日期:2014-08-23 10:22

















Tensions rise as Russian convoy crosses into Ukraine


Almost as soon as the trucks began moving, accusations and warnings from both sides over the true nature of what Moscow calls an aid convoy, but Ukraine believes is a trojan horse being used to disguise an invasion of its territory. Ukraine government spokesman Valentyn Nalivaychenko says he's in no doubt about Russia;'s intentions.


(SOUNDBITE) UKRAINIAN SECURITY SERVICE (SBU) CHIEF, VALENTYN NALIVAYCHENKO, SAYING: "It's a direct invasion with the cynical use of Red Cross. These are military vehicles. These are servicemen with fake documents."
乌克兰安全局(SBU)局长纳里法钦科(Valentyn Nalivaychenko):“这时候利用红十字会直接入侵领土的行为o+OXYBh48q7g*,T&AxF。这些都是军用车辆,是携带虚假文件的军人P&e.sFb|DcA660B。”


But Moscow maintains that the trucks are transporting much-needed humanitarian aid to Russian speaking residents of Ukraine cities beseiged by government forces. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich is warning Kiev against any interference.
但是莫斯科坚持称这些卡车运输的是被政府军围困的乌克兰城市俄语居民亟需的人道主义救援物资|T=z-WCx5,t6drp。俄罗斯外交部发言人Alexander Lukashevich警告基辅不要进行任何干预Nj5]@QZc@Y*XVV.C~)X


(SOUNDBITE) RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESMAN, ALEXANDER LUKASHEVICH, SAYING: "We warn against any attempts to disrupt the purely humanitarian mission which was being prepared for a long time in full transparency and in coordination with the Ukrainian side and the International Committee of the Red Cross."
俄罗斯外交部发言人Alexander Lukashevich:“我们警告基辅不要试图扰乱纯粹的人道主义救援任务,我们已经准备了很长时间,是完全透明的,是在配合乌克兰和国际红十字委员会的情况下进行的,uGmC)&v9n5rHbF[CFZ。”


But the Red Cross says it is not part of the convoy. It says plans to accompany the trucks were abandoned when authorities were unable to guarantee the safety of Red Cross staff. Kiev has stated that it won''t attack the convoy, but as the trucks approach their destination, the tension is rising.



Rain hampers landslide rescue in Japan


Rescue workers in Japan dig through the thick cloying mud with shovels. A deadly landslide on Wednesday turned this neighbourhood in northern Hiroshima into a mangled heap of rubble and sludge. The torrential rain that caused this began on Wednesday, when a month's rain fell in one night. The rain has delayed the search and now rescuers are afraid it could set off more landslides. Buildings and homes were demolished. Whole families were buried alive. This woman weeps as she learns that a neighbour's child was found dead.


(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) JAPAN RESCUE ASSOCIATION, TAKERU OKA, SAYING: "It could be said in any disasters, but the extent of the damage here is bigger than we first through from the initial reports. Even looking at the disaster site, it's still not possibly to fully grasp the full extent of the disaster, and as a result, the numbers of missing keeps increasing."
日本救援联合会工作人员TAKERU OKA:“任何灾难都会发生这种情况,但是这次山体滑坡的破坏程度超过最初的报道**8[~m59bU@R=(&4RWS。即使亲自莅临灾难地点,也很难全面估计灾难的程度,因此,失踪人数仍在攀升YQbWcZV^qoiG6#。”


Many residents take refuge at local schools, where clothes and hot meals are being distributed to people who have lost everything. Japan is a very mountainous country and landslides are not uncommon. But this latest disaster has left rescuers fearing the worst as the death toll mounts and search dogs are brought in to look for the dozens of people still missing.



First Malaysian bodies arrive home


A sombre repatriation ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, as a day of mourning is held across Malaysia. It's been more than a month since the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot out of the skies above eastern Ukraine. Now finally the bodies of 20 Malaysian passengers have arrived back in the capital. Families of the victims gathered at the international airport to watch the special chartered aircraft arrive from Amsterdam. It was met by uniformed pall bearers from Malaysia's armed forces. The coffins were draped in the Malaysian flag. All 298 passengers and crew on flight MH17 died on 17 July. Forty-three were Malaysians. These are the first of Malaysia's victims to have been identified in the Netherlands, which is leading an investigation into the crash. Flight MH17 is believed to have been shot down by a missile fired by pro-Russian rebels who deny involvement. As the last of the caskets was unloaded into the waiting fleet of white hearses a minute's silence was observed. The victims' bodies will be given to their families and relatives to be laid to rest.





Patient receives first implant in U.S. to prevent cluster headaches


Paul Alterio has tried everything to help with his cluster headaches, but the 39-year-old says the pain has been paralysing. (SOUNDBITE) (English) PAUL ALTERIO, PATIENT, SAYING: "They just hit really hard, they hit exactly right around the temple area and it actually feels like someone just basically stabbing behind my pupils." Cluster headaches are more severe than migraines and even more painful. There's currently no cure - but there is hope. An new device called a "neurostimulator" has been implanted beneath Paul's cheekbone to block the pain. He's the first patient in the U.S. to undergo the experimental surgery. Dr. Bradley Otto of Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center inserted the device through a small incision in Paul's gum. The neurostimulator has a wire that feeds directly into the nerves associated with the pain. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DR. BRADLEY OTTO, OHIO STATE WEXNER MEDICAL CENTER, SAYING: "The nerve control center that sits behind the cheek sinus is involved in the pathway of cluster headaches. So by short circuiting that involvement we think it will help to treat cluster headache." The device is operated with an external remote control that enables patients to block communication between the nerves when they feel a headache coming on. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DR. BRADLEY OTTO, OHIO STATE WEXNER MEDICAL CENTER, SAYING: "The patient then has the opportunity to treat their headaches by placing this device up to their cheek, almost like you're talking on a cellular phone, and to stimulate the device that's inside the cheek to treat the headache." As for Paul Alterio, he says the technology has given him a sense of control, knowing that his Life is back on the right path.


白宫发言:ISIS杀害美国记者 奥巴马发表声明



Statement by the President
The Edgartown School
Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts


12:52 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.

Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, bearing witness to the lives of people a world away. He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there.

Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. He was 40 years old -- one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss, and join them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Jim Foley’s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages -- killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims -- both Sunni and Shia -- by the thousands. They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can for no other reason than they practice a different religion. They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.

So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents.


No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

And people like this ultimately fail. They fail, because the future is won by those who build and not destroy and the world is shaped by people like Jim Foley, and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him.

The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done. And we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.

The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL, must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their communities. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer, so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of these kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century.

Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of values that are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism, and replace it with a sense of hope and civility. And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his work; who courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings; who was liked and loved by friends and family.

Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us mourn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. We will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for.

May God bless and keep Jim’s memory, and may God bless the United States of America.



  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • landsliden. 山崩 n. (竞选中)压倒多数的选票
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • surgeryn. 外科,外科手术,诊所
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • witnessn. 目击者,证人 vt. 目击,见证,出席,观察,经历
  • experimentaladj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的
  • overwhelminglyadv. 压倒性地,不可抵抗地