雅思词组1:arise from 因…而造成,因…而引起;产生于,起源于
The counselling service we offer deals withany problems arising from your studies, or your life outside the university.
There are many health problems in your lifearising from smoking and drinking.
近义词组:result from
雅思词组2:art exhibition艺术展
The program has sensational theatre, danceand also a large number of art exhibitions, but the thing the festival is mostfamous for is its great street music.
在英国,著名旅游景点之一就是国家画廊( National Gallery ),在那会举办各种艺术展。
雅思词组3:art gallery画廊,美术馆
A large number of people were appreciatingthe paintings in the art gallery as it was raining outside.
近义词组:picture gallery
portrait 肖像,画像
aesthetic 审美的,美学的
statue 雕像
portray 描绘
profile 外形,轮廓
雅思词组4:as a result 结果,因此
I didn't prepare for the examine; as aresult, I failed the exam.
雅思词组5:as a result of 由于
As a result of the general success of theprogram in Sydney, shark-meshing was introduced to the state of Queenslandaround 1970.
近义词组:because of
雅思词组6:as a whole 总的来说,总体上
There are marked differences betweenregions, but this does not prevent quite a strong sense of solidarity amongstthe farming community as a whole, right across the country.
近义词组:on the whole
雅思词组7:as far as 直到…为止;尽…,就…
I will help you to mend your bike as far asI can.
近义词组:so far as
雅思词组8:as far as I know 据我所知
As far as 1 know, the two companies havereached an agreement on that issue.
近义词组:as far as I'm concerned
雅思词组9:as far as sth. is concerned 就…而言
As far as listening is concerned, I find ithard to keep up sometimes in lectures, especially two-hour ones. I sometimesjust seem to go off into a dream.
近义词组:on the part of; in terms of
雅思词组10:as I see it 我想
As 1 see“,the Presidentdoesn't have any choice.
近义词组:in my opinion