ESL面试英语问答(MP3+字幕) 第1期
日期:2015-01-21 16:38


听力文本如下: presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode one.
Hello, I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.
This series is designed to teach you the English you need to know to have a successful interview.
The questions from this series are the most common questions asked at US business interviews.Each episode has two parts.
First, we give you some important tips on how to answer the interview question.
Second, we provide you with two sample answers that use these tips in answering the question and that you might hear in a typical business interview.
You will hear each sample answer read slowly, then you will hear an explanation of the vocabulary and expressions we used in the answers.
Finally, you'll hear the answers read at a normal speed.
All the episodes come with a written Learning Guide that contains all of the tips we discuss, definitions and sample sentences for each of the vocabulary words we use, and a

complete transcript of the episode.
Let's begin with question number one: "Tell me about yourself?"
The question, "Tell me about yourself," is usually the first question that you will hear in a business interview.
Your goal, in answering this question, is to prove to the interviewer-to show the interviewer-that you have the skills and experience to be the ideal or perfect candidate for

the job.
Here are some tips in answering this question: Keep your answer short, at about two minutes.
The person interviewing you wants you to give them an overview-a general idea of your skills and qualifications.
You don't want to talk too much on this first question; two, maybe three minutes is all you will really need.
