日期:2014-07-17 13:26







《变形金刚4》美国票房夺冠 高达1亿美元









Cameron says cabinet reshuffle reflects "modern Britain"


British Prime Minister David Cameron is getting a new team, after a major cabinet reshuffle. Among the appointees -- Euroskeptics and women. The shake-up comes ahead of a national election next May. This was Cameron on Tuesday.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) BRITISH PRIME MINISTER, DAVID CAMERON, SAYING: "Well I think it is a team that reflects modern Britain and it's only by reflecting all of modern Britain that we'll get the best for our country and I'm very proud of the fact that great talent has come through the Conservative ranks and you now see Conservative women occupying posts like Home Secretary, Education Secretary, Agriculture Secretary, Development Secretary, vitals jobs with really good people, doing their jobs to secure the future of this country and I'm very proud of that."


One of the big surprises was William Hague's resignation as foreign secretary. Defense Minister Philip Hammond -- a known Euroskeptic -- will take his place. Hague welcomed the new appointment.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) OUTGOING BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY, WILLIAM HAGUE, SAYING: "We're very clear and united on Europe and Philip Hammond, David Cameron and I all have exactly the same policy on Europe. We want to improve Britain's relationship with the EU and then hold a referendum on staying in or leaving the European Union. We're all committed to that, the Conservative Party is more united on this issue than it has been actually in the whole time that I've been in politics, in all that long time. So we're all going to be campaigning for that and I know Philip Hammond is going to be committed to that."


Another big surprise was Cameron's decision to sack a longstanding ally, Education Secretary Michael Gove. His radical school reforms had provoked anger among teachers. As for women politicians, they will now make up six of the 23-person Cabinet -- up from three of 22 before.



Manila in typhoon chaos


Typhoon Rammasun is the strongest to hit the Philippines this year. Its arrival in Manila with winds gusting up to 185 kilometres an hour brought with it power cuts and storm surges to Manila Bay. Nearly 150, 000 people have been evacuated from their homes in low-lying and coastal areas. It's also force the closure of government offices, schools, businesses and financial markets on Wednesday. Dozens of international and domestic flights have been cancelled. The Metro Manila Development Authority says it's doing everything it can to get the city back on its feet quickly.


(SOUNDBITE)(English) METRO MANILA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CHAIRMAN FRANCIS TOLENTINO SAYING: "Clean-up operations would be number one, restoration of some facilities would be a priority, plus evacuating and looking at lessons learned here."
马尼拉大都会发展委员会主席FRANCIS TOLENTINO:“清洁工作和一些设施的恢复是当务之急,然后是疏散工作,以及从灾难中吸取教训-XAFTFIUlyaQfVc73X。”


One person was killed by a falling electricity pole as the typhoon arrived on the east coast on Tuesday. The storm'sexpected to bring heavy to intense rainfall up to 30 millimetres an hour within a 500 kilometre radius.



Ukrainian PM tours former rebel-held city of Slaviansk


The destruction in Slaviansk is everywhere. Months of fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels left much of the city in ruins. Now that the government is in control, it's time to rebuild. And it's starting with a visit by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk. The official comes offering help to those whose lives have been shattered by
斯拉维扬斯克到处遭到破坏v(BSA|8MfnixnJ43j5。乌克兰军队和亲俄叛军之间数月的战争导致该城市大部成为废墟Ie)C(+q1~.KmNZ+*xd+。现在政府重新控制,到了重建的时刻,乌克兰总理亚采纽克(Arseny Yatseniuk)走访了这座城市LSQzmyr8sw=。这位官员的到来是为了给那些生活被暴力活动破坏的人提供帮助|@y;+,E|~U&o


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) UKRAINIAN PRIME MINISTER, ARSENY YATSENIUK, SAYING: "Our assistance is payment of pensions, salaries, all social subsidies and billions of hryvna that we must invest now to renovate the city. Let's deal with it. We've started paying salaries. We've started paying pensions. We've started paying allowances. We've started construction."
乌克兰总理亚采纽克(Arseny Yatseniuk):“我们的援助是支付养老金,薪资,所有社会补助和用来投资复兴该城市的数十亿格里夫纳Ag7t9L91G(3.|3(。让我们来处理这些问题LG0qGMU4SzY]3+G_KMQ。我们已经开始支付薪资v^EBe]xO;XzZ。我们已经开始支付养老金4;qP(B3#+lUX;~I4R8U。我们已经开始支付津贴Wx;)t1a@Qux)xt。我们已经开始建设Q)O8,uDK~nuPGP1。”


His visit also includes an inspection of weapons seized from pro-Russian separatists. His contempt for his northern neighbor is clear.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) UKRAINIAN PRIME MINISTER, ARSENY YATSENIUK, SAYING: "Russia's politics is absolutely clear for me. On the one hand, they created the military conflict here. They, like vampires, suck money from us and kill our people. That is the most important thing. On the other hand, they are creating the economic destabilization."
乌克兰总理亚采纽克(Arseny Yatseniuk):“俄罗斯的政治对我来说非常明显~Cw,hMA!g7nV。一方面,他们在这里制造军事冲突R@u0GFcr;w0。他们就像吸血鬼,吮吸我们的金钱,杀害我们的民众%j]~hSZ=0DS71。这是最重要的4,=j%f@jleK。另一方面,他们制造经济动乱*O~,#2M#cB,0[。”


Violence erupted in Ukraine's Russian-speaking east following a pro-Europe revolt in Kiev. The Kiev revolt ousted a Moscow-backed president in February and led to Russia's annexation of Crimea.






BRICS $100bln bid for bigger say


They account for almost half the world's population. And now leaders of the emerging BRICS nations have signed a deal to launch their own development bank. It's aimed at funding infrastructure projects in developing nations. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff outlined the plan at a summit in Brazil. (SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT DILMA ROUSSEFF, SAYING: "The new BRICS development bank should have an initial authorized capital of $100 billion. An initial subscribed capital of $50 billion equally distributed between its founding members, the five BRICS countries. The first leader of the board of governors will be from Russia. The first leader of the board of directors will be from Brazil. The first bank president will be from India. The first regional office will be in South Africa. And the bank's headquarters will be in Shanghai." The five nations also agreed to create a $100 billion currency reserves pool to help countries prevent short-term liquidity pressures. It's the first major achievement of the BRICS since they got together five years ago - seen as a step they want to take towards reshaping the Western-dominated financial system and major institutions like the World Bank and the IMF. Darren Sinden is from Silverwind Securities. (SOUNDBITE) (English) SENIOR SALES TRADER AT SILVERWIND SECURITIES, DARREN SINDEN, SAYING: "We saw something similar last year with the establishment of the South American development bank, and I think it's right that these giants of now and of the future should want to establish their own banking and monetary policy institutions to reflect the needs of their own growing economies." The BRICS took action following an exodus of capital from emerging markets last year, triggered by the scaling back of U.S. monetary stimulus. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to take the union a step further. (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "We suggest the setting up of an energy association of the BRICS. And we can also create a reserve fuel bank. And this could also consolidate our energy security." Negotiations over the headquarters and first presidency stretched into the eleventh hour due to differences between India and China. Brazil and India also fought China's attempts to get a bigger share in the lender. Stark differences between the BRICS nations have made it difficult for the group to agree on policies. But having finally got there, the bank is scheduled to start lending in 2016.





Remarks by the President at Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience Meeting


State Dining Room


2:24 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Well, I want to thank everybody who has been participating in this very important task force. We’ve got governors, we’ve got mayors, local and tribal leaders. We’ve got Democrats and Republicans and independents from all the across the nation. And we are here because we know that climate change is an undeniable scientific fact.


And these leaders are here because states and communities that they represent are already dealing with the effects of climate change. They’re seeing rising sea levels, more powerful hurricanes, more intense heatwaves, severe droughts, and wildfires out west. So this is already happening, and these leaders understand that climate change is a threat to public safety, it’s a threat to public health and to something that we want to emphasize today -- the infrastructure upon which our economy depends. More severe storms and increased flooding threaten roads and bridges and businesses. Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities and ports.


So climate change poses a direct threat to the infrastructure of America that we need to stay competitive in this 21st-century economy. That means that we should see this as an opportunity to do what we should be doing anyway, and that’s modernizing our infrastructure, modernizing our roads, modernizing our bridges, power grids, our transit systems, and making sure that they’re more resilient. That’s going to be good for commerce and it’s obviously going to be good for communities.


As a result of this need, I’ve put forward a plan to build our transportation infrastructure and it’s a key part of our Climate Action Plan -- making sure that we’ve got a smarter, more resilient infrastructure that can withstand the effects of climate change.


And today I’m announcing a series of new steps. We’re going to do more, including new data and 3D maps to help state, local officials in communities understand which areas and which infrastructure are at risk as a consequence of climate change. We’re going to help communities improve their electric grids, build stronger seawalls and natural barriers, and protect their water supplies. We’re also going to invest in stronger and more resilient infrastructure.


Last month, I announced a new competitive fund -- $1 billion -- to help communities do this. Today we’re taking steps to make sure that this competition will work. We’re going to announce the specifics about who can compete, how we can learn from communities that are rebuilding stronger from disasters like Hurricane Sandy and flooding in Colorado. We want the best ideas to become models for the whole country. And the idea of this competition is not just the communities that win a grant are able to improve their infrastructure but what we’re also going to be doing is hopefully lifting everybody’s game and making sure that people in their planning are thinking about these issues as they move forward.


So the bottom line is investing in our infrastructure, protecting our communities, ensuring the health and safety of our citizens -- none of this should be a partisan issue. This is something that Democrats, Republicans, independents all care about and the leaders who are sitting around this table prove that today and prove it every day.


And I want you to know that you have a partner in me, you have a partner in this administration, and I’m confident that, working together, we can take some common-sense steps to make sure that America’s infrastructure is safer, stronger and more resilient for future generations. At the same time as we are also tackling the broader problem of climate change and trying to slow the impact of that not just here but around the world.


So I very much appreciate the wonderful participation. I know that some great ideas have already come out of this. And I’m looking forward to continuing to work with this group in the future. Thank you very much.


2:29 P.M. EDT

  • secureadj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的 vt. 固定,获得,使
  • participationn. 参加,参与
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • summitn. 顶点;最高阶层 vi. 参加最高级会议,爬到最高点
  • impactn. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力) vt. 挤入,压紧
  • electionn. 选举
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • competevi. 竞争,对抗,比赛
  • grantn. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予 n. 财产转让 vt