We have the latest from Monday's plane crash in southern China.
下面是关于本周一一架飞机于中国南方失事的最新消息 。
The second black box has arrived in Beijing for decoding, it was found this morning.
第二个“黑匣子”在今天早上被发现,目前已送抵北京进行解码 。
Officials say its memory unit is in reasonable condition, although other parts have been badly damaged.
相关部门表示,尽管其他部分严重受损,但其数据存储单元还较为完好 。
The box which was used to store flight data was found 1.5 meters underground.
这个“黑匣子”用来储存飞行数据,它是在地下1.5米深处被发现的 。
The other black box found on Wednesday stored cockpit voice recordings.
周三发现的另一个“黑匣子”,则是储存着驾驶舱的语音记录 。
Officials say its storage unit may also be damaged.
相关部门称,该“黑匣子”或存在数据存储单元损坏 。
Both black boxes are seen as critical to understanding what happened to the fated aircraft.
这两个“黑匣子”被视为了解这架失事飞机究竟发生了什么事情的关键 。
Officials have confirmed that all 132 people on board the plane died.
官方于日前证实,机上132人已经全部遇难 。
A ceremony was held for the victims today.
并于今天为遇难者举行了一个仪式 。
China Eastern Airlines which owned the Boeing 737 says it has started claim processing work for the victims' families.
这架波音737飞机隶属于中国东方航空公司,该公司称已经启动遇难者家属的理赔工作 。