日期:2022-07-06 10:28



Record floods were expected in parts of southern China Thursday as heavy rains pushed water levels in the Pearl River delta to their highest in almost a century. Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from the worst-hit parts of the region, which includes Guangdong province, a manufacturing and logistics hub that is home to China's tech capital Shenzhen.

由于强降雨导致珠江三角洲水位升至近一个世纪以来的最高水平,预计中国南方部分地区周四将出现创纪录的洪水。 在该地区受灾最严重的广东省(中国制造业和物流中心、中国科技之都深圳的所在地),已有数十万人被疏散。

1.southern China 中国南方

2.Pearl River delta 珠江三角洲地区

3.a manufacturing and logistics hub 制造业和物流中心 capital 科技之都

China's ministry of water resources on Wednesday placed its highest flood alert on the Pearl River basin, saying water levels at one location "surpassed historical records" and that the provincial capital Guangzhou would be impacted.


5.China's ministry of water resources 中国水利部

6.highest flood alert 最高洪水预警

7.the Pearl River basin 珠江流域


8.mudslide n. 泥石流

例句:The mudslides buried the whole village.


9.landslide n. 山体滑坡

例句:If you're in a mountainous area, beware of the potential for landslides.


10.deforestation n. 砍伐森林

例句:It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation would lead to flooding.


11.drought n. 干旱

例句:If the drought continues there's going to be a famine.

