I'm Katey.
我是凯蒂 。
I made it, I said it, I ate it, ya heard me?
I am from New Orleans, Louisiana, and I'm a bounce artist, aka The Legendary Katey Red, iconic.
我来自路易斯安那新奥尔良,我是一名bounce艺人,人送外号“传奇凯蒂红” 。
I was known to be the first transgender/homosexual rapper, bounce artist.
大家都知道我是第一个跨性别/同性恋说唱歌手,bounce艺人 。
Bounce bounce, do that, work, work, do that
Bounce bounce, 跳吧,工作,工作,做吧 。
That, is Miss Katey Red.
这位就是凯蒂红小姐 。
A legendary bounce artist who's been doing it for over 20 years.
她是一位传奇的bounce艺人,跳bounce已经跳了20多年了 。
But before we get to her story, what exactly is bounce?
不过,再我们具体讲述她的故事之前,我们先来了解一下到底什么是bounce吧 。
People may call it "twerking," the correct name for it is "bouncing."
人们可能会把这种舞蹈叫作“电臀舞”,但正确的叫法应该是“bouncing” 。
It's shake-your-ass music, that's what bounce music is, it's shake-your-ass music.
就是甩臀舞舞曲,bounce音乐就是甩臀舞舞曲 。
The origin of bounce music can be traced back to the mid '80s, to a DJ duo from Queens, known as The Showboys.
bounce音乐可以追溯到80年代中期来自皇后区的DJ二重奏组合“表演男孩” 。
They took the theme from Dragnet and sampled it into this:
Eventually, it made its way to New Orleans where the beat got sped up, looped,
and by the early '90s, bounce was a mainstay in New Orleans music.
到90年代早期,bounce就已然成了新奥尔良音乐的支柱 。
Soon enough, bounce went from a hyperlocal New Orleans sound to influencing some of mainstream's biggest artists, like Drake and Beyoncé.
很快,bounce又从新奥尔良的超本地化音乐转变成了一种连Drake和Beyoncé之类的主流巨星都深受影响的音乐 。
I don't know what it is about that sound, but whatever that sound be, it have you moving to your feet, baby.
我也不知道这种音乐到底有什么魔力,但无论它的魔力是什么,它就是会让你的双腿开始跳动起来 。
My fist concert, I was scared.
第一次开演唱会的时候,我很害怕 。
I was scared, I was so nervous.
我超级害怕,超级紧张 。
As soon as I got up there, and I was like "How y'all doin'?"
and they was screaming out loud, "We love you! We love your music!" And I'm like, that was like, what a big relief.
底下的粉丝就大声尖叫,“我们喜欢你!我们喜欢你的音乐!”当时我就觉得,太好了,心里的石头终于落地了 。
Let me hear y'all over here, "Come on, Katey baby, come on!"
Come on, Katey baby, come on!
It takes a certain amount of brashness and bravado to make it as a bounce artist.
要想成为bounce艺人,你得会自以为是,你得敢冒险 。
Let alone as an openly gay or transgender one.
更不用说要以公开的同性恋或变性人的身份来走这条路了 。
But Katey is not one to shy away from anything.
但凯蒂不是一个会逃避的人 。
Thank y'all, thank y'all so much for coming.
谢谢你们,非常感谢你们的到来 。
I wish I got more time with y'all.
我也希望能跟你们多待一会儿 。
Me opening doors for a lot of bounce artists and all the gay artists, I think about that a lot.
我要为许多bounce艺人和所有的同性恋艺术家打开一扇大门,我经常都会想到这一问题 。
The bounce scene is more acceptant, but at first it wasn't.
跳bounce的场面现在变得更具吸引力了,但一开始并不是这个样子的 。
I was bold and brave, but at the same time I was scared, but I still had to do me.
我大胆而勇敢,同时我也很害怕,但我还是要做我自己 。
A lot of gay guys would come up here and say, "Katey, you are the reason I told my mom I was gay,"
because I was like, I live in the city of music, I make people be who they are, and who they really wanna be.
因为我生活在音乐之城,我让大家勇敢地做自己,成为他们真正想成为的人 。
You only get one life, and nobody can run your life but you.
人只能活一次,除了你自己,没有人能够左右你的生命 。