Waking up everyday, first thing you're thinking about is your stilts.
每天醒来,想到的第一个东西就是高跷 。
Moko jumbie is life in Trinidad and Tobago.
是特立尼达和多巴哥人民的生活方式 。
The tradition of moko jumbie is a special form of stilt walking named after a West African spirit who watches over villages thanks to his towering height.
“高跷舞者”的传统是一种特殊的高跷行走方式,其名称是为了纪念一位藉着高大身材守护各个村庄的西非神灵 。
In times of celebration, groups of Trinidadian dancers pay tribute to this spirit.
每当节日来临,成群结队的特立尼达舞者就会祭拜这位神灵 。
But for Adrian, Moko Jumbie is part of his everyday life.
然而,对艾德里安来说,高跷舞者就是他的日常生活 。
My name is Adrian Young, and I've been walking stilts for 21 years.
我是艾德里安·杨,我踩高跷已经有21年了 。
The height I walked is 10 feet.
我踩的高跷有三米高 。
My dance group is called Future Jumbies, and it's a school for anyone to learn to walk stilts.
我带的舞蹈团名字叫“未来舞者”,这是一个任何人都可以来这里学习高跷的学校 。
There are various ways to put on your stilts.
套高跷的方法有很多 。
We got our shoes attached, and then we have our knee brace.
我们先固定好我们的鞋,然后绑上护膝 。
We tie up, strap up,and then we can have someone raise us up.
都绑好绑金,然后让其他人帮忙扶我们起来 。
We train starting on 1-foot stilts and then they gradually go up.
刚开始我们会先学着踩0.3米高的高跷,然后逐渐增加高度 。
You have to overcome the fear of falling, but falling is good.If you don't fall, you learn nothing. No risk, no reward.
学的时候需要克服害怕摔倒的心情,但摔跤也是一件好事 。不摔就学不到东西 。没有付出就没有收获 。
These are the dance moves on stilts. We got limbo, stoop, lara, butterfly and the moko train.
高跷舞的舞步包括凌波舞、下蹲、甩腰,蝴蝶步,还有高跷火车 。
The hardest move is the air split. That's where you take your foot and split in the air.
最难的舞步要数空中金鸡独立 。就是把一条腿抬起来单脚站立 。
My favorite part of moko jumbie dancing is when my whole team that I trained [is] just killing it.
我最喜欢看到的就是我教的所有学生都非常痴迷于这个舞蹈 。
I feel a joy that they are doing the thing.
他们跳高跷舞的时候我会觉得很开心 。
When I see my team giving it their all and doing their routines, I feel a sense of pride, and sometimes I feel like shedding a tear.
当我看到我的团队全心全意扑在这个舞蹈上,看着他们日常练习,我会觉得很自豪,有时甚至还会热泪盈眶 。
I have a sense of bringing everyone together.
有种把大家凝聚到了一起的感觉 。