日期:2016-05-28 08:58


Article 49 On site working staff of public places, in case of a fire, do not perform the obligation of organizing and guiding the evacuation of the on site masses, and cause casualty and death, but do not constitute a criminal charge, shall be punished with detention less than 15 days.

第四十九条 公共场所发生火灾时,该公共场所的现场工作人员不履行组织、引导在场群众疏散的义务,造成人身伤亡,尚不构成犯罪的,处十五日以下拘留。

Article 50 For those who, after a fire is extinguished, deliberately destroy the fire site or make a simulated scene in the purpose of concealing and covering up fire causes and shirking their responsibility, but do not constitute a criminal charge, shall be given disciplinary warning or penalty and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be punished in accordance with this article.

第五十条 火灾扑灭后,为隐瞒、掩饰起火原因、推卸责任,故意破坏现场或者伪造现场,尚不构成犯罪的,处警告、罚款或者十五日以下拘留。

Article 51 The punishment on conducts violating the rules of this law shall be decided by public security fire control institutions;

第五十一条 对违反本法规定的处罚,由公安消防机构裁决。

punishment of detention shall be decided by public security organs in accordance with rules of penal clauses on public order administration.


Article 52 The working staff of public security fire control institutions, in case of abusing their authority, ignoring their duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities, and having one of the following conducts, causing loss to the benefit of the state and people, but having not constituted a criminal charge, shall be given administrative sanction in accordance with law:

第五十二条 公安消防机构的工作人员在消防工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,有下列行为之一,给国家和人民利益造成损失,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分:

(I) Those who pass the examination and approval and acceptance check to fire control design and construction projects that do not conform to the state technical standards on fire control for construction projects;


(II) Those who deliberately delay in giving and do not give examination and approval and acceptance check to fire control design and construction projects that shall be given examination and approval and acceptance check in accordance with law.


(III) Those who do not inform relevant units or individual to make corrections when finding hidden danger of fire.


(IV) Those who, in the capacity of their function, specify sales units or brands of fire control products or specify construction units of fire control facilities.


(V) Other conducts involving abusing authority, dereliction of duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities.


Article 53 Those who violate this law and commit a criminal offence will be punished as a crime.

第五十三条 有违反本法行为,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 54 This law shall come into force as of September 1, 1998. Meanwhile, the "Regulations on Fire Control of the People's Republic of China" approved by the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People's Congress on May 11, 1984 and promulgated by the State Council on May 13, 1984 shall be annulled simultaneously.

第五十四条 本法自1998年9月1日起施行。1984年5月11日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议批准、1984年5月13日国务院公布的《中华人民共和国消防条例》同时作废。
