日期:2014-05-26 08:11







逃离北上广 毕业生就业青睐二线城市




白宫记者晚宴 奥巴马自嘲展幽默





Sweet Victory for Ukraine's 'Chocolate King'


(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) DEMOCRATIC INITIATIVE FOUNDATION DIRECTOR IRINA BEKESHKINA, SAYING: "Overall across Ukraine Poroshenko is at 55.9 percent, Tymoshenko at 12.9 percent." Ukrainian confectionary billionaire Petro Poroshenko claims Ukraine's presidency after exit polls gave him an absolute majority in a first round of voting. The man known as the "chocolate king" offers choice words to his supporters.
民主倡议基金会主任伊琳娜·贝克诗金娜(Irina Bekeshkina):“总的来说,在乌克兰全国,波罗申科赢得了55.9%的选票,季莫申科只赢得了12.9%3NIGp[A#F1Lza%x。”投票结束后,乌克兰糖果业亿万富翁波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko)在第一轮投票中获得了绝大多数优势,赢得总统选举的胜利&EF*69bFKP5xP。这位“巧克力大王”向支持者发表了讲话KDq_VY=9A4


(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) UKRAINIAN POLITICIAN PETRO POROSHENKO, SAYING: "We can state today that this election, which is crucial for the future of our country, has taken place. And you see that all exit polls without exception which were held by the most credible polling organizations in the country and the whole world, show with very small discrepancies that the election is over after the first round and the country has a new president."
乌克兰政治家波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko):“今天我们可以说,对乌克兰的未来非常关键的选举已经结束了4_DZao@j%T_G)xd%C。你们可以看到,全部投票无一例外都是由全国乃至全世界最可信的投票组织举行的,几乎没有任何差异,第一轮投票后选举就结束了,新的总统诞生了fRq,,X[=k+。”


Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko conceded to the victory. The election marks the culmination of a revolution that erupted last November, forcing pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich to flee the country. But pro-Moscow separatists in the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk blocked the vote because it would imply they were still part of Ukraine.



Multiple bomb attacks kill three in southern Thailand


This is the damage after multiple bomb attacks ripped through the southern Thai city of Pattani. Five convenience stores were hit. Their shopfronts damaged and glass and products scattered across the floor. Explosives were also detonated outside two petrol stations and a hotel. Another bomb went off at an electricity station, cutting power in one district for as long as 40 minutes. Gunmen also opened fire on a navy ship, a short distance from the shore. Several people were killed in these attacks and scores were wounded. Officials suspect that Muslim separatists are responsible for the attack. Thailand is a mainly Buddhist country except for the three most southern provinces, which are mainly Muslim. The south has long been plagued by resistance to central government rule. Separatist rebels are staging a campaign for greater autonomy and over the last decade more than 5,700 people have been killed, caught up in the violence.



Gunman kills at least 6 people in drive-by rampage in California


The Santa Barbara County sheriff describes it as quote -- "the work of a madman." At least six people are confirmed dead from a drive-by shooting near the University of California at Santa Barbara. Spraying bullets from his car, the gunman wounded seven others before crashing the vehicle.


Witnesses couldn't believe what they heard: (SOUNDBITE) (English) LOGAN RECCHIA, COLLEGE STUDENT, SAYING: "Around 9:30 or so we started hearing pops in the background. We heard about five or six and then there was a long pause and then we heard another five. We thought they were fireworks because in IV (Isla Vista) it's pretty normal to hear fireworks going off."
目击者简直难以相信自己听到的情况:大学生LOGAN RECCHIA:“大约9:30,我们听到操场上有响声,大概有五六声nUi+)%s_u(u!。然后出现了很长的停顿,然后又听到五声)642b_(@yH.eN|[!I8。我们因为是烟花,因为在景岛社区听到烟花燃放很正常xETH7!x~7|nEZK;ZHk。”


Authorities say the suspected gunman was found dead inside the car, with a bullet wound to the head. Details are still emerging. But part of the investigation includes a video posted on YouTube that appears to have been made by the suspect.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) LOGAN RECCHIA, COLLEGE STUDENT, SAYING: "I don't know anything about him. I briefly saw a video of him and I can't finish watching it. It's... horrible."
大学生LOGAN RECCHIA:“关于他我一无所知g44pVnP@8C;vrW.63An-。我只是在网上看到了他的一段视频,难以看完,非常恐怖b,rP9PWQyx~x296|;。”


The video shows a young man complaining bitterly (and repeatedly) of loneliness and rejection by women. He threatens a mass slaughter of college students and residents of Santa Barbara's Isla Vista neighborhood.


CCTV9:端午临近 教你7秒做出美味粽子




Producing holiday treats in just 7 seconds
端午临近 教你7秒做出美味粽子


With the Chinese Duanwu Festival on hand, some people are already gearing up to celebrate the traditional holiday.


One woman in Taiwan has acquired quite a following by wrapping up Zongzi, a sticky rice dumpling typically eaten during the Duanwu Festival, in just 7 seconds. At this speed, she can produce 260 Zongzi every hour, and two thousand every day.


Other Zongzi available this year include different flavors representing the different cuisines of China, as well as western-styled ones with bacon inside.


CCTV9:泰国前总统被拘留一周 议会解散



Thai ex-PM to be held for a week, Senate dissolved
泰国前总统被拘留一周 议会解散


Thailand’s army leaders say former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Cabinet members and anti-government protest leaders will continue to be detained for up to a week, in order to give them "time to think" and to restore calm in the country.


An army spokesman said that all those detained were being well-treated and that the military’s goal was to achieve a political compromise. The spokesman later said that "at least 100" people were in custody, but he could not provide exact numbers or names.


The military leaders also summoned 35 other people, including more politicians, political activists and, for the first time, outspoken academics. On Saturday, the ruling military council also dissolved the Senate. The moves appear aimed at consolidating power and preventing any high-profile figures from rallying opposition to the military, which seized power Thursday.

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • districtn. 区,地区,行政区 vt. 把 ... 划分成区
  • crucialadj. 关键的,决定性的
  • vistan. 街景,展望,回想
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • electionn. 选举
  • emergingvi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • credibleadj. 可信的,可靠的