How do you explain those steep increases?
What’s going on -- it doesn’t seem like people are born this way.
Can societies, can organizations breed cynicism?
Oh, 100%, and you’re exactly right, that cynics are not born, they’re made, so betrayal can make any of us feel less trusting.
In fact, we’ve evolved as a species to look out for signs that other people might be after us, might try to harm us, might try to cheat us, and that’s a really good thing in some cases, right?
We’re highly vigilant to signs that someone else might be untrustworthy, which helps us be protected from real crooks and swindlers.
Unfortunately, it also causes us to see crooks and swindlers where they aren’t.
That’s what I call badness attunement, and it’s one ingredient of our minds that makes cynicism easy to spread.
In my own lab, we found that if you present people with stories of somebody who does something moral and something immoral, so there’s sort of evidence on both sides that they might be good or they might be not so good, people judge that individual super harshly.
They also gossip more about the negative things that people do than the positive things that they do, and we extrapolate more.
When we learn about an immoral act, people decide that they’ve learned more about humanity than if they learn about something good that somebody does.
In other words, we focus a whole lot on the worst in other people.
Oftentimes, cynicism can spread just between people in all sorts of communities, but especially when leaders in workplaces are cynical, it’s so easy for their worldview to work its way into how they lead and into their people.
One example of this is zero-sum management, when you pit people against one another.
The most famous example of this is Jack Welch and Steve Ballmer’s use of stack ranking, or I guess it was called rank and yank, where basically people on a team, some of them are assigned as high-performers and rewarded, some are assigned middle bucket, and others are assigned as low performers and not given a bonus or even laid off.
This is meant to drive people based on their competitive instincts, their selfishness, but unfortunately, what it actually does is make people feel as though everyone around them, including the people they’re supposedly working with, they’re actually working against.
That sense of competition makes people into their most selfish and competitive and ruthless selves in ways that really destroy collaborative endeavors and make work much less efficient and much less effective.