The National Botanical Garden in Beijing is now open.
位于北京的国家植物园于近日正式对外开放 。
The facility spans more than 600 square hectares,
it's the latest in a network of nearly 200 such gardens around the country.
是全国近200座这样的植物园体系中最新的一座 。
It's also expected to establish partnerships with similar facilities abroad.
该园还有望与国外类似的园林建立合作关系 。
The garden's director says it will feature over 30000 species and 5 million specimens of plants native to China.
国家植物园园长表示,这里将展览30000多种中国本土植物,以及500万份植物标本 。
It is a concrete action to promote the harmony between man and nature at the national level,
to strengthen the protection of biodiversity, and to implement the convention on biological diversity.
加强生物多样性保护,履行国际生物多样性公约 。
The logo featuring two rare plants was designed by Chinese artist Han Meilin.
国家植物园的标志包含了两种珍稀植物,是由中国艺术家韩美林设计的 。
He was UNESCO's Artist for Peace in 2015, and is also known for creating the Beijing Summer Olympic mascots.
他于2015年获得“联合国教科文组织和平艺术家”称号,并因设计北京2008夏季奥运会吉祥物而为人熟知 。