每日视频新闻:四川雅安7.0级地震 逾百人死亡数千伤
日期:2013-04-21 12:01



路透社新闻:四川雅安7.0级地震 逾百人死亡数千伤



美国德州一化肥厂爆炸 60至70人遇难

美国波士顿遭恐怖袭击 连环爆炸3死百伤

关注H7N9禽流感 全国已感染60人死亡13





Police capture second Boston marathon suspect




It started just as it was getting dark on Friday -- armored vehicles and police with assault weapons moved in on Boston Marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Media are reporting that the 19-year-old is a live and now in police custody.Many in the Boston suburb of Watertown reported hearing gun shots as the operation began. Police will now focus on interrogating him about the explosion and possible links to violent groups. This image released by FBI earlier in the day shows him purchasing Red Bull energy drinks at a local convenience store ahead of the shootout that killed his brother.


周五晚上天色刚刚暗下,武装警察和装甲车辆开始对波士顿马拉松爆炸案疑犯Dzhokhar Tsarnaev发起进攻Sriy#sHD#+6fdV!!]su。媒体报道称19岁的嫌犯现在已被警方拘留@5_C@g2ckls6A@。许多人在波士顿水城郊区称,抓捕行动展开后听到了枪声Qq(m3%PzO~uttUXh。警方目前的主要任务是审问嫌犯有关爆炸的事情,以及与此可能相关的暴力团体vzV=&xdrau#J9。从联邦调查局早些时候公布的画面可以看到,嫌犯在警方枪杀其兄弟的前些时候在当地的一家便利店购买了红牛供能饮料%ynL~r!=L~[qG2=BTr



Scores dead in China earthquake


四川雅安7.0级地震 逾百人死亡数千伤



Rescue efforts are underway in southwest China where a powerful earthquake killed at least 100 people and left thousands more injured. The quake measuring 6.6 magnitude hit a remote area of Sichuan province on Saturday (April 20). At the epicentre in Lushan county, rescuers have already pulled more than 30 people alive from underneath collapsed buildings. Water and electricity have been cut off, leaving concerns about the welfare of survivors. As a number of powerful aftershocks hit the area, a hospital set up an open-air emergency facility to help the injured. People have been arriving from across the county. Many say they were hit by falling rubble as they fled their homes. State media says thousands of troops are on their way to help with the rescue operation and to distribute supplies. The quake happened close to area where 70,000 died when another powerful hit in 2008.





Obama vows answers after arrest of Boston bombing suspect


波士顿爆炸案嫌犯被捕 奥巴马誓言寻求答案



President Barack Obama appears in the White House briefing room after police arrested the lone surviving suspect of the Boston Marathon bombings.





U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "Obviously tonight there are still many unanswered questions. Among them: Why did young men who grew up and studied here as part of our communities and country resort to such violence? How did they plan and carry out these attacks, and did they receive any help? The families of those killed so senselessly deserve answers ." He pledged that the United States would find out whether the two brothers suspected of carrying out the bombings had help.





U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "We will determine what happened, we will investigate any associations that these terrorists may have had and we'll continue to do whatever we have to do to keep our people safe." One suspect was killed in an overnight shootout with police. The second suspect was arrested in the Boston suburb of Watertown, ending the manhunt.








Premier Li: Saving lives top priority





YA'AN, SICHUAN, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday afternoon visited the area torn by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in China's Sichuan Province, calling for wasting no time to save lives.



In the epicenter, Lushan County of Ya'an City, Li visited temporary settlements, hospitals, tents and climbing on a heap of ruin to see the disaster situation, expressed condolences to the victims and the survivors, and guided the rescue and relief work on site.



The earthquake hit Lushan County at 8:02 a.m. Beijing time Saturday. Authorities said at least 160 people have been killed and more than 6,700 injured as of 0:40 a.m. Sunday Beijing Time.



As the electricity supply had not yet been resumed, Li had to hold a meeting late Saturday night with flashlights in a tent in the epicenter Lushan County after seeing the disaster situation on the afternoon.



After listening to the reports from officials of Sichuan Province, the armed forces, armed police force and relevant government departments, Li endorsed the current rescue and disaster relief work, saying that the priority work of Sichuan province under current situation is the rescue and disaster relief, with saving lives as the chief mission.



Li urged local officials to check every house and make the utmost effort to save lives so long as there is one gleam of hope, deploy capable medical personnel to treat and cure the injured, and transfer seriously injured people outside in time so as to lower the mortality rate and disability rate.



Transportation must be unimpeded, said Li, adding that the railway and transportation departments should make every effort to facilitate the entry of tents, quilts and other materials into the quake-hit area. Vehicles in the area should give way to rescue units and medical teams so that they can reach the places that need them.



Li decided to allocate 20,000 more tents and 800 sets of mobile houses to the disaster area, and asked the railway and transportation departments to deliver them as soon as possible.



Li called for making clear the allowance standard for temporary resettlement of victims, and ensure enough funds for disaster relief and resettlement work.



As aftershocks continue to hit the area, Li urged relevant departments to organize experts to assess the damage of buildings and eliminate any hidden dangers.



Li called for the service of more professionals with know-how to deal with the aftermath of disaster in a scientific way. He ordered 200 more search and rescue specialists to arrive in the quake-hit area on Saturday night.



Li also called for an integrated and effective command mechanism for disaster relief, asking all the relevant organs to carry out their responsibilities and cooperate with each other to ensure the rescue work proceed in a timely, well-organized and scientific way.



He ordered electricity suppliers to bring back power before 9 p.m. Saturday. He visited the Lushan Middle School, where many people had been relocated, after he learned that power supply had been restored in some temporary settlements and hospitals.



Li arrived at the disaster area on Saturday afternoon by helicopter shortly after he arrived at Qionglai airport in the southwestern province from Beijing.



When visiting the county hospital in Lushan, Li asked the patients injured in the quake about their feelings and the conditions of their family members, reassuring them that the Party and government will make the utmost effort to treat them.



After learning the medical staff's poor living conditions and the shortage of first aid materials, Li urged local government and relevant central departments to guarantee the logistics and the supply of medical resources.



Li later visited Shuangshi and Longmen, the two townships that were damaged the most in the quake. In spite of the danger of continuous aftershocks, Li mounted a heap of ruins and asked rescue workers whether there were still people buried in the ruins.



"The current priority is to save lives," said Li, "we should grasp the golden period for saving lives and waste no moment."



He urged rescue workers to search every corner of the ruins to ensure no life will be missed.



Villagers crowded around after knowing Li had come, telling the premier about the situation at the moment of the quake and the damages to their families. Li listened carefully, and comforted a senior village, saying that the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the government will help them to pass the difficult time.



Li called a meeting at the front-line headquarters in Longmen Township, saying it is important to ensure enough tents on Saturday night for quake victims and prevent new casualties in aftershocks and secondary disasters. He also urged military units on rescue missions to restore communications to the isolated Baoxing County.



Li asked people in Sichuan not to be depressed by the disaster.



Li left Beijing for Sichuan at 13:15 p.m. Saturday. During the flight, Li listened to reports from relevant ministries and armed forces.



"The current most urgent issue is grasping the first 24 hours after the quake's occurrence, the golden time for saving lives, to take scientific rescue measures and save peoples' lives," Li said on the plane.



"Life is the most important thing and the top priority is saving lives, " Li said. No minute or even second should be delayed during the "golden rescue period" in the first 72 hours after the quake.



He urged rescuers to examine every house to ensure all the injured residents are saved amid continuous aftershocks.



Deaths and injuries should be reduced to the minimum. Medical staff must treat rescued people in a timely manner, Li said.



He also ordered the guarantee of accommodation, food and safe water for residents in the quake zone as well as measures against any epidemic situation.



Li called for efforts to prevent further tragedies caused by aftershocks and geological disasters such as landslides. Public awareness of self-protection should also be promoted by government departments.



He urged relevant departments to provide enough tents, materials for first aid, vehicles and other rescue and relief materials, waste no time to repair damaged facilities concerning electricity, communications and roads, so as to ensure timely and accurate delivery of disaster relief resources.



All reserve forces for disaster relief should be on stand-by 24 hours everyday to provide possible support for disaster areas.



Li urged strengthening the cooperation between central and local governments, so as to ensure scientific, effective, orderly and vigorous disaster-relief work.



He odered releasing accurate information on the disaster situation, quake-relief work as well as death toll and injuries in a timely manner so as to boost people' s confidence and thus make them reassured.



He also demanded preparation for post-disaster reconstruction work.



"We once underwent catastrophes and have experience in dealing with them. We have quite a fine emergency response system," Li said, adding that "under the strong leadership of the Party and government, and as long as we unite as one and conduct rescue work scientifically, we are able to minimize the losses and overcome the disaster."



Earlier in the day, Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered all-out efforts to rescue victims and minimize deaths and injuries.



The State Council, or the cabinet, has launched a first-grade emergency response to the earthquake. Emergency teams of ministries, armed forces and armed police are heading to the quake zone.



The epicenter, with a depth of 13 km, was monitored at 30.3 degrees north latitude and 103.0 degrees east longitude.



Ya'an has a population of 1.53 million and is known as the hometown of the giant panda. It is about 140 kilometers away from the provincial capital Chengdu City.





President Obama Speaks on Common-Sense Measures to Reduce Gun Violence





MR. BARDEN: Hello. My name is Mark Barden. Just four months ago, my wife Jackie and I lost our son, and our children, James and Natalie, they lost their little brother Daniel. Daniel was a first-grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our sweet, 7-year-old Daniel was one of 20 children, six adults lost on December 14th. I have to say it feels like it was just yesterday.



In our deepest grief, we were supported by the love of our families and comforted by the love and prayers we received from millions of America, from every corner of the country.



What happened in Newtown can happen anywhere. In any instant, any dad in America could be in my shoes. No one should feel the pain. No one should feel our pain or the pain felt by the tens of thousands of people who’ve lost loved ones to senseless gun violence.



And that's why we're here. Two weeks ago, 12 of us from Newtown came to meet with U.S. senators and have a conversation about how to bring common-sense solutions to the issues of gun violence. We came with a sense of hope, optimistic that real conversation could begin that would ultimately save the lives of so many Americans. We met with dozens of Democrats and Republicans and shared with them pictures of our children, our spouses, our parents who lost their lives on December 14th.



Expanded background checks wouldn't have saved our loved ones, but still we came to support the bipartisan proposal from two senators, both with “A” ratings from the NRA -- a common-sense proposal supported by 90 percent of Americans. It‘s a proposal that will save lives without interfering with the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners.



We'll return home now, disappointed but not defeated. We return home with the determination that change will happen -- maybe not today, but it will happen. It will happen soon. We've always known this would be a long road, and we don't have the luxury of turning back. We will keep moving forward and build public support for common-sense solutions in the areas of mental health, school safety, and gun safety.



We take strength from the children and loved ones that we lost, and we carry a great faith in the American people.



On behalf of the Sandy Hook Promise, I would like to thank President Obama, Vice President Biden for their leadership and for standing strong and continuing to fight for a safer America. I would like to thank Senators Toomey, Manchin, Schumer and Kirk on coming together to seek common ground on legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of criminals and save lives.



And I would like to thank Connecticut’s Senators Blumenthal and Murphy. They’ve been right with us. They stood by us right from the very beginning. From the first few hours after this tragedy they were with us.



We will not be defeated. We are not defeated, and we will not be defeated. We are here now; we will always be here because we have no other choice. We are not going away. And every day, as more people are killed in this country because of gun violence, our determination grows stronger.



We leave Washington hoping that others, both here and across the country, will join us in making the Sandy Hook Promise, a pledge that we'd had great hope that more U.S. senators would take literally. I'd like to end by repeating the words with which the Sandy Hook Promise begins: Our hearts are broken. Our spirit is not.



Thank you. It is now my great pleasure to introduce the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.



THE PRESIDENT: A few months ago, in response to too many tragedies -- including the shootings of a United States Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, who’s here today, and the murder of 20 innocent schoolchildren and their teachers –- this country took up the cause of protecting more of our people from gun violence.



Families that know unspeakable grief summoned the courage to petition their elected leaders –- not just to honor the memory of their children, but to protect the lives of all our children. And a few minutes ago, a minority in the United States Senate decided it wasn’t worth it. They blocked common-sense gun reforms even while these families looked on from the Senate gallery.



By now, it’s well known that 90 percent of the American people support universal background checks that make it harder for a dangerous person to buy a gun. We’re talking about convicted felons, people convicted of domestic violence, people with a severe mental illness. Ninety percent of Americans support that idea. Most Americans think that's already the law.



And a few minutes ago, 90 percent of Democrats in the Senate just voted for that idea. But it’s not going to happen because 90 percent of Republicans in the Senate just voted against that idea.



A majority of senators voted “yes” to protecting more of our citizens with smarter background checks. But by this continuing distortion of Senate rules, a minority was able to block it from moving forward.



I’m going to speak plainly and honestly about what’s happened here because the American people are trying to figure out how can something have 90 percent support and yet not happen. We had a Democrat and a Republican -– both gun owners, both fierce defenders of our Second Amendment, with “A” grades from the NRA -- come together and worked together to write a common-sense compromise on background checks. And I want to thank Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey for their courage in doing that. That was not easy given their traditional strong support for Second Amendment rights.



As they said, nobody could honestly claim that the package they put together infringed on our Second Amendment rights. All it did was extend the same background check rules that already apply to guns purchased from a dealer to guns purchased at gun shows or over the Internet. So 60 percent of guns are already purchased through a background check system; this would have covered a lot of the guns that are currently outside that system.



Their legislation showed respect for gun owners, and it showed respect for the victims of gun violence. And Gabby Giffords, by the way, is both -- she’s a gun owner and a victim of gun violence. She is a Westerner and a moderate. And she supports these background checks.



In fact, even the NRA used to support expanded background checks. The current leader of the NRA used to support these background checks. So while this compromise didn’t contain everything I wanted or everything that these families wanted, it did represent progress. It represented moderation and common sense. That’s why 90 percent of the American people supported it.



But instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill. They claimed that it would create some sort of “big brother” gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry. Plain and simple, right there in the text. But that didn’t matter.



And unfortunately, this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose, because those lies upset an intense minority of gun owners, and that in turn intimidated a lot of senators. And I talked to several of these senators over the past few weeks, and they’re all good people. I know all of them were shocked by tragedies like Newtown. And I also understand that they come from states that are strongly pro-gun. And I have consistently said that there are regional differences when it comes to guns, and that both sides have to listen to each other.



But the fact is most of these senators could not offer any good reason why we wouldn’t want to make it harder for criminals and those with severe mental illnesses to buy a gun. There were no coherent arguments as to why we wouldn’t do this. It came down to politics -- the worry that that vocal minority of gun owners would come after them in future elections. They worried that the gun lobby would spend a lot of money and paint them as anti-Second Amendment.



And obviously, a lot of Republicans had that fear, but Democrats had that fear, too. And so they caved to the pressure, and they started looking for an excuse -- any excuse -- to vote “no.”



One common argument I heard was that this legislation wouldn’t prevent all future massacres. And that’s true. As I said from the start, no single piece of legislation can stop every act of violence and evil. We learned that tragically just two days ago. But if action by Congress could have saved one person, one child, a few hundred, a few thousand -- if it could have prevented those people from losing their lives to gun violence in the future while preserving our Second Amendment rights, we had an obligation to try.



And this legislation met that test. And too many senators failed theirs.



I've heard some say that blocking this step would be a victory. And my question is, a victory for who? A victory for what? All that happened today was the preservation of the loophole that lets dangerous criminals buy guns without a background check. That didn’t make our kids safer. Victory for not doing something that 90 percent of Americans, 80 percent of Republicans, the vast majority of your constituents wanted to get done? It begs the question, who are we here to represent?



I've heard folks say that having the families of victims lobby for this legislation was somehow misplaced. "A prop," somebody called them. “Emotional blackmail,” some outlet said. Are they serious? Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence don’t have a right to weigh in on this issue? Do we think their emotions, their loss is not relevant to this debate?



So all in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington.



But this effort is not over. I want to make it clear to the American people we can still bring about meaningful changes that reduce gun violence, so long as the American people don’t give up on it. Even without Congress, my administration will keep doing everything it can to protect more of our communities. We’re going to address the barriers that prevent states from participating in the existing background check system. We’re going to give law enforcement more information about lost and stolen guns so it can do its job. We’re going to help to put in place emergency plans to protect our children in their schools.



But we can do more if Congress gets its act together. And if this Congress refuses to listen to the American people and pass common-sense gun legislation, then the real impact is going to have to come from the voters.



To all the people who supported this legislation -- law enforcement and responsible gun owners, Democrats and Republicans, urban moms, rural hunters, whoever you are -- you need to let your representatives in Congress know that you are disappointed, and that if they don’t act this time, you will remember come election time.



To the wide majority of NRA households who supported this legislation, you need to let your leadership and lobbyists in Washington know they didn’t represent your views on this one.



The point is those who care deeply about preventing more and more gun violence will have to be as passionate, and as organized, and as vocal as those who blocked these common-sense steps to help keep our kids safe. Ultimately, you outnumber those who argued the other way. But they're better organized. They're better financed. They’ve been at it longer. And they make sure to stay focused on this one issue during election time. And that's the reason why you can have something that 90 percent of Americans support and you can't get it through the Senate or the House of Representatives.



So to change Washington, you, the American people, are going to have to sustain some passion about this. And when necessary, you’ve got to send the right people to Washington. And that requires strength, and it requires persistence.



And that's the one thing that these families should have inspired in all of us. I still don't know how they have been able to muster up the strength to do what they’ve doing over the last several weeks, last several months.



And I see this as just round one. When Newtown happened, I met with these families and I spoke to the community, and I said, something must be different right now. We’re going to have to change. That's what the whole country said. Everybody talked about how we were going to change something to make sure this didn't happen again, just like everybody talked about how we needed to do something after Aurora. Everybody talked about we needed change something after Tucson.



And I’m assuming that the emotions that we’ve all felt since Newtown, the emotions that we’ve all felt since Tucson and Aurora and Chicago -- the pain we share with these families and families all across the country who’ve lost a loved one to gun violence -- I’m assuming that's not a temporary thing. I’m assuming our expressions of grief and our commitment to do something different to prevent these things from happening are not empty words.



I believe we’re going to be able to get this done. Sooner or later, we are going to get this right. The memories of these children demand it. And so do the American people.



Thank you very much, everybody.





  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • persistencen. 坚持,毅力
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • victimn. 受害者,牺牲
  • innocentadj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • latituden. 纬度,界限,自由选择权
  • spiten. 恶意,怨恨 vt. 刁难,伤害