每日视频新闻:阿根廷城铁出轨 司机遭群殴
日期:2013-10-21 07:30



路透社:阿根廷城铁出轨 司机遭群殴




就业市场竞争激烈 年轻人赴韩国整容


李天一强奸罪名成立 被判10年监禁







Train crash leaves 36 injured in Buenos Aires
阿根廷城铁出轨 司机遭群殴


At least 36 people were injured in Buenos Aires on Saturday morning after a commuter train slammed into a station, almost reaching the turnstiles. It happened at the Once station on the busy Sarmiento line. Passengers described the moment of impact.


SOUNDBITE: Unidentified Passenger saying (Spanish): "You didn't feel hard braking, the train was at the same speed in which it was coming. What I heard was the impact and then the lights went out."


This is the same station where 52 people were killed last year in an almost identical collision. Local media say a mob formed here shortly after the crash and tried to attack the train operators.



New Jersey becomes 14th U.S. state to allow same-sex marriage


New Jersey's top court denied Governor Christ Christie's request to put a hold on gay marriage, while the state's appeal is being heard. Dozens of same-sex marriage advocates celebrated the news Friday. On Monday, same sex couples here will be allowed to legally tie the knot, making New Jersey the 14th state in the United States to allow same sex-sex marriage, in addition to the District of Columbia.
新泽西高级法庭拒绝了州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)延缓同性婚姻的要求,这个州民众的呼吁得到了听取ylHFuG|knOldkhn%S。周五,数十名同性婚姻的捍卫者庆祝了该消息pHHd4JTEInJv。周一,这里的同性恋情侣将获准合法地喜结良缘,使新泽西州成为美国第十四个允许同性婚姻的州H0noknL@JG|V。哥伦比亚区也已宣布同性婚姻合法dSjt%pSvNp_(M~t


Marsha Shapiro tells Reuters her story: "We've been wanting to get married for a long time. We have been together over 24 years, we were religiously married over 21 years ago. We have four children and four grandchildren and another one on the way. It's time that we get married."
Marsha Shapiro向路透社讲述了她的故事:“我们想要结婚已经很久了5T(A2LF]Ygq。过去24年我们一直在一起,21年前,我们通过宗教仪式结婚xr0S.O]aqs,Rm,k。我们有4个子女,4个孙子,另外一个也快出世了xxVnV]JN!Dw1q)w[。我们是时候结婚了R3z=YGK38s。”


But same sex marriage is much more than just a piece of paper for Rich Kiamco:
但是对Rich Kiamco来说,同性婚姻的意义远远超过一张结婚证书:


(SOUNDBITE) (English) RICH KIAMCO (PRONOUNCED KEMCO), STAND-UP COMEDIAN AND JERSEY CITY RESIDENT, SAYING: "This act, getting this piece of paper and having this ceremony at midnight, I mean it's beautiful, it's fun. It's a much more profound statement towards the universe, (saying) 'no we are equal and we are not accepting anything less than equality and protection.' So we have to do this."
喜剧演员,泽西市居民RICH KIAMCO:“这种行为,获得结婚证书,在午夜举行仪式,这是非常美好,非常有趣的Nm1q|kyFS*c~z0。这比探索宇宙更有意义,‘我们是平等的,我们只接受平等和保护dJq2),MOD9,IUf3C%GL。’所以,我们必须这样做,A(2G;OSezvy。”


New Jersey is the first state to lift a ban on gay marriage after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a federal law in June defining marriage as between a man and a woman.



U.S. tourists visit Cuba in record numbers


Despite travel restrictions - Americans are visiting Cuba in record numbers. New statistics released by the Cuban government show more than 98,000 U.S. citizens traveled to the communist-run island in 2012 - up from about 73,000 in 2011. These numbers don't include visits by U.S. diplomats - or the estimated hundreds of thousands of Cuban Americans who travel home each year. American tourist Robert Batha said getting to Cuba is difficult - but worth it.
尽管旅行限制的存在,美国赴古巴旅行的游客却达到前所未有的数量MS6NJhQQ|p8A.Wv。古巴政府公布的新的统计数据显示,2012年,超过98,000名美国公民到这个共产主义统治的岛屿旅行,2011年仅有73,000人4%D2;dQ&Db]Ghk*eOe。这些数字并不包括美国外交官的访问,也不包括每年回国探亲的古巴籍美国公民xrbDootfR0J3!&41F2x0。美国游客Robert Batha表示,去古巴非常困难,但是是值得的+w;3X;X]^22f([K8T9;


SOUNDBITE: Robert Batha, U.S. tourist on cultural exchange in Cuba, saying: "It's not easy. We don't get to travel directly to Cuba. We came through Cancun, through Mexico. I don't think we're officially supposed to be here but we're on a cultural exchange because we're all avid photographers."


The rise in U.S. tourism is linked to the loosening of travel restrictions by the Obama administration. Cuban Americans now are allowed to visit to their native country freely - and, under a program launched in 2011, the U.S. government grants licenses for educational and cultural groups to travel to Cuba.



CCTV:火灾愈演愈烈 澳大利亚200房屋被毁



Wildfires worsen, 200 homes destroyed in Austrlia
火灾愈演愈烈 澳大利亚200房屋被毁


Australian firefighters are still battling destructive wildfires in New South Wales that have so far killed one person and destroyed more than two hundred homes.


Authorities say 68 fires are still burning, with 22 of them out of control.


Around 1,500 firefighters have been back-burning in an effort to contain the blazes. Several roads in fire-affected areas of Sydney have been closed. With higher temperatures and winds expected in the coming days, New South Wales State is bracing for worsening conditions.


Police have charged two girls, aged 12 and 13, with lighting a fire in a woodland on Sydney’s western fringe on Friday. They will appear in a juvenile court on December the 4th. It’s not clear what penalty they could face if convicted.






China to launch Chang'e 3 to the moon in December


As China marks the 10-year anniversary of its first manned spaceflight, the nation is gearing up to launch its most complex robotic mission to the moon. During a recent speech, one of the project’s researchers said the liftoff of Chang’e 3, named after a Chinese lunar goddess, is to take place in December.


The project is part of the second phase of China’s three-step robotic lunar exploration program of orbiting and landing probes, followed by a mission to collect select samples from the moon. Researchers say that a number of breakthroughs were sought to achieve a soft landing on the moon and carry out rover operations.


China has also initiated a public campaign to name the moon rover, which will be revealed next Month after several judging rounds. Chang’e 3 is built upon the success of China’s lunar orbiters Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2, which returned a catalog of lunar surface imagery and other data after launching in 2007 and 2010, respectively.

  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • explorationn. 探险,踏勘,探测
  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • districtn. 区,地区,行政区 vt. 把 ... 划分成区
  • fringen. 流苏,次要,边缘,额外补贴 vt. 用流苏修饰,镶
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • profoundadj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易