每日视频新闻:印度寺庙踩踏事件 已致115人死亡
日期:2013-10-16 11:32



路透社:印度寺庙踩踏事件 已致115人死亡




就业市场竞争激烈 年轻人赴韩国整容


李天一强奸罪名成立 被判10年监禁







Death toll in India stampede rises to 115, search called off
印度寺庙踩踏事件 已致115人死亡


A deadly mistake in India. At least 115 people wee trampled to death in central India ....after panic erupted as crowds were crossing a bridge as pilgrims were gathering to mark the end of a Hindu holy festival. Many were crushed by the crowd. Others drowned when they fell or jumped into the a river amid the panic Police say it started with a rumor although investigations continue.


(SOUNDBITE) (Hindi) DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL (DIG) OF MADHYA PRADESH POLICE, DATIA RANGE, DILIP ARYA, SAYING: "This all happened because of a rumor. At 8:30 in the morning some people on the bridge spread a rumor that the bridge was falling. This is a new bridge, it is strong .. it was just a rumor. But people were frightened and started running and that caused the stampede."
印度中央邦警方检察长DILIP ARYA:“一切都起因于谣言8eJ;h4t5HU8。早上8:30,桥上有人开始散播谣言,说桥梁倒塌了JDo[4kTiCy22YGFV+。这是一座新桥,非常坚固,这只是谣言(eE,&;3cl!N+eC+Q。但是人们非常害怕,开始四处逃散,导致踩踏事件的发生5N7uMChjWg!3Qw!。”


In the aftermath a chorus of grief as people mourn the loss of loved ones. Some sit with those they lost for the very last time. The search for survivors has been called off.



Police rounding up migrants in Moscow after riots
莫斯科发生暴动 警方围捕移民


Police in Russia are cracking down on migrants. In Moscow, more than 1,000 people have been detained. Officials are searching for a suspect in the fatal stabbing of a man last week that is being blamed on a migrant. The crime has sparked the biggest outbreak of anti-migrant unrest in the capital in several years. The unrest even caused a riot on Sunday when a group stormed a vegetable market where many migrants work. One local shop vendor, who posted a flyer of the murder suspect's photo on her store, supports the crackdown.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SHOP VENDOR TATYANA, SAYING: "This rally should have prompted our authorities to take some measures. I doubt it will happen though. Quite the opposite - things will get only nastier, the migrants will continue to pick people off one by one and... and I just can't imagine what they'll do to them."


Meanwhile, a naturalized Russian citizen of Azerbaijani origin who works as an entrepreneur, says he does not expect any changes to the treatment of migrants.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) ENTREPRENEUR OF AZERBAIJANI ORIGIN, NATURALISED RUSSIAN CITIZEN, GAFAR OVINTEGYAN, SAYING: "We have not caused any scandal. It was all set up. Will it lead to anything good? No, nothing good will come out of it. They shout, scream at us, telling us to leave. Do you think that would change anything? Nothing would change. It would be only worse."
阿塞拜疆籍企业家,自然归化的俄罗斯公民GAFAR OVINTEGYAN:“我们没有造成任何丑闻sUdhlgW@u|wiUVnY_。一切都是注定的V;XcdstUf%bI~zd4!qn。改变对待移民的方式是否会产生比较好的效果?不,不会有任何好的结果gh(2ibz5iUSk^,~xU。他们对我们大喊大叫,让我们离开Z9R!*QKuacF,。你认为这会导致改变吗?不,一切都不会改变,只会更加糟糕B@H0Hx-Q^C.FQ^tKU.7q。”


Many of Russia's migrants come from the heavily Muslim North Caucasus and ex-Soviet states of the Caucasus and Central Asia.



Utah National Parks to reopen despite shutdown
联邦政府关闭 犹他州重开国家公园


It's official. Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed off on a deal to reopen the state's five national parks despite the government shutdown. Welcome news for small tourist towns like Springdale that have been hit hard by the closures. The mayor says businesses have suffered.


SOUNDBITE: SPRINGDALE'S MAYOR PAT CLUFF SAYING: "People who have had reservations have cancelled those. And we don't know if they've decided to go some place else."
斯普林市市长PAT CLUFF:“曾经预订过的人取消了2Sxcoo+),3h=X。我们不知道他们是否决定去其他地方)0x56coUgTLr)[mG。”


Under the deal, the governor will use state money to pay workers from the National Park Service to keep parks open for the next 10 days starting on Saturday.


SOUNDBITE: UTAH GOVERNOR GARY HERBERT SAYING: "I'm just ecstatic that we're able to do this and the people of Southern Utah, the bed and breakfasts, the small restaurants, the people who really make their livelihood on tourism travel, this is a godsend to them. They've been decimated because of this." Tourist companies say their phones are ringing off the hook. Come Saturday, the buses and crowds will be back.


SOUNDBITE: TODD WEBER OF HIGH POINT TOURS SAYING: "I've been on the phone more in the last week than in my entire life." October is one of the busiest times of the year for national parks in Utah.
HIGH POINT TOUR旅游公司的TODD WEBER:“过去一周我接的电话比我一辈子接的都多,EJke5_95F(sZ4[fi。十月份是犹他州国家公园最繁忙的季节wf*~Z;r;;F|*I。”





Strong cold front begins to sweep China


A strong cold front is affecting most of China. Temperatures in northwest China and Inner Mongolia have fallen by 6 to 12 degrees Celsius, while freezing temperatures have been recorded in the northeast.


The front is expected to hit southern China later Tuesday, with temperatures expected to drop by 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, with strong winds.


The state oceanic forecast station has issued an alert for rough weather in the Bohai, Yellow and East China Sea.


CCTV9:菲律宾发生7.2级地震 未引发海啸



7.2-magnitude quake hits Philippines
菲律宾发生7.2级地震 未引发海啸


A 7.2-magnitude quake has jolted the Philippines. The USGS says it hit at 8:12 this morning Beijing Time.


The quake struck at a depth of about 35 kilometers around Bohol Island, to the north of Mindanao Island. A building collapsed in Bohol, and four people are dead.


The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said there was no threat of a Pacific-wide tsunami.

  • hookn. 钩状物,勾拳,钩 v. 钩住,弯成(钩装),当妓女
  • entrepreneurn. 企业家,主办者,承包商
  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • roughadj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • screamn. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫,大笑