阎老师美语小故事 第15期: 就健康而言 你的损失又算得了什么呢
日期:2012-11-16 10:14





Your loss is nothing but a drop in the bucket in terms of your health.


【Andrew's Note】
A bucket holds many drops. One drop in the bucket is insignificant.
一只水桶可盛无数滴水em]H17)Fer7t3.。“水桶中的一滴水(One drop in the bucket)”是微不足道的EAWG|L~(O[8
[1] Gloria, having staked on(下赌注)the wrong horse ten races in a row(连续地)last month, was downcast and sort of absent-minded. It seemed to her that everything had gone haywire, and she sighed as if she had been thrown into an abyss of despair(绝望的深渊).
[2] This morning her good friend, Alison, called and asked her over for dinner tonight. Anyhow, she tried to turn Alison down and excuse herself from the gathering. But Alison wanted to cheer her up a little bit because she didn't have it in her heart to let her fall into a deep depression(消沉) like that. Alison went to great lengths(竭尽全力)to turn her around and Gloria agreed to get together with her at night.
[3] After dinner Alison began to say something pleasant in order to relieve Gloria of her cares and worries. Alison really demonstrated her skillful eloquence by bringing home to Gloria that worries could do no good to a heart laden with grief. Gloria apologized to her for her being so extremely panicky (恐慌万状).
[4] Alison continued saying like this, "No hard feeling. Care even kills a cat(忧虑伤身). So my dear friend, listen to reason. Don't take it too much to heart, what you have lost is nothing but a drop in the bucket In terms of your health."
[1] 格洛里亚上个月赌赛马,连续十次押宝都押错了,非常沮丧,心神恍然|xwWL2&~.w。看来她有点精神失常,叹息着,好像陷于绝望的深渊08FM&WxpeHdaq6M56USl
[2] 今天早上她好朋友艾丽森打电话,想请她过来一起吃晚饭Nxy6T)]B=mBi。无论如何,她都想方设法拒绝艾丽森的好意,不愿意聚会~fhp^hOs.)0qYaoP0S;~。不过艾丽森让她高兴起来,因为她不忍心看着自己的朋友这样消沉下去I%Lt(4GEmtT9_。艾丽森竭力说服她,这样格洛里亚也就只好同意晚上聚会Z@tKV]s]1C
[3] 晚饭后,艾丽森开始谈些愉快的事情,为了缓解格洛里亚心上的忧虑和烦恼-GiONPUi%|~cAb6Pa*qM。艾丽森真的表现出了巧妙的口才,终于使格洛里亚认识到:烦恼对满怀忧伤的心灵是毫无益处的);.OcC2KTt;~。格洛里亚对自己失魂落魄的样子深表歉疚PyxXpArk.kGE
[4] 艾丽森接着说:“别太难过!忧虑会伤身的mFU_6x^g[W2。我亲爱的朋友,请听我的劝说t-cci.xOCG^8Z5SRR3J7。别往心里去,就健康而言,你的损失又算得了什么呢,只不过是九牛一毛而已+k;he2Dolyl[UJ~。”




1.a drop in the bucket: an insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required 沧海一粟; 九牛一毛
We passed the hat to collect some money for the homeless people, but it's not enough. It is just a drop in the bucket.
2.go haywire: mentally confused or crazy: 发疯的;出毛病
The computer was out of use in the past, so now it goes haywire from time to time, seriously affecting work proficiency.
3.excuse oneself from: 借故推托, 婉言拒绝
When invited to Mary's birthday party, John tried to excuse himself from the party for fear of meeting his ex-girlfriend.
4.have it in my heart (to do sth.): [常用于否定句中]忍心; 很想
Having seen him down and out this way, I don't have it in my heart to leave him to fend for himself.
5.go to great lengths: 竭尽全力
In order to find a niche in society, the ambitious young man goes to great lengths to climb the social ladder.
6.bring home to sb.: 使自己意识到, 使自己清醒过来
What do I have to do to bring home to you the urgency of the situation?
7.no hard feeling: used after a disagreement to tell someone that you aren't angry. 不见怪,别难过
Hey, man. No hard feeling. I don't think it worth crying over spilt milk.

  • depressionn. 沮丧,萧条
  • insufficientadj. 不足的
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的
  • inconsequentialadj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的,不重要的
  • insignificantadj. 无关紧要的,可忽略的,不重要的,无用的
  • griefn. 悲痛,忧伤
  • skillfuladj. 熟练的,灵巧的
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • abyssn. 深渊,无底洞
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,