The three risks that I would like to discuss in terms of liposuction are bleeding, infection, and minor contour irregularities.
今天我们要谈的是抽脂面临的三种风险:失血、感染、以及轻微皮肤轮廓不规则 。
Anytime any surgical procedure is performed any where in the world or in any part of the body there's a risk of both bleeding and infection.
不论在什么时候,不论在世界上什么地方,对身体任意部位进行的任何外科手术,都会有出血和感染的风险 。
As surgeons, we take great care to try to prevent infection by giving antibiotics or making sure that our procedures are performed in as sterile conditions as possible.
作为外科医生,我们会非常谨慎地通过使用抗生素,或尽可能的无菌手术,来防止感染 。
In addition, we control as much bleeding as we possibly can and attempt to lose as little blood as possible at all times.
此外,我们也会尽可能地控制出血量,并尽量减少失血 。
That being said anytime any procedure is performed those two complications or those two risks are still possibilities.
也就是说,无论何时进行何种手术,这两种并发症或风险都还是有可能发生的 。
A risk that is specific to liposuction is in less experienced hands liposuction procedures can potentially cause contour irregularities.
抽脂特有的风险在于,经验不足的整形医生可能会造成皮肤轮廓不规则 。
The liposuction devices are very efficient at removing fat and it's therefore very important to remove the fat in a very smooth and equally distributed matter.
抽脂设备在去除脂肪方面非常有效,因此有必要在非常平滑且均匀分布的部位去除脂肪 。
A small degree of contour irregularity is to be expected post-operatively based on swelling and fluid.
但由于操作部位的肿胀和体液因素,术后可能会出现轻微的皮肤轮廓不规则 。
However, large contour irregularities, if they exist, may need to be corrected by either additional liposuction or by fat graphing,
which is where you take fat from one part of the body and inject into another part of the body to fill in a contour.
即从身体的一个部位提取脂肪,然后注射到身体的另一个部位来填充皮肤轮廓 。
So those are three potential risks of liposuction that needs to be considered prior to undergoing the surgery.
因此,在接受手术之前,以上关于抽脂的三个潜在风险,是务必要去考虑的 。