Once upon a time, there was a rich man who had a beautiful daughter called Ella.
从前一个富人有一个美丽的女儿,名叫艾拉 。
His wife had died long ago, and he had married again.
他的妻子很早以前就去世了,他又结了婚 。
His second wife was unkind to Ella.
他的第二任妻子对艾拉不好 。
She made her work hard all day long, and Ella’s clothes became ragged and torn.
她让她整天干活,艾拉的衣服变得又脏又破 。
When evening came, Ella was always very tired.
夜晚来临时,艾拉非常劳累 。
She would sit down by the fire in the ashes and cinders to rest and keep warm.
她坐在满是灰烬的火边取暖 。
The wife had brought her two ugly daughters with her,they were both as unkind as their mother.
后妈让她两个丑陋的女儿和艾拉一起,她们也像她的妈妈一样坏 。
“Look at you, down there in the dirty ashes,” they would say.
她们说,看看你,坐在了灰烬边 。
“We are going to call you Cinder-Ella, because you are always sitting in the cinders”
我们要叫你灰烬-艾拉了,因为你总是和灰烬一起坐着 。
Cinderella felt very sad and lonely.
Cinderella感到非常悲伤,非常孤独 。
Then one day, a special invitation arrived, saying that the king was going to hold a Grand Ball at the palace.
一天,一份特殊的请柬到来了,上面说国王将要在王宫中举办舞会 。
Cinderella’s stepmother and two ugly sisters were very excited.
Cinderella的后妈和她的两个女儿都非常高兴 。
“You can make new dresses for all of us,” one of them said to Cinderella.
她们当中的人对Cinderella说,你可以为我们制作新裙子 。
“We must have the most beautiful clothes to wear to the ball.”
我们要在舞会上穿着最美丽的裙子 。
“The king’s son will be there,” said the other sister,“and I have heard that he is looking for a wife. He might choose me!”
另一个姐妹说,国王的儿子也会在那里,我听说她正在寻找妻子,他可能会选我 。
On the night of the grand ball, Cinderella helped her stepmother and her ugly sisters to get dressed in their new gowns.
舞会的夜晚,Cinderella帮助继母和两个丑陋的姐姐穿上了新衣 。
Then she watched them driving away.
她看到她们坐车走了 。
As Cinderella went over to sit by the fire, tears began to roll down her cheeks.
Cinderella又坐回了火边,泪水在脸颊上翻滚 。
“Oh, how I wish I could go to the ball,” she said.
她说,我也希望能够去参加舞会 。
Suddenly, a kindly old woman appeared beside Cinderella.
突然,一位慈爱的老人出现在Cinderella的面前 。
“I am your Fairy Godmother,” she said,“ and I can help you go to the ball. Follow me.”
她说,我是你的仙女婆婆,我能够帮你去舞会,跟我来吧 。
She went out into the garden, and tapped an enormous pumpkin with her magic wand. Immediately, it turned into a fine coach!
她前往了花园,并用她的魔棒拍打了巨大的南瓜,南瓜立刻变成了一个四轮大马车 。
Then six grey mice from the mouse trap became six grey horse to pull the coach.
老鼠夹上的6只灰老鼠变成了6匹大马牵引着马车 。
An old rat became the coachman.
大老鼠变成了马车夫 。
“There!” said the Fairy Godmother. “Now you can go to the ball, Cinderella!”
仙女婆婆说,Cinderella,你现在可以去舞会了 。
“But I can not go to the ball in these ragged clothes!” cried Cinderella.
Cinderella说,但是我不能穿着破烂的衣服去舞会 。
The Fairy Godmother touched Cinderella with her magic wand.
仙女婆婆用魔棒触碰了Cinderella 。
“Look!” she said. “You are now wearing the loveliest gown in the land.”
她说,看,你现在穿着这世界上最好的礼服 。
Cinderella was delighted. She watched as her old slippers changed into the most beautiful glass shoes she had ever seen.
Cinderella非常高兴,她看到她破旧的拖鞋变成了水晶鞋,她从没有见过水晶鞋 。
“Oh,thank you! thank you! Fairy Godmother,” she cried.
Cinderella说,仙女婆婆,谢谢你 。
“You can be on your way now, my child,” said her Fairy Godmother.
仙女婆婆说,我的孩子,现在你可以去了 。
“But there is one thing to remember!
但是你要记住一件事 。
You must leave the ball by midnight, because then the magic will end, and your clothes will be rags again.”
你一定要在午夜之前离开舞会,因为魔幻将失去功效,你的衣服将再次变成破旧的衣裳 。
“I will not forget,” said Cinderella, as she climbed into her coach.
Cinderella说,我不会忘的,她进入了马车中 。
When Cinderella walked into the castle ballroom, everyone turned to look at her.
当Cinderella走进城堡舞厅时,所有人的目光都聚集在了她的身上 。
The Prince came towards her, amazed by her beauty.
王子走向她,被她的魅力所折服 。
As the music began to play, he took her hand. Then he danced with her all night.
当音乐响起时,他抓住了她的手,王子与Cinderella跳了一整夜 。
The ugly sisters sat beside their mother and said,“Who is that beautiful girl? We have never seen her before.”
丑陋的女儿坐在母亲旁边说,这个美丽的女孩是谁?我们从没见过她 。
Everyone at the ball wanted to know who she was.
在场的所有人都想知道她是谁 。
Cinderella was having such a wonderful time that she forgot to look at the clock.
Cinderella度过了美妙的时光,她忘记了时间 。
All too soon, the chimes of midnight began to ring out.
一切都太快了,午夜的钟声敲响了 。
“It is midnight! I must go!” she gasped to the prince.
她向王子说,午夜了,我必须走了 。
She ran out of the ballroom and down the palace steps.
她跑出了舞会,走下了王宫台阶 。
One of her glass shoes came off, but Cinderella could not stop.
她的一只水晶鞋掉了,但是Cinderella没有停下来 。
The prince called to her, but by the time he reached the doorway, she had gone.
王子叫她,当他到达门口时,她已经走了 。
The prince walked slowly down the steps. He picked up the dainty glass shoe and smiled to himself.
王子慢慢地走在台阶上,他捡起了那只小巧玲珑的水晶鞋,并笑了笑 。
“Tomorrow I will get my servants to take this shoe to every house in the land,” he said. “Whoever it fits will become my wife.”
明天,我要让我的仆人到每一个房间去问,谁能够穿上这只鞋,谁就是我的妻子 。
So the very next day, the prince’s servants went from house to house with the glass shoe.
第二天,王子的仆人拿着水晶鞋挨家挨户的走 。
Every woman in the land tried to put it on.
所有女人都想穿上这只水晶鞋 。
At last, the servants arrived at Cinderella’s house.
最后,仆人来到了Cinderella的房前 。
The ugly sisters ran to meet them. “Let me try the shoe! cired one sister,It will fit me.”
丑陋的姐姐跑向他们,让我试试,我合适 。
“No! Give it here!” cried the other. “It is my shoe!”
另一个说,给我,这是我的鞋 。
The ugly sisters fought over the shoe.
丑陋的姐妹挣起了这只鞋 。
They tried to squeeze their feet into it, and so did their mother. But it did not fit any of them.
他们试图将脚塞进鞋中,他们的妈妈也试了试 。但是,没有人合适 。
Then the servants looked at Cinderella and said, “Every woman in the land must try this shoe.”
仆人看着Cinderella说,所有女性都必须试试这只鞋 。
The ugly sisters started to laugh.
丑陋的姐妹开始大笑 。
“But thai is only Cinderella,” they said. “She is too poor to wear such a fine shoe!”
她们说,她太穷了,不配穿这只鞋 。
One of the servants knelt down in front of Cinderella.
一名仆人在Cinderella面前跪了下来 。
He held out the shoe and she slipped her foot into it. It fitted perfectly!
他举起了鞋,她穿了这只鞋,鞋子正合适 。
Suddenly, Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother appeared again.
突然,Cinderella的仙女婆婆突然出现 。
She waved her wand, and once more Cinderella was wearing her beautiful ball gown and both glass shoes.
她晃动了她的魔杖,Cinderella再一次穿上了她的晚礼服和一双水晶鞋 。
“So it was Cinderella at the ball!” Cried the ugly sisters
丑陋的姐妹说,那天在舞会上的是Cinderella 。
“She was the beautiful girl who danced all night with the Prince!” Cried their mother.
她的后妈喊叫到,她就是那个与王子跳了一晚上舞的美丽女孩 。
The servants took Cinderella back to the palace where the Prince was waiting.
仆人带着Cinderella回到了王宫,王子正在等待 。
He was delighted to see her again.
能够再次看到她,他非常高兴 。
“Will you marry me,” he asked, “and become my wife?”
“Oh, yes,” smiled Cinderella.
Cinderella笑着说,是的 。
And so Cinderella and the Prince were married, and they lived happily ever after.
Cinderella和王子结了婚,从此过上了幸福的生活 。
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