每日视频新闻:史上最难就业年 新增就业岗位逾千万
日期:2014-03-01 12:15









五香驴肉检出狐狸肉成分 沃尔玛全面召回


奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步





Heavy California rain causes mud flows


A rainy and muddy mess in the greater Los Angeles area. A strong winter storm is dumping torrential rains in California causing mud flows. Crews worked to clear mud and debris that washed into the streets from the heavy downpours. Mandatory evacuation orders remain in effect in the Glendora and Azusa neighborhoods. Homeowners are using sandbags to keep water and mud from damaging their property. The region is bracing for the most rain it's seen in three years. The storm is expected to last through the weekend triggering fears of mudslides and flooding.



The scramble to find the living and dead in Syria


Panic on the streets as a market is hit by a car bomb in rural Idlib. The video, which cannot be independently verified by Reuters appears to show the scramble to find the living and the dead. More than 140,000 people have been killed in the conflict -- which began almost three years ago with peaceful protests. No one is conceding ground. The conflict is tearing the country apart and spawned a humanitarian crisis that has driven millions into neighboring countries. Near the Turkish border, celebratory gunfire after an al-Qaeda linked group withdraws from the area. The relief comes after months of rebel fighting hampered efforts to get humanitarian aid into Syria and help tens of thousands of refugees who fled there to escape bombardment.



Underground explosions in Ohio blow off manhole covers


Flames shoot through a manhole cover in downtown Columbus Friday morning. An underground fire caused several explosions, sending manhole covers flying into the air. When police arrived, they found cracked cement and several shattered windows in nearby buildings. The fire broke out in an underground network vault owned by a local public utility. Witnesses say they heard rumbling, felt shaking, and smelled sulfur. No one was hurt, but the fire knocked out power to the area.


CCTV9:史上最难就业年 新增就业岗位逾千万



13.1 million new jobs created in 2013
史上最难就业年 新增就业岗位逾千万


As China’s GDP growth continues to slow down, there is growing concern both in and out of China that the country is facing a bleak economic prospect. A set of figures from China’s statistics bureau, however, shows the risks are still within control.


If you consider China’s population of over 1.3 billion people, even a 1 percent rise in the jobless rate means tens of millions of people have to struggle to make ends meet.


Figures show that the overall situation of China’s job market in 2013 was stable... and that some notable achievements were made.


Li Zhong, spokesperson of Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security, said, "In 2010, we created 11.7 million new jobs, with over a 10 percent GDP growth rate. In 2011, 12 million jobs were created, but GDP growth was reduced to 9.2 percent. In 2012, 12.7 million jobs were added, with an even slower GDP growth rate at 7.8 percent. This year, we created a record high of 13 million jobs, with GDP growth rate reduced to just 7.7 percent. This shows our economic growth is becoming more and more capable of creating jobs."


Earlier in 2013, we paid a visit to the homes of new college graduates in Beijing. No longer eligible to live at the schools’ dorms after graduation, they were making do in small apartments in the capital’s suburbs. Eight young women had to share one bedroom.


Getting a job, it seemed, didn’t translate into decent income.


"Every night twenty girls have to queue just to take a shower. It’s terrible," said Beijing university graduate.


Officials say they are actively working to improve people’s incomes. The average growth rate of disposable incomes in 2013 was 8.1 percent... faster than GDP growth.


That growth, however, translates poorly when it comes to wages. The average annual salary for Chinese people is only 30,000 yuan, or 5,000 US dollars per year. That’s even lower than the wages of taxi drivers in South Africa.


"Our work in 2014 will continue to be focused on creating jobs by all possible means. Meanwhile, we are actively improving the social insurance," Li said.


The world’s most populous country is trying to develop the economy by boosting consumption... But many say that unless more Chinese people are working, and earning, it will be hard for them to really start spending.





Apple sues Chinese government over patent


Tech giant Apple is suing China's State Intellectual Property Office and a Shanghai company over patents. The Beijing No.1 Intermediate Court heard the case on Thursday.


The dispute is about voice-recognition technology used in Siri on the iPhone and iPad. Apple asked the intellectual office to confirm it holds the patent and rejects the request of Zhizhen Network Technology, which developed a Siri-like product called Xiao-I Robot.


Zhizhen sued Apple over patents nine months ago. But the Shanghai court has yet to make a ruling. Apple then asked the intellectual office to declare Zhizhen's voice recognition patent invalid, as its patent specification is unclear.


The agent of the intellectual office says it is up to professionals to judge the specification's clarity.

  • insurancen. 保险,保险费,安全措施
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • notableadj. 显著的,著名的 n. 名人
  • disposableadj. 用完即可丢弃的,可任意处理的 n. 用完即可丢
  • declarev. 宣布,声明,申报
  • stableadj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的 n. 马厩,马棚,一批
  • evacuationn. 撤离,疏散 n. 排泄,排泄物