Now, you write in your article that, “Every brand should consider selling on Amazon.” Why?
In the decade or so that I’ve been researching retail, everyone mentions Amazon at some point.
In the earlier days, companies basically had a yes or no, very clear cut strategy.
And nowadays, we hear more about what is your Amazon strategy rather than should you be on Amazon or not.
Amazon is just so huge.
I think the latest estimates I’ve seen is that roughly 40% of all online retail in the U.S. is on Amazon.
So it’s quite large.
And then we’ve seen in recent years also the increase in e-commerce in general and how important it is for brands to have their own online presence so that customers can find them, which makes Amazon an important consideration because you need to be somewhere online, you need to serve your customers.
And Amazon does such a great job in both having customers arrive to the website, as well as giving them amazing service.
So therefore every brand should, at the very least, consider if they can be on Amazon or not.
This whole debate reminds me a lot of debates in the past of big box retailers like Walmart in the United States.
Like if you were a consumer goods product, you basically had to be there, right?
But those very same companies really complained about just how much the margins got squeezed, and not enjoying bigger profits because Walmart made them do it.
Yeah, and it’s a very similar story, the only difference is just the online presence.
So Walmart is of course, still a huge retailer in the U.S., but their online presence out of total U.S. e-commerce sales, Walmart is roughly 5% to 6%.
So they’re much smaller than Amazon when you think about online presence.
But they are still a big player and brands still have the struggles where they essentially understand that in order to be where customers are looking for you, in the U.S., about two thirds of product searches start on Amazon rather than on search engines.
So that means most customers don’t even go to Google or Bing or a search engine where they’re looking for something, they just directly go to Amazon.