when Congress won’t act.


I’ve taken actions to attract new jobs, lift workers’ wages, help students pay off their loans, and more. And the Republican plan right now is not to do some of this work with me – instead, it’s to sue me. That’s actually what they’re spending their time on. It’s a political stunt that’s going to waste months of America’s time. And by the way, they’re going to pay for it using your hard-earned tax dollars.


I have a better idea: do something, Congress. Do anything to help working Americans. Join the rest of the country. Join me, I'm looking forward to working with you.


You know, on Tuesday, I met with Carolyn Reed and her husband David, who own six Silver Mine Sub shops in Colorado. Two days later, they announced they’re giving their hourly employees a raise to ten dollars and ten cents an hour.


They’re not waiting for Congress. Carolyn said, “We are happy to be a part of what I hope will be a growing voluntary trend in increased wages.”


Carolyn and Americans like her all across the country are happy to do their part. Congress now needs to step up and do its part. And next week, I’ll travel to a couple of job sites to talk about how Democrats and Republicans can work together to grow the economy and protect nearly 700,000 jobs by passing a highway bill by the end of the summer.


I’m here because hardworking Americans like Elizabeth and Carolyn. That’s something I’ll never forget – it's something I’ll never stop fighting for. Thanks, and have a great weekend.

  • reformv. 改革,改造,革新 n. 改革,改良
  • compromisen. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 vt. 妥协处理,危害 vi.
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • selectiveadj. 选择的,选择性的
  • routen. 路线,(固定)线路,途径 vt. 为 ... 安排
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • incidentn. 事件,事变,插曲 adj. 难免的,附带的
  • rebeln. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者 adj. 造反的,反抗的 v
  • escalationn. 增加;扩大;逐步上升
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮