This is BBC news, these are the headlines.
这里是BBC新闻头条 。
The U.S. Defense Secretary has ordered a review of screening procedures for all foreign personnel training at bases in America
周五,一名沙特军官在佛罗里达州枪杀了三名海员 。
after a Saudi Officer shot three sailors in Friday in Florida.
随后,美国国防部长下令对所有在美国基地接受培训的外国人员的筛选程序进行审查 。
The FBI is treating the attack as active terrorism.
联邦调查局将此次袭击视为恐怖主义活动 。
Reports from New Zealand say volcanic eruption has left many people injured.
据新西兰报道,火山喷发已经导致很多人受伤 。
The country's Prime Minister said around a hundred tourists were on or around the Whakaari volcano when it erupted,
新西兰总理表示,在瓦卡里火山喷发时,约有一百名游客在火山上面及其周围 。
and some are unaccounted for.
还有一些人下落不明 。
Police in Delhi have arrested the owner and manager of a factory which caught fire on saturday night,
德里一家工厂于周六晚上起火,大火造成至少40人死亡 。
at least forty people were killed in the blaze.
警方已逮捕该工厂的老板和经理 。
Fire fighters say the building had no safty equipment and no safty certificates.
消防人员表示,该建筑没有安全设备,也没有安全证书 。
And those are the headlines on BBC news.
以上就是BBC新闻头条 。