Right now, it's time for another edition of Ellen, Rate My Baby.
现在 该玩“艾伦 给我的宝宝打分”了
This is not a competition. There are no losers, but there will be a winner.
这不是比赛 没有败者 但有赢家
Anna from Atherton, California posted this photo of her son, Adam.
All right. I shall now rate her baby.
好 现在我来打分
I doubt he's a real doctor, but I like ambitious babies, so that plus seven points.
我不信他真的是位医生 不过我喜欢胸有大志的孩子 所以加7分
His name tag reads Dr. Drool, and drool is one of the reasons I don't have kids, so that's minus three points.
他的名牌上写着口水医生 口水就是我不要孩子的一个原因 所以扣3分
But I don't see any evidence of drool, so that makes me think Dr. Drool is ironic, and I love a baby who gets irony.
不过我没看到有口水 所以我觉得口水医生应该是个讽刺 我喜欢有讽刺意味的宝宝
So that's plus eight points. It's a total of 12 out of 10 points.
所以加8分 最后就是10分得了12分
Congratulations, Adam. Crystal, Crystal from Edmonton, Canada.
恭喜Adam 来自加拿大埃德蒙顿的Crystal
Is that near Montreal by any chance? No, OK. Do you know Crystal?
那是在蒙特利尔附近吗?不是 好 你们认识Crystal吗?
She posted this baby, this post of her son, Arshan, and we'll now rate Arshan.
她晒了这张照片 她儿子Arshan 现在来给Arshan打分
Bow ties are an automatic eight points.
Also it's not a clip on bow tie. It's the real deal.
而且这蝴蝶结还不是假的 货真价实
That's another four points. He forgot to wear a shirt, rookie mistake.
再加4分 他忘记穿衬衣了 菜鸟级错误
That's minus six points. Although, he has a future as a Magic Mike dancer.
扣6分 不过他有成为魔力麦克的潜质
That's plus 10 points. That gives him 16 out of 10 points.
加10分 最后就是10分得了16分
Shelley from Seattle, Washington posted this photo of her daughter Akaya.
I shall now rate her baby. Her hair defies gravity, so she might grow up to be an astronaut.
现在给她打分 她的头发能抵抗重力 长大后可能是个宇航员
We need more women in that fields, so that's plus five points.
这个领域需要更多女性 所以加5分
This baby clearly has a lot of energy.
I like babies when they're sleeping, so that's minus three points.
我喜欢睡觉的宝宝 所以减3分
And as the rules state, it's an automatic two points for every roll.
根据规则 每个圈自动加2分
That's two, four, six, eight, 10, 12, 14 and four more if you count the knees.
那就是2 4 6 8 10 12 14 如果算上膝盖的话还得加4分
That's a total of 20 out of 10 points. Akaya is the winner.
一共就是10分得了20分 Akaya是赢家
If you want me to rate your baby, post a photo on Instagram with the hashtag, Ellen, rate my baby.
如果你想让我给你的孩子打分 那就在Instagram上晒一张照片 带上艾伦 给我的孩子打分的标签
But remember, please don't try rating babies at home.
但要记住 别在家给自己的孩子打分哦
I am a professional baby rater.