BEC中级真题第5辑精听:Test3-Part Two(2)
日期:2015-12-21 11:53




Most employees feel they don't get enough feedback. On the rare occasions they do get it, it's either too superficial or it's because some kind of problem has arisen, and so it comes across as negative. The key to giving effective feedback is to allow a time for it each month, so that it becomes a matter of course, just part of the work routine. Then staff won't get nervous about it, and it'll be more positive.




When a member of staff has made a serious mistake and you have no choice but to respond with serious negative feedback, then the best thing is to concentrate on what happened as a result of the criticised performance. That way your criticism will come across as reasoned and cannot be later dismissed by the employee as just your own unfair personal opinion. Don't just say that the work done was not satisfactory, but point out what effects it had.


  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物
  • respondv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应 n. [建]壁
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • routinen. 例行公事,常规,无聊 adj. 常规的,例行的,乏
  • rareadj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的 adj. 煎得
  • superficialadj. 表面的,肤浅的
  • employeen. 雇员
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事