每日视频新闻:泰国警方缴获大量海洛因 疑走私香港
日期:2013-08-10 10:17



路透社:泰国警方缴获大量海洛因 疑走私香港




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Thai police seize $16m heroin haul
泰国警方缴获大量海洛因 疑走私香港


Thai police arrested four men after seizing nearly 240 kilogrammes of heroin. Some reports say the haul is worth almost $16 million dollars. A Thai man and three from Taiwan are being held as a result of the raid. Thai media reports said officers were acting on a tip-off when they raided a hotel where one of the men was staying. The drugs were packed in suitcases.Investigators say they believe the suspects were heading to Hong Kong.



Suicide bombing kills dozens during police funeral in Pakistan


A suicide bomb kills dozens in the middle of a policeman's funeral in Quetta, Pakistan. Local TV stations were broadcasting live when the bomber detonated his jacket packed with ball bearings and shrapnel. Remnants of the deadly attack stained the grounds of the mosque where the funeral was taking place. Policemen carried away numerous colleagues on stretchers, packing the hospitals with bodies a day after a fellow officer was gunned down. Among the dead was the city's deputy inspector general of operations. The bombing also killed five senior police officers and a number of children attending the funeral. More than 60 others were wounded. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attack. Quetta is home to a number of militant groups. The bombing is just the latest in a series of deadly attacks since Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif came to power in May.
巴基斯坦奎达一名警察举行葬礼期间发生自杀式炸弹袭击,造成数十人死亡vZ)(I[4mh)&LHA。当时当地电视台正在直播,自杀式爆炸者引爆了装有滚珠和弹片的夹克@YwbmS^~a+。致命袭击发生后,举行葬礼的清真寺一片狼藉VDU2&TYSt,d。警方用担架抬走了许多同事,医院顿时拥挤不堪WJOZRU&T[@XWMddx。就在一天之前,这名警官才刚刚被枪杀fP.P!]e+@_5@u。死者中还包括该市警方刑侦首脑um^;,!ZW~pH.WxM7Nkx。爆炸还造成5名高级警官和参加葬礼的几名儿童遇难]40JjPe^r9s,wyp&9(.#。此外还有60多人受伤qm,nj_KpbqC。目前还不清楚这起袭击的幕后黑手YnH%r=B^MsxoM。奎达是几个好战组织的基地*I[!hNU=gg|Tk^rd%I&。自总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)五月份执掌政权以来,发生了一系列致命袭击,这是最新的一起k-g*^!@.L43a



Confusion at re-opened Kenya airport
肯尼亚机场火灾后重新开放 场面混乱


Nairobi's main airport struggled on Friday as passenger queues built and information was hard to come by. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport reopened after a devastating fire on Wednesday forced its closure. International passenger flights were suspended and thousands were stranded. But the delays aren't over.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) PASSENGER, ANDY SOMEN, SAYING: "We were supposed to leave at 9:05, we're going to Johannesburg and we were waiting in line but nobody seems to be going inside. It's a little frustrating because nobody tells us what's going on."
乘客ANDY SOMEN:“我们原本应该在9:05起飞,我们前往约翰内斯堡,已经在排队等候,但是似乎没有人进去%]fR^mthKO4*v#ueT。有点沮丧,因为没有人告诉我们现在是什么情况RjgU[mPix~[U。”


Wednesday's fire gutted the arrivals area but the cause of the blaze is as yet unknown. Kenya's Minister for Transport Michael Kamau said the government is receiving help from international agencies to find out what happened. As investigators pick their way through the charred ruins, it's certainly not business as usual for East Africa's busiest airport.
周三的火灾摧毁了到达区,但是火灾起因尚不明确tbL1T@FFRz。肯尼亚交通部长迈克尔·卡马乌(Michael Kamau)表示,政府已经受到国际机构的援助,帮忙调查事实真相Iai,pUE@%o;@KWTGRlZ!。调查人员正在烧焦的废墟中艰难跋涉,对于东非这个最繁忙的机场来说,肯定不能像往常那样平静了+i3Jy,|pb6riLF9





New Zealand PM hopes to restore confidence in Chinese consumers


The New Zealand government has responded quickly to the Fonterra contaminated milk products scandal. In an interview with CCTV, Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand authorities will investigate the cause of the incident, and he hopes Chinese consumers will soon have their confidence restored in New Zealand products.


Prime Minister Key says the New Zealand government immediately informed supervision departments and media in affected countries, as soon as news surfaced about the contamination.


The government is now conducting a full investigation to find out who is responsible.


John Key said "As a country, New Zealand highly values the food safety records. It’s crucial for the products we sell. It’s why we receive for around the world. Fonterra also has the legal obligations that they need to meet. So clearly the government wants to understand if there is a faulty in the process, why it occurred, who is responsible, and what’s happening back there. And we also want to make sure that we can restore for international consumers as well as domestic consumers, and ensure that they have confidence in our products."


In terms of trade relations between China and New Zealand, the Prime Minister says China is now his country’s biggest trade partner.


And he hopes the incident will not harm that.


Meanwhile, Fonterra’s top executives have visited Parliament in Wellington to brief senior ministers and officials about the crisis and their own investigation.





China's love for imported milk powder hit hard


China’s love affair with imported milk powder has taken a hit after New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra was embroiled in a milk powder scandal. But some analysts stress that the incident may not have a lasting impact on China’s preference for foreign- brands.


Strolling through the park with her 40-day-old grandson, Ms Zhang says choosing safe baby formula in China has became a tougher job, now that foreign brands have also been tainted.


Consumer Ms. Zhang said, "My grandson has been taking the US brand called Abbott since he was born. As soon as we heard about that toxic bacteria was found in imported dairy products from overseas, we went immediately online to see whether the specific type of milk powder we’ve been buying is safe or not, luckily this brand is safe."


In 2008, a melamine scandal involving a Chinese brand of baby formula left six children dead and tens of thousands sick.


This has forced many families in the Chinese mainland to buy imported brands.


But just last week, China began a mass recall of milk products produced by the world’s largest dairy exporter Fonterra, after toxic bacteria was found in its baby formula.


The contamination scandal has soured many Chinese parents away from New Zealand’s dairy products.


But some parents are still sceptical about domestic brands.


CCTV reporter Xie Sisi said, "Chinese consumers’ love for foreign milk powder has been shaken by the Fonterra scandal.


Analysts say the incident offers an opportunity for Chinese dairy companies to rebuild their brands and trust among Chinese consumers. But to take the place of imported milk powder, analysts say Chinese producers need to do more than just offer lower prices. Quality is what matters most, especially among Chinese parents. "

  • impactn. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力) vt. 挤入,压紧
  • scandaln. 丑闻,中伤,反感,耻辱
  • confusionn. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态
  • crucialadj. 关键的,决定性的
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • taintedadj. 污染的;感染的
  • faultyadj. 有错误的,有缺点的