ESLPod.com presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode three.
He's saying as I learned about how the company might become bigger, I thought I would be a good person to help that company.
He says I could "make a significant contribution to its goals," or objectives.
He then explains a little bit more about his experience and why his experience is a good match the company.
That he says, "Since I have been working for the past five years as a successful market strategist," notice he says successful
- he gives a positive evaluation of his own skills,
"I believe I can bring those skills and knowledge I've gained to help the organization," or this company, "reach its mission to become an industry leader."
Once again, you see that word mission-purpose.
An industry leader is someone or some company who is in the leading position-one of the best companies.
"I am now looking for a new challenge," he says, "where I can take my proven skills and apply them to new situations."
Notice the use of the word proven, it means that he has evidence-he has shown himself in the past to be successful in these areas.
So, "my proven skills"-I have shown myself-I have demonstrated that I am good.
He also wants to learn new techniques to continue his own development.
Once again, say he wants to become a better employee-a better person in this industry.
He says this company is what "I've been looking for, a place where my background, experience, and skills can be put to use to make things happen."
The expression to put something to use means to use something-to be able to use something for a specific purpose.
What he's saying here is that I have this experience and I want to be able to use it in a specific place like this company because I think I can make things happen.
To make things happen means to do things-to accomplish things-to get results.
And, this is something that a company, of course, wants from its workers-from its employees, to be able to actually do things-accomplish things-get results.
Now let's listen to this second sample answer at a native rate of speech.
There are several reasons why I want to work for this company.
First, I was impressed with the backgrounds of the founders and their vision for this company.
Their innovative thinking is, I believe, in line with the best thinking in the field right now.
Your company also has one of the best reputations in the industry for innovative thinking and taking serious corporate responsibility for making a difference in the local communities.
As I learned more about the company and its growth potential, it became clear to me that I may be able to make a significant contribution to its goals.
Since I have been working for the past five years as a successful marketing strategist, I believe I can bring those skills and the knowledge I've gained to help the organization reach its mission to become an industry leader.
I am now looking for a new challenge where I can take my proven skills and apply them to new situations, as well as learning new techniques to continue my own development.
This is the company I've been looking for, a place where my background, experience, and skills can be put to use to make things happen.
That concludes episode three of "Interview Questions Answered."
This course has been a production of the Center for Educational Development, in beautiful Los Angeles, California.
Visit our website at eslpod.com.
This course was produced by Dr.Jeff McQuillan and Dr. Lucy Tse. Copyright 2006.