每日视频新闻:沃尔玛中国再现人事变动 未来或关店25家
日期:2013-10-26 13:13







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Panic on the streets of suburban Damascus


Panic on the streets of suburban Damascus after a car bomb explodes. The attack took place just outside a mosque. At least 40 people were purportedly killed in the blast. Little can be done to contain the flames of war as people try to save each other. In other parts of the country the sound of war rings thorough empty streets. The video which can not be independently verified by Reuters show plumes of smoke -- which are increasingly becoming part of the horizon. Residents in one town in Idlib try to assess the nature of the threat in a country that provides few safe havens. More than 2 million people have fled the country Amid the anguish the death toll rises daily. More than 100,000 people have already been killed in the conflict where a resolution remains stubbornly elusive.



Five people hurt in North Carolina state fair mishap
北卡州狂欢活动意外事故 5人受伤


This is the ride that malfunctioned at the North Carolina State Fair Thursday night. The Vortex is a ride that spins and flips you around. But something went terribly wrong when witnesses say the ride suddenly started to move as people were getting off.


(SOUNDBITE) WITNESS LOTTIE MEADOWS, SAYING: "We saw everybody like turn around running and we looked over and there were a couple of people laying on the ground on the platform of the ride."
目击者LOTTIE MEADOWS:“我们看到每个人似乎都转身逃跑,我们四处看了一下,有几个人躺在游乐车的平台上@i@%][Sg=o5jpS-G4!Ic。”


Five people were rushed to a Raleigh hospital, including the ride operator. Several had serious injuries. Witnesses say some people were thrown off the ride. The injured range in age from 14 to 39.


(SOUNDBITE) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PIO BRIAN LONG, SAYING: "This has shaken us all a little bit. We definitely have these folks in our thoughts and prayers."
北卡罗来纳州农业部PIO BRIAN LONG:“我们所有人都受到了震惊2wFa,6!AJSg2%%+|_T!b。我们都为这些人祈祷~XVQC#K!S*ki2l@Wf0vQ。”


State officials say the Vortex is inspected three times a day. Authorities have started an investigation to figure out how it happened.



Syrian army fights rebels for control of key Christian town


The Syrian government is on the offensive. New video from Syrian state TV shows government forces battling Islamist rebels in the historic Christian town of Sadad. Insurgents stormed the town a day earlier, putting residents on edge. Sources on both sides say the rebels also broke into Sadad's hospital to seize medical supplies. Sadad sits strategically between the northern city of Homs and the capital of Damascus in the south. So far fighting in the country's two-and-a-half-year conflict has left more than 100,000 people dead and millions displaced.



CCTV:沃尔玛中国再现人事变动 未来或关店25家



Wal-Mart to shut 25 unprofitable stores in 2014
沃尔玛中国再现人事变动 未来或关店25家


The world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart, has announced it will be shutting down 25 unprofitable stores in China next year.


But, the U.S. retail giant says it will be opening up many new stores in the next 2 to 3 years. The move comes as Walmart attempts to create a better fit to changing consumer desires here in China.


Although Wal-Mart still remains the biggest foreign supermarket chain in China in terms of revenue and store numbers, the company admits quarterly revenue growth has fallen from 1.2 percent last spring to 0.4 percent this spring. Analaysts say its revenue has been undermined by other emerging retailers.


"You have consumers buy in convinient stores, you have smaller concept poping up from Lian Hua. And most importantly, you have a lot of customers going online. So I think a big part of what Wal-Mart is doing today is adjusting its business portfolio towards that market," said James Button, senior manager of Smith Street Solutions.


Wal-Mart’s French competitor Carrefour is also changing its retail mix in China, and last year closed six stores. Wal-Mart continues to suffer by comparison, however, making only two-thirds of Carrefour’s income on a store-by-store basis. Critical consumers are not hard to find.


"I think there are more kinds of goods in other foreign supermarkets than in Wal-Mart, and they are higher-grade. Wal-Mart is more ordinary," said one customer.


"Wal-Mart has a lot of food, but fewer imported daily goods," said another customer.


One analyst says Wal-Mart’s original success was based on supplying local products made in China, but has failed to keep up with consumers now looking for something different.


"Carrefour has come and they have done a very good job at positioning themselves as a more premium option. Consumers may not neccessarily know that it’s foreign, they certainly don’t always realize that it’s French, but they view it as it is being different. Wal-Mart has been by too localized in some ways they are too easy to replicate. So it’s very easy for local companies to learn from them, they really localized better. So they don’t have anything that sets them apart," said James Button.


Wal-Mart says it plans to open another 30 stores in China next year and 110 more by 2016, especially in smaller cities. 55 stores will be remodeled next year and 65 in 2015. The expansion is to focus on what the company calls Supercenters and Sam’s Clubs, which will better compete with flexible local retailers.





Detroit on path to recovery


Long viewed as the foremost example of US inner-city decline, Detroit is now showing signs of a resurgence in its Downtown and Midtown neighbourhoods.


This the new face of Detroit manufacturing. At least that’s the hope of Shinola, a company that’s recently started producing luxury items including leather goods, bicycles and watches, in the heart of Midtown. With components imported from Switzerland, around 120 local workers assemble the motions here, allowing the city’s name to be proudly displayed on each timepiece.Like many of the start-ups in this business incubator, the company’s chief executive brushes off concerns about the city’s recent declaration of bankruptcy.


Steve Bock, Chief Executive, Shinola, said, “You know look, clearly you read about it every day in terms of what all the challenges are. This is something that is way beyond our scope and that we don’t deal with on a daily basis or on a weekly basis - really the effect on us has been insignificant."


Shinola was attracted to Detroit partly by the city’s long history of manufacturing and, analysts note, because its growing comeback narrative’ could be good for branding.But the biggest draw for businesses has been improved security, brought about by cooperation between Midtown’s major institutions. These include a university, two major hospitals and a number of museums.


Professor Robin Boyle, Urban Planning, Wayne State Univ., said, "This is one of the safest neighbourhoods in any major city in North America. High-quality policing using the most up to date technology, not just on campus here but spreading out towards the neighbourhoods. If there’s one thing that’s really had a major change, and changed the mindset of people here, it’s improved public safety.”


Paired with low rents, this has drawn in young creative professionals and means that, in Midtown at least, there’s now a housing shortage.It’s a similar story Downtown, with office vacancy rates at a four year low. Major firms such as Quicken Loans have lead the return. If it’s to recover from bankruptcy, the city will need companies both large and small.


"While the individual impact of Shinola or one or two of the other smaller contemporary manufacturing companies is tiny,miniscule, the image that is portrayed around the world is very different, it is a contrasting image, and that is very important.”Professor Robin Boyle said.


Despite big improvements in the centre, much of the city still looks like this. Now home to just 700,000 people, Detroit was built for more than twice that number... As Downtown starts to recover, one of the city’s biggest challenges will be how to deal with its decaying and emptying outskirts.

  • conceptn. 概念,观念
  • replicatev. 折叠,复制,模写 n. 同样的样品 adj. 转折
  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • offensiveadj. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的 n. 进攻
  • scopen. 能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地 vt. 仔细研究
  • unprofitableadj. 没有利润的,无益的
  • flexibleadj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • announced宣布的
  • conflictn. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗 vi. 冲突,争执,抵触