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The government in the UK is coming under increasing pressure to provide protective equipment for all medical staff.
918 new coronavirus deaths have been recorded in the country, the second day in a row that the number of victims has exceeded 900.
该国新增918例冠状病毒死亡病例 连续第二天死亡人数超过900人
The U.S. is facing the deadliest coronavirus outbreak in the world with many more than 20,000 deaths and half-a-million confirmed cases.
美国正面临世界上最致命的冠状病毒大爆发 超过2万人死亡 50万人确诊
For the first time all 50 US states are under a disaster declaration.
And Pope Francis live streamed his Easter Vigil on Saturday from an almost empty St. Peter's Basilica and will give his Easter address later today in a St. Peter's Square devoid of the usual crowds.
周六 方济各教皇在几乎空无一人的圣彼得大教堂现场直播了他的复活节守夜活动 并将于今天晚些时候在圣彼得广场发表复活节讲话 广场不再人满为患
Christians around the world will celebrate Easter despite coronavirus restrictions with many churches putting services online.
尽管有因冠状病毒而实施的限制 世界各地的基督徒仍将庆祝复活节 许多教堂将提供线上服务