每日视频新闻:欧盟经济低迷 看电影人数减少
日期:2014-02-18 11:27









五香驴肉检出狐狸肉成分 沃尔玛全面召回


奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步







Sochi games enveloped in fog


First there were the unusually warm temperatures that seemed to be wreaking havoc on different venues, now there's fog --- thick, thick fog that seems to swallow up everything around it.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) INTERNATIONAL SKI FEDERATION INSPECTOR, PETER KROGOLL, SAYING: "Because it was foggy the visibility was really low, so we only had about 20 to 30 meters visibility and so it was really unsafe to have any competitions today going on."
国际滑雪联合会检查员PETER KROGOLL:“由于大雾非常严重,能见度很低,只有20至30米,今天进行任何比赛都非常不安全.]ez#Us(.Nr。”


It was so dense, in fact, that Olympic officials were forced to cancel the men's biathlon for a second day in a row. Throughout the day, athletes and journalists complained about the low visibility. Later in the day, officials said they were scrapping the day's snowboard cross competition, as well, while they wait for the air to clear.



US suspect 'admits 23 killings'


Miranda Barbour's accused of at least one killing in the United States and said to have admitted another 22. The 19-year-old is charged with murdering a man she met through a bogus sex ad on the Craigslist website. Barbour reportedly says she was part of a satanic cult and felt no remorse for her alleged victims. A jail cell interview with her was reported in the Sunday Item newspaper in Sunbury, Pennsylvania.
在美国,Miranda Barbour被指控谋杀了至少1人,据称她已承认还杀害了其他22人]SvBsDF5wFcS6。这名19岁的女子被控告在Craigslist网站上通过伪造广告谋杀了一名男子l[N2zrByN0fiwr_s3c。据报道,Barbour声称她是恶魔宗教的一部分,对她的控罪没有任何懊悔之情Y63._5CB4x7-R。宾夕法尼亚州森伯里《周日要闻》报纸报道了在监狱对她进行的采访jUEF;hI_TH^*5


(SOUNDBITE)(English) DAILY ITEM REPORTER SAYING: "She was very well spoken, very mild mannered, very polite. She was very polite and she was very, just, soft spoken and she never hesitated in anything she said."
每日要闻记者FRANCIS SCARCELLA:“她侃侃而谈,温文尔雅,彬彬有礼&F+xv~qeM9K-。她非常有礼貌,说话非常温柔果断|V|^F*H4g9pe8w,mc-,x。”


Barbour and her husband Elyette, seen here in file footage, deny killing Troy LaFerra who was stabbed and strangled in November.
Barbour和资料视频中见到的她的丈夫Elyette否认杀害了Troy LaFerraQm~hs6qH_yLSdDzw.。受害者于11月份被刺伤并勒死S#hIe^H3ufIQ&G^V



12 illegal miners rescued in South Africa, others stay underground


A dozen South African illegal miners are brought to the surface Sunday after being trapped in an abandoned gold mine near Johannesburg. They were never supposed to go into the mine.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) HEAD OF DISASTER AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, MOSHIMA MOSIYA, SAYING; "This was a closed shaft, it was closed with concrete slabs, deliberately so to prevent people from entering, but they have somehow to open up a hole on the site and currently I think we are able to talk to the people that are trapped inside. We are enlarging the hole so that we can able to lift them out of the shaft."
灾难管理部门主管MOSHIMA MOSIYA:“这是一个关闭的通风井,已经用水泥板封闭了,就是为了防止有人进来jQ)LS5Yy%&2Fj0。但是他们不知怎么在这里打开了一个洞|g(5dzEt|,*Y|e,M%.。现在我们能够跟被困井下的人对话了&o2HP^_*ks]8tn8。我们将这个洞扩大,把他们从矿井中升上来hv2,acEqP%%+U。”


Authorities say an unknown number remain underground -- and may fear arrest. Those brought to the surface were checked by medics and then handed over to the police. Illegal mining of abandoned shafts is common in South Africa. The miners often live underground in dangerous and precarious conditions. Fatal accidents are common, and underground battles between rival groups have also been reported. As the rescue operations end for the day -- there are no immediate reports of death or injury.






Parents in Shanghai discuss spending red envelope cash


A lot of children received thousands of yuan in red envelopes, known as Hongbao, over the Spring Festival. The practice has also spread to many expat families in Shanghai. ICS Reporter Zhang Ningben talked to local and expat families to find out how their children will deal with the money.


Like many teenagers, Chen Anran received thousands of yuan in cash from relatives during the Spring Festival. But her father will only allow her to spend a small amount of the money.


"My father gave me about 200 yuan from the lucky money. And I will use it to buy books and stationery. If there is still some left, I will give it back to my father for saving." Chen said.


Chen's father says he will put most of the money into a bank account he opened for his daughter. He says children should have some say in how their money is spent, but parents should always keep an eye on them.


"Nowadays, children's "Hongbaos" are getting bigger and bigger. If kids have too much money, they might use it as a comparison at schools. That's bad for their development. My daughter is now 15, but I think she's still too young to deal with money in the proper way.” Chen’s father said.


Many Chinese parents handle cash gifts the same way. But some foreing parents are willing to let their children have more say in how their money is spent.


Americans David and Desiree Talbert say their two kids, a three-year-old son and five-year-old daughter, received 1,200 yuan from their Chinese friends during the holiday. Their mother says when they got the money, she wanted to use it to teach budgeting, especially for their older child,Chloe.


"So we actually went to the store. And I told her that they could spend a certain amount of money, but they couldn't, they have to find the gift or toy that was only that much money. So we had to search all over the store for the right amount." American expat Desiree Talbert said.


One local social science professor says Chinese and western parents tend to have different ideas on how to teach their kids about money.


"The western families want their children to learn how to make a living by themselves as early as possible. So budgeting and making better use of money are part of their family education. While most Chinese parents would like to make financial arrangements for their children, and are very unlikely to let them handle most of the "Hongbao" money." Professor Yu Hai from Shanghai Fudan University said.


Many foreign parents say they guide their children on how to deal with money, much like many Chinese parents. But they also allow children to make mistakes while Chinese parents tend to stop their children from wasting money in the first place.


CCTV9:欧盟经济低迷 看电影人数减少



EU 2013 cinema admissions down 4.1 pct
欧盟经济低迷 看电影人数减少


Less Europeans are going to the movies. Cinema admissions fell 4.1 percent to 908 million last year. That's according to figures from the European Audiovisual Observatory.


The admissions number is the second-lowest level since 2000. Admissions were down in two thirds of the 26 countries of the EU. But the corresponding drop in box office was not as severe, as higher ticket prices, helped in part by surcharges for 3D screenings, helped lessen the pain.


Interestingly, it was the periphery countries like Italy with weaker economies that had stronger admissions numbers.

  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • illegaladj. 不合法的,非法的 n. 非法移民
  • havocn. 大破坏,混乱 vt. 破坏
  • mildadj. 温和的,柔和的
  • cultn. 宗教膜拜仪式,异教,狂热崇拜,个人崇拜
  • fataladj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • concreteadj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的 n. 水泥,混凝土