每日视频新闻:MH370航班坠毁印度洋 乘客无一生还
日期:2014-03-25 10:56



路透社:MH370航班坠毁印度洋 乘客无一生还






五香驴肉检出狐狸肉成分 沃尔玛全面召回







Families mourn after news of plane crash
MH370航班坠毁印度洋 乘客无一生还


The father of a passenger on board flight MH370 says his worst fears have come true. The news came via a text message from Malaysia Airlines. The plane missing for over two weeks crashed in the Indian Ocean. All 239 people on board are presumed dead.


(SOUNDBITE) (BAHASA MALAYSIA) FATHER OF MISSING MH370 PASSENGER AND FLIGHT ENGINEER MOHD KHAIRUL AMRI, SELAMAT OMAR, SAYING: "There were only two possible outcomes - good or bad. This is my worst fear, but now I just have to accept it as calmly as I can."
失踪MH370航班一名乘客的父亲,飞航工程师卡鲁尔(MOHD KHAIRUL AMRI):“事情可能的结果只有两个:好的和坏的J8E]RiuiV96njOBP。这是我担心的最坏的结果,但是现在我只有尽可能冷静地接受&6lWCs#Sy.|#kK。”


Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on March 8. No confirmed sighting of the plane has been made since and there is no clue yet as to what went wrong.



Trial of bin Laden son-in-law draws to a close


Prosecutors made their final arguments on Monday in the trial of Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, Suleiman Abu Ghaith was the alleged spokesman of bin Laden and is charged with conspiring to kill Americans. At the center of his trail in a New York federal court were these videos, made at bin Laden's request after the 9/11 attacks that warned of further assaults. Abu Gaith acknowledges making them, but says he was using talking points given to him and that he didn't have advance warning of the terror plots. He's highest-profile bin Laden advisor to face charges in a U.S. civilian court.
周一,检察官在对本·拉登的女婿的审判中进行了最后的辩论!QSw*Sa0=81TTr。阿布盖斯(Suleiman Abu Ghaith)被指控是本·拉登的发言人,被控告阴谋杀害美国人r+IB*PkhV.v3。在纽约联邦法庭的审判中,处于焦点的就是这些视频,是9.11恐怖袭击后应本·拉登的要求录制的,警告称未来还会发动袭击]UUTrt7e3go;n。阿布盖斯(Suleiman Abu Ghaith)承认这些视频是他录制的,但是声称他只是行使了自己的话语权,并没有提前预警恐怖活动阴谋R;P]oIA~w61O!。他是在美国民事法庭接受审判的本拉登集团最高级人物.%p]E1K^tQ1v*otaN18j



Fierce fighting in Syria


Syrian rebels fight back in a town near the Turkish border in pitched battles with government forces. The video which can not be independently verified by Reuters purportedly takes place near the region where Turkey shot down a Syrian military jet Sunday that Ankara said had crossed into its air space. More footage shows the rebel held border crossing in the Armenian Christian town of Kasab. Fighters from the Islamic Front and the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front seize the town following a string of recent rebel defeats. Fighters drive through deserted streets passing a shattered statue of Bashar al-Assad's father who ruled Syria for decades. As the civil war enters its fourth year there is no let up in the fight. Rights groups say more than 140,000 people have been killed and nearly half the population has been displaced.


CCTV9:携程曝重大安全漏洞 客户信息恐遭泄漏




China's No.1 online travel firm Ctrip hit by security scare
携程曝重大安全漏洞 客户信息恐遭泄漏


Ctrip.com is China's No.1 travel booking website in terms of market share but it gave its users a good scare this weekend. More than 10 million Ctrip users and their personal and financial information were apparently exposed to two security flaws. The bugs were discovered Saturday by Wooyun.org, an independent web security monitor.


"A server, if run normally, usually hides logs and sensitive records in the background. No one can see that data. But some security breakdowns may give hackers an opportunity to download that information," said Fang Xiaodun from Wooyun.org.


Wooyun says that the security flaws were so obvious that even a greenhorn hacker could have easily obtained all of the stored credit card numbers, passwords and CVV codes of Ctrip's users.


Ctrip responded to the report by immediately correcting the security issue and announcing that it would provide full compensation to anyone suffering a loss because of the problem.


"If any losses are incurred by our users because of the loopholes we will provide compensation. We will also reward discoverers of any security flaws in the future. We've set up a 5 million yuan fund to encourage people to help us improve our web security," said He Jing, Public Affairs Manager at Ctrip.com.


Some Ctrip users have reported that money was stolen from their credit cards that were linked with their Ctrip accounts. Legal experts say it's illegal to store consumers' sensitive credit card information such as CVV numbers without advance notification, and that Ctrip is likely to face administrative punishment.


Many users have already unlinked their credit cards and bank accounts with Ctrip and analysts say that will be a huge blow to Ctrip's financial performance this year.





China asks U.S. to stop spying activities


A report in the German weekly Der Spiegel says that the U.S. National Security Agency has been spying on Chinese telecommunications and internet corporation Huawei Technologies Co.. According to the report, some other targets have also included some top ranking Chinese officials, diplomatic and trade departments and some Chinese banks. Following the report, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei issued a strong response on Monday.


"China expresses grave concerns about this situation. China has lodged solemn representations after media revealed strong evidence showing that the U.S. has intercepted, monitored and spied on China. China again demands that the U.S. stop such spying activities and formally respond to it," Hong said.

  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • exposedadj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • stringn. 线,一串,字串 vt. 串起,成串,收紧,悬挂;系
  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队
  • sensitiveadj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的
  • civilianadj. 平民的 n. 罗马法专家,平民