每日视频新闻:丹佛枪击案嫌犯照片曝光 系科罗拉多大学神经学博士生
日期:2012-07-22 15:21









1【Suspect named in Colorado shooting】科罗拉多州枪击案嫌疑人被指认


TEXT:A gunman in a gas mask and body armor kills at least 12 people at a midnight premiere of the new "Batman" movie in a Denver suburb early Friday morning. Police identified 24-year-old James Eagan Holmes as the suspect. Holmes is a University of Colorado medical school student who was in the process of dropping out of a graduate program in neurosciences. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper said the event should not take away anyone's liberty. COLORADO GOVERNOR, JOHN HICKENLOOPER, SAYING: "This is the act apparently of a very deranged mind. This is a safe city, a safe state, and a safe country. We have to recognize that we can't allow people that are aberrations of nature to take away the joys and freedoms that we enjoy." Aurora police chief Dan Oates says they are still trying to sort through the aftermath. AURORA POLICE CHIEF, DAN OATES, SAYING: "Our best available count on injuries as of right now is that 71 people were shot and that 12 are deceased, two died in area hospitals and 10 are deceased in the crime scene at this time and we are making best efforts to identify and remove those 10." In Washington, DC the flags have been lowered to half mast. Earlier U.S. president Barack Obama called on all Americans to keep the people of Aurora in their hearts and minds. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.
参考译文:周五早晨早些时候,在丹佛郊区新《蝙蝠侠》午夜首映上,一名身穿防毒面具和防弹衣的持枪者至少枪杀了12人TDVcTA(Xmrio。警方确定犯罪嫌疑人为24岁的James Eagan Holmes[Vp)IjwZ7X=6-w。Holmes是科罗拉多大学医学院的学生,正从神经科学研究生班辍学)Smc&)&j98。科罗拉多州州长John Hickenlooper称此次事件不应该夺走任何人的自由k-[ttw#@N9qv。科罗拉多州州长说:“很显然,这是一种神经不正常的行为,这是一个安全的城市,安全的州,安全的国家9Cv7UjvhMzWL6p5twg。我们必须认识到我们不允许心理失常的的人剥夺我们享有的快乐和自由ZI-4R.4LX2A。” 奥罗拉警察局局长Dan Oates称:“目前为止据我们所能统计已有71人中枪,12人死亡,其中2人死于当地的医院,10人死于案发现场,目前我们正努力确定死者的身份并把他们抬出来ae*K8dzuvb,f|p。”华盛顿已下半旗vYbli5[r|xZd。早些时候美国总统奥巴马呼吁美国人民牢记在奥罗拉死去的人们bFB!+~8+rY19M@WPX
2【Massacre in Colorado】科罗拉多州惨案


TEXT:Massacre in Colorado. The grieving gather outside a hospital after a gunman killed at least 12 people in a Denver suburb at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie. About 50 people including children were wounded in the attack. A friend of a witness describes the scene. BRITTANY JACKSON, FRIEND OF WITNESSES, SAYING: "As they were leaving he witnessed a baby, an infant getting shot. But yeah they said, gas bombs as they were leaving and then just gunshots all over the place and it started in the there that I had so it is kind of a mind blower." Dr. Frank Lansville -- A doctor at the Medical Center of Aurora says four people are in critical condition. DR. FRANK LANSVILLE OF THE MEDICAL CENTER OF AURORA, SAYING: "Twelve of the 15 were gunshot type victims, for of those patients are either in the operating room right now or have gone through the operating room process to treat their wounds. We have another two that are getting ready to go to the operating room for various injuries as well. But certainly the first four are in critical condition." Police evacuated and broke into the supected gunman's apartment after he made statements about explosives in his residence. Police say there is no evidence of a second gunman. U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Americans to "stand together" with the people of Aurora in the hours and days to come. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:科罗拉多州惨案i,bqH72Si-vPFp。在丹佛郊区新蝙蝠侠午夜场,一名持枪者持枪射杀至少已造成12人死亡,医院外人们悲痛交加vfse7*~dLZFtf。此次袭击事件已造成包括儿童在内的50人受伤Pwevf&s5%EF2|)3ex%t。一名目击者的朋友描述了当时的情景,BWI1;YXOXBByEi+CQ。目击者朋友Britany Jackson说:“在他们离开的时候他看见一个婴儿遭到枪击Sey+AdVW5I。但是他们说,离开的时候开始燃起烟雾弹,然后到处都是枪声,首先是从那里传来的,我感觉自己是在幻觉中4MZ^TwnffmT。” 奥罗拉医疗中心的一名医生Frank Lansville称四名伤者情况危险5j]MavB]M=OYp。他说:“15个人中有12个人遭枪击死亡,这些病人要不正在手术室,要不做了手术处理了伤口(h]&=^;r*[xx(m%。现在还有两名不同伤情的伤者将进手术室接受治疗6c]%PluL=E。但前面的四个生命危在旦夕pjw3rEoc|DIK|R#W。”在嫌疑人在其住所宣布爆炸事件后,警方进行疏散并闯入持枪嫌疑人的住宅QWu*o.mE#asO[。美国总统奥巴马呼吁美国人民在接下来的时日里和奥罗拉人“站在一起”f]!zpPUuFSV+dVUi^~h


3【Obama mourns Colorado victims】奥巴马哀悼科罗拉多州受害者


TEXT:U.S. President Barack Obama put aside his re-election campaign Friday to focus on the deadly shooting in Colorado that left at least 12 people dead after a gunman launched an attack in a movie theater. The President spoke as a parent. U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "I'm sure that many of you who are parents here had the same reaction that I did when I heard this news. You know, my daughters go to the movies. What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day? Michelle and I will be fortunate enough to hug our girls a little tighter tonight, and I'm sure you will do the same with your children. But for those parents who may not be so lucky, we have to embrace them and let them know we will be there for them as a nation. " Obama said this is a time for prayer. U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "I think, is a day for prayer and reflection." Early Friday morning a gunman killed ate least 12 people during a shooting rampage at a movie theater in a Denver suburb during a screening of the new Batman movie. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.


4【U.N. extends monitoring mission in Syria】联合国加强对叙监控


TEXT:The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Friday to extend its monitoring mission in Syria for 30 days. Russia along with China vetoed an earlier resolution which would have opened the door to sanctions on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia dropped its objections after the proposal was broadened to require both government forces and rebel fighters to take steps to halt the violence. VITALY CHURKIN, RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR, SAYING: "We are very pleased with the outcome of our work on this resolution. It is a balanced resolution. Its requirements are addressed to all sides in Syria." Both the United States and Britain described the new resolution as a last chance for the observers. MARK LYALL GRANT, BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, SAYING: " We believe that it is the right thing to do to give a final chance for that mission to be able to fulfill its function, but we have said clearly that it is a final extension unless there is a chance in the dynamic on the ground." Most of the UN monitoring activity was suspended on June 16 due to increased risk from rising violence. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.
参考译文:周五联合国安理会一致同意在叙利亚延长30天监控任务JVF)Qy3d=sv。在早些时候,就对叙利亚总统阿萨德政府实施制裁打开局面的决议遭到中国和俄罗斯的否决2pkd5S5AtU(4x3fRe。此项旨在对叙利亚政府和反叛军双方采取行动的提议得到了俄罗斯的支持I#1Xx;MW9di(。俄罗斯大使Vitaly Churkin说:“在这个决议上,我们很满意共同达成的结果+,zW[3,C)R_nNi。这是一个平衡的决议A(WE=D)4Z(|B。这决议需要叙利亚双方共同执行k!_@~5Z=8a9[4Px#;。”美国和英国称新的决议是观察团最后的一个机会J0_WGOX!9vc9*。英国驻联合国大使Mark Lyall Grant说:“我们坚信,给履行其职责的使命最后一个机会,是我们该做的,但我们已经明确表示,这是我们最后的延期,除非当局事态有所转机V3DSS3cO5*&eH。”自叙利亚暴力风险不断上升,联合国大部分监控活动已于6月16被搁置;sOC==VOi1F64jwRko


【Post-Ceasefire, No Signs of Peace in Burma's Kachin】




TEXT:People who fled their homes for this temporary camp in Burma's Kachin state are bracing for the monsoon season, worrying about food shortages.

Despite an increase in foreign aid flowing into Burma's capital, Kachin groups say little assistance is reaching the conflict zone.


May Li Aung heads Wun Pawng Ninghto, an umbrella group of eight local aid agencies. "All of the international community and funding agencies want to help inside of Burma," she explained. "But this is non-government-controlled area and they are also afraid to come here."


Although some supplies have been allowed into KIO-controlled areas, that is not the case in refugee camps on the Chinese side of the border.


A recent Human Rights Watch report criticized China for a lack of assistance to the refugees in Yunnan and called on authorities to give aid workers access.


Mui Hpu Kaw cares for seven grandchildren, while her four sons fight for the Kachin Independence Army on the Burmese side of the border. She says the uncertain future is almost unbearable. "I only wait to hear the words, 'Let's go home, the fighting's stopped now'. Every time I see someone come to visit the camp, I'm hoping they will say we can go home now," she said. "I pray that I won't die here.”


Many observers are skeptical of a resolution anytime soon.

Former activist Tun Kyaw Nyein, the son of former deputy Prime Minister U Kyaw Nyein, is now a member of the independent, pro-democracy Burma Strategy Group. He says even Aung San Suu Kyi is treading carefully on the conflict. “I understand fully why she is careful in the way she brings up the topics and addresses the issues because there is also the risk of appearing to favor one side or the other when things are so precarious," he stated. "It is going to take some time and its going to take all parties including Aung San Su Kyi and U Thein Sein and the Kachin leaders to overcome this long-standing mistrust.”


In the meantime, the displaced Kachin population waits in these growing camps for a resolution to the conflict that drags on -- despite the dramatic changes happening in other parts of the country.


【Conflicts Keep Millions of Children Out of School】





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Education Report.Conflicts around the world are keeping tens of millions of young people from going to school. Many have physical or emotional injuries that make it hard or even impossible for them to learn.


Later this year UNESCO will release its twenty-twelve "Education for All Global Monitoring Report." UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The yearly publication is part of a global campaign to provide primary education to all children within the next three years.


The report documents the situation in countries that have made the least progress toward the Millennium Development Goals. These goals require universal primary education and equality for boys and girls in schooling by twenty-fifteen.


Pauline Rose is the director of the report.


PAULINE ROSE: "In those thirty-five conflict-affected countries, we find twenty-eight million children out of school. In some countries, it's just that schools are not even accessible in conflict zones. The teachers aren't there. The schools are sometimes even attacked."


The Geneva Conventions bar the targeting of public places like schools and hospitals. In some cases, schools are targeted because they represent the government. Pauline Rose says in other cases, schools are targeted for religious or political reasons.


PAULINE ROSE: "So in Afghanistan, given that the idea of girls going to school has been part of the concern of some militant groups, that has been a cause for their direct attack on girls schools. In other parts of the world, it might be more that schools are caught in the crossfire."


Conflicts also put girls and boys at risk of sexual violence. Schoolchildren are also at risk of being forced to become soldiers.


Under international law, refugees are the only displaced people with a guaranteed right to education. But that guarantee often means little. Schools in refugee camps often have limited money for teachers or supplies.


Last year, Pauline Rose visited the Dadaab camps in northern Kenya. Those camps shelter more than two hundred fifty thousand refugees from Somalia.


PAULINE ROSE: "So you have half of children without any access to school. You have sort of classes of over three hundred children, and I mean just the conditions getting worse and worse."


What if conflict states in sub-Saharan Africa moved just ten percent of their military spending to education? UNESCO says they could educate more than one-fourth of their out-of-school population. And in Pakistan, it says twenty percent of the military budget could provide primary education for all children.


But experts say one country has been a real success story. For years, Botswana has used its wealth from diamond exports to finance universal primary education and to create a skills base for its growing economy.


And that's the VOA Special English Education Report. I'm Jim Tedder.


Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere.
A gala dinner was held to celebrate the world premiere of the film.
vt.使精神错乱, 打乱
Jack’s inconsistent argument derange us all.
n.偏差; 越轨;差错; 毛病
an ocular aberration
environmental pollution and chromosomal aberration
4.put aside
撇开, 储备
One should always put a little money aside for a rainy day.
I have put aside 5 minutes to talk to you.
vt. & vi.拥抱
The young lovers embraced.
He embraced his parents.
vt.包括; 包含
This course of study embraces every aspect of the subject.
She embraced my offer to go to the hospital.
信奉, 皈依
She embraced Christianity.
n.拥抱, 怀抱
vi.(因兴奋或愤怒而)乱跑, 乱冲
The elephants rampaged through the forest.
n. be/go on the rampage
After their team lost, some of the crowd went on the rampage through the town.
The resolution was carried unanimously.
Three judges unanimously upheld the sentence.
Following discussion, the annual report was accepted unanimously.


  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • prayern. 祈祷,祷告,祷文 v. 祷告,祷文
  • functionn. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会 vi. 运行,起作用
  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • outcomen. 结果,后果
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • rampagev. 狂暴地乱冲 n. 暴怒,狂暴行为
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟