Hello, this is BBC World News. The headlines.
欢迎收听BBC全球新闻,请听头条新闻 。
Sudan gets its third leader in as many days as another military head is sworn in.
苏丹迎来第三任领导人,等待军事领导人宣誓就职 。
Demonstrators vow to fight for as long as it takes for a transition to civilian rule.
抗议者宣誓将抗争到底,直到过渡到由人民统治 。
President Trump says he wants to release migrant detainees into Democrat-controlled urban centers
or so-called sanctuary cities in retaliation for the party's opposition to his immigration policies.
或所谓的“庇护城市”,从而报复民主党反对其移民政策 。
The Democrats have called his rationale warped.
民主党称他毫无理性 。
The World Health Organization says there's no sign that the world's second biggest Ebola outbreak will be contained soon.
世卫组织称没有迹象显示全球第二大埃博拉疫情将会马上得到遏制 。
The epidemic in DRC has infected over a thousand people. The UN stopped short of labeling it a global emergency
刚果有超一千人感染该疾病,联合国不再称其为全球危机 。
And a new medical treatment called gene silencing as giving hope to sufferers of some crippling disorders
by altering messages locked in their DNA. Experts say it could be used to treat a range of conditions.
它通过改变锁在DNA中的遗传信息,专家称这或许会治疗一系列情况 。