日期:2016-05-24 10:09


Article 34 Public security fire control institutions, when conducting relief and rescue work of other disasters or accidents other than fire disaster, shall carry out the task under unified direction of relevant local people's government.

第三十四条 公安消防队参加火灾以外的其他灾害或者事故的抢险救援工作, 在有关地方人民政府的统一指挥下实施。

Article 35 Fire trucks and fire boats, when rushing for fire fighting and rescue work or relief and rescue task for other disaster and accidents, shall not be restricted by its driving speed, driving route, driving direction and traffic signals; other vehicles, ships and pedestrians must make way and shall not conduct overtaking.

第三十五条 消防车、消防艇前往执行火灾扑救任务或者执行其他灾害、事故的抢险救援任务时,不受行驶速度、行驶路线、行驶方向和指挥信号的限制,其他车辆、船舶以及行人必须让行,不得穿插、超越。

Traffic commander shall guarantee the fast and smooth passing of fire trucks and fire boats.


Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work.

第三十六条 消防车、消防艇以及消防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。

Article 37 Fire brigades shall not charge any fee for fire fighting and rescue work from units and individuals suffering fire disaster.

第三十七条 公安消防队扑救火灾,不得向发生火灾的单位、个人收取任何费用。

Full time fire brigade and obligatory fire brigade shall be compensated for fuel, extinguishant and device and equipage used in taking part of fire fighting and rescue for other units. #p#分页标题#e#


Article 38 Personnel suffering injury, cripple and death as a result of taking part of fire fighting and rescue work, shall be given medical treatment and compensation.

第三十八条 对因参加扑救火灾受伤、致残或者死亡的人员,按照国家有关规定给予医疗、抚恤。

Article 39 After a fire is extinguished, public security fire control institutions shall, based on need, have the right to seal up fire site, be responsible for investigation, identify fire cause, check and ratify fire losses and find out responsibilities of fire disasters.

第三十九条 火灾扑灭后,公安消防机构有权根据需要封闭火灾现场,负责调查、认定火灾原因,核定火灾损失,查明火灾事故责任。

For ultra large fire disasters, in case the State Council or the people's government at provincial level consider it necessary, an investigation can be organized.

对于特大火灾事故,国务院或者省级人民政府认为必要时,可以组织调 查。

After a fire is extinguished, fire breaking units shall protect fire site in accordance with requirements of public security fire control institutions, accept investigation on the accident and provide accurate facts on the fire disaster.

