Clare was Abby’s best friend. When she went to Abby’s place, they always played with Abby’s toy horses.
克莱尔是艾比的好朋友 。克莱尔一去艾比的家中,他们总是玩艾比的玩具马 。
Clare and Abby would make the horses go across the table and jump over little fences.
克莱尔和艾比让马越过桌子,跳过栅栏 。
The horse that Abby liked best was a little blue one with a long white tail.
艾比最喜欢的马是蓝色的,还有长长的白色尾巴 。
Abby was always careful when she played with it . She didn’t want her best horse to get broken.
艾比总是非常小心 。她不想损坏她的马 。
But one day ,the little blue horse slipped out of Clare’s hand and a leg broke off.
但是一天,小蓝马从克莱尔的手中滑落出去,一只腿摔断了 。
Clare looked down at the little blue horse. She started to cry.
克莱尔看着这匹小蓝马,她开始哭泣 。
“Don’t cry , Clare ,” said Abby’s mum.
艾比的妈妈说,克莱尔,不要哭泣 。
“I can glue the leg on again.”
我能用胶水将它的腿粘上 。
Clare and Abby watched as Mum tried to fix the horse.
妈妈开始修了这匹马,两个人在旁边看着 。
“Soon your horse will be as good as new ,” said Mum.
妈妈说,一会你的马就将和新的一样 。
But when the glue was dry ,the little blue horse hept falling over. They could not get the blue horse to stay on its feet.
但是当胶水变干时,小蓝马的腿又掉了 。小蓝马站不起来了 。
Clare and Abby were very sad.
克莱尔和艾比非常伤心 。
The next Saturday, Clare was in town with her dad. They stopped to look in a shop window.
下个周六,克莱尔与爸爸进了城 。他们在商店窗前驻足 。
Clare could see a lot of things. She saw some old teddy bears and some old books.
克莱尔看见了许多事物 。她看见了许多老旧的泰迪熊,和旧书 。
And then Clare saw a little horse with a long white tail.
之后,克莱尔看见了一匹小马,它有长长的白色尾巴 。
It was just like the one she had broken.
这匹马很像毁坏的那匹 。
“Dad , look at that little horse!” cried Clare.
克莱尔大叫说,爸爸看,我的小马 。
“I have to buy it for Abby .”
我要给艾比买这匹马 。
Clare took her money out of her pocket and looked at it .
克莱尔从口袋中拿出钱,看着它 。
“Do you want me to came in with you ?” asked Dad.
爸爸问,你要让我和你一起去吗 。
“Nn thanks ,” said Clare.
克莱尔说,不用 。
“I want to buy it all by myself .” And she went into the shop.
我想自己买,她进入了商店 。
Then Dad took Clare to Abby’s place.
之后,爸爸带克莱尔去了艾比的住处 。
“Look , abby !” said Clare.
克莱尔说,看,艾比 。
“Look what I found in a shop!”
看我在商店了看见了什么 。
“A little blue horse!” laughed Abby.
艾比笑着说,一匹小蓝马 。
“It’s just like my other one. Oh thank you ,Clare!”
这就像我的那只,克莱尔,非常谢谢你 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。