I'm Ros Atkins with the headlines on BBC World News.
我是BBC世界新闻头条的罗斯·阿特金斯 。
Israel's Attorney General has indicted the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges.
以色列总检察长以贪污罪起诉了总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡 。
He has been under investigation cases involving gifts he received from wealthy figures.
他一直在接受有关收受富豪礼物的调查 。
The prime minister has always denied any wrongdoing.
该总理一直否认自己有任何不当行为 。
At the Trump impeachment inquiry, a diplomat of the US Embassy in Ukraine has suggested the President's personal interests overrule US foreign policy goals.
在特朗普总统弹劾听证会上,一位美国驻乌克兰大使馆的外交官表示,特朗普总统将个人利益凌驾于美国外交政策目标之上 。
A White House Russia expert accused politicians of spreading false claims that Ukraine try to meddle with US elections.
一名白宫俄罗斯问题专家指责政客散布乌克兰试图干涉美国大选的谣言 。
Amnesty Intertional says the security forces in Chile have deliberately injured people taking part in mass demonstrations against inequality to try to discourage further protest.
国际特赦组织表示,智利安全部队故意伤害参加反对不平等的大规模示威活动的民众,以阻止进一步的抗议 。
The unrest was triggered by a rising public transport affairs but soon widened.
这次骚乱是由不断上升的公共交通事件引发的,但很快就扩大了 。
And pressure continue to mount on Prince Andrew. He has been seen in public for the first time since backing down from royal duties.
安德鲁王子面临的压力也越来越大 。自退出公职以来,他首次出现在公众面前 。