And when you're saying redistributive policies, you're not talking about within a company, but free college, or more paid healthcare, or that type thing?
By redistributive policies, we really mean our progressive tax system and social insurance policies, like transfers towards lower income households, including food stamps or cash transfers.
So all this bundle of policies to essentially equalize outcomes, equalize incomes a bit more.
Yeah, but it could apply within firms, right?
So within firms and within sector, it is definitely something interesting because it could certainly affect what wages people ask for, how they negotiate, and also what opportunities they look for.
So by not realizing in a sense how low paid you are relative to others, you may not be seeking out these opportunities.
So that is definitely something to think about within firm and within sector.
Now this study happened in Denmark, right?
But do you think it's generalizable?
Would it apply elsewhere as well?
I think the core results are probably quite generalizable.
So Denmark is certainly a more equal country, and it has some different policies in place than the US, but this basic pattern, we have reasons to think that it would also hold in the US, and it would probably have similar strong implications.
Your position among others actually really shapes your views on fairness and on what you want to do about inequality.
People who are ranked higher and perceive themselves as being ranked higher, think that inequality is also more fair.
They tend to think that inequality in incomes is more due to things you can affect, to your merit, to your effort, rather than to adverse or circumstances or luck.
They also support less progressive policies on average, and they're also more satisfied with life.
So, all these things are quite strongly correlated with your position among others, and we think that these results are generalizable to some extent at least, in other countries like the US.
What is the danger or downside of people, not understanding how much people around them make, and why does that matter for leaders and managers?
So I'm very much a proponent of providing accurate information to citizens, to voters, to of people.
So one of the goals of this research is to see where misperceptions are, and to the extent possible try to correct them, at least in the people that we can survey and that we have in our samples.
So, I very much believe in giving people the tools to make the best decisions for the themselves.
And when it comes to your income, pay policy, taxation and other important policies, it's things that affect our daily lives.
And so it's things that really matter, and it's important that we are well informed so that ultimately we can decide what's it's best for us and make the right decisions.
So I'm a very big believer in more information, and sort of more education on economic issues.