疯狂英语易背作文128篇 第53篇:坏椅子 A Broken Chair
日期:2014-04-22 11:31


53. A Broken Chair


Zhang Ying-Ying sits just in front of me in class. In the last two days, hardly a moment has gone by when I sit in my chair that I do not feel a little ashamed and grateful. You may ask why I feel like that. Let's go back to two days ago. This is what happened.

张莹莹就坐在我的前面,这两天我一坐在椅子上,就感到一丝羞愧和几分感谢。也许你会问为什么会这样,让我们回到两天前, 事情是这样发生的。

I went to school that morning earlier than usual. When I went to my seat, I found my chair was broken. Bad luck! I said to myself. I looked around and found nobody else in the classroom then. I changed the chair with Ying-Ying's as quickly as possible.


A few minutes later, Ying-Ying arrived. She stood there for two minutes when she saw the broken chair. The two minutes were so long to me that I didn't dare to look up. Instead of saying any thing, she left and came back with a hammer and nails. She began to repair it.


My face turned red. I stood up to give her a hand. Her thanks for my help made me feel so ashamed for my behavior that I couldn't help speaking out the truth. On hearing it, she said with a smile, "You are honest. That is good. As to the broken chair, it is you and me who fixed it together. Forget it." We both laughed.


  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • hammern. 锤,榔头 vi. 锤击,反复敲打 vt. 锤打,严