He's being shady already. I know. We're back with Mario Lopez.
他都已经见不得人了 是啊 欢迎Mario Lopez回来
We have a game called Aw Snap, but today we're renaming it in your honor called Mario Snap.
我们有个游戏叫做“Aw Snap” 不过今天为了你 我们把它改成“Mario Snap”
Andy was kind enough to volunteer to play against Mario.
善良的安迪自告奋勇 担当Mario的对手
And here's how it works.
You've got to get your apples from over there to over here using only your teeth,
hands behind your backs, no hands allowed.
手放背后 不能用手
First person to get all their apples in the basket wins.
Mario, you're going for the Granny Smith over there.
Mario 你拿那边的绿苹果
Andy, you're going for the Red Delicious. All right?
安迪 你拿那边的红蛇果 好吧
Back to back, please. Uh-uh, back to back. Oh back to back.
背对背 啊哈 背对背 哦 背对背
No, right in the middle. Don't cheat, Lassner. Ready? Yeah. Go.
不 站在正中间 不准作弊啊 Lassner 准备?嗯 开始
Oh, shoot.
哦 天
He's got some core--
Always treat your opponent with respect.
Are you OK? Wait until you see what you did to him.
What happened? There's going to be a slow mo of a whiplash.
All right, I believe you win.
好 是你赢了
That Some good core strength there, Lassner.
Lassner 你的中枢肌肉力量不错啊
Stop talking, both of you. All right.
闭嘴 你俩 好
Watch Mario every night on Extra.
We'll be right back. You poor thing.
马上回来 小可怜