Americans, we love ice cream.
作为美国人,我们都爱吃冰淇淋 。
Each person eats about 24 quarts of it per year.
我们每人每年要吃大约24夸脱的冰淇淋 。
And that's for one big reason.It tastes amazing.
很重要的原因是,它真的是太好吃了 。
But, someone had to teach Ben & Jerry's how to do it.
但是,即便是Ben & Jerry,也需要人教才会做冰淇淋不是嘛 。
Turns out, that guy, he works at Penn State.
原来,那个人,就在宾夕法尼亚州立大学工作 。
This is Dr. Bob Roberts-- Hold on.
这位是鲍勃·罗伯茨博士 - 大家稍等片刻 。
Okay, this is Dr. Bob Roberts.He teaches ice cream courses at Penn State.
好了,这位是鲍勃·罗伯茨博士 。他在宾州州立大学教冰淇淋课 。
I do. I have two courses. Ice Cream Short Course and Ice Cream 1-1.
我做 。我有两门课 。冰淇淋短期课程和冰淇淋一对一课程 。
Side note, these are the type of books ice cream professors read.
顺便说一下,这些是冰淇淋教授阅读的书籍类型 。
Okay, back to the story.
好了,我们言归正传 。
Part of the reason that ice cream is so good in the U. S. is that we've been teaching ice cream for 125 years.
美国的冰淇淋之所以能这么好吃,部分原因是我们已经有125年的冰淇淋课程历史了 。
And Bob, he's been teaching at Penn State for 25 of those.
而这其中的25年里有鲍勃的一份力 。
And he's had some pretty famous students.
他门下也出了些颇有名气的学生 。
Companies like Unilever, Nestle, Breyer's, Ben & Jerry's, um, you name the company, they've sent people here.
像联合利华、雀巢、布莱尔、本和杰里这样的公司,反正你能想到的冰淇淋制造商都派人到这里来学习过 。
That's because the Penn State creamery is on the forefront of ice cream technology.
因为宾州州立大学的冰淇淋厂采用了领先的制造技术 。
Ice cream is a formulated food.There is no naturally occurring ice cream.
冰淇淋是一种配方食品,没有一种冰淇淋是天然就存在的 。
You have to put the ingredients together and process it to make ice cream.
只有把各种原料混合到一起才能加工出冰淇淋 。
Bob and his department, they spend their time figuring out how to make ice cream even better.
但鲍勃及其所在的学院仍致力于如何制作出口感更好的冰淇淋 。
When we look at studying ice cream, we study ice cream from cow to the cone.
我们研究冰淇淋,从奶牛到最终顾客手里拿到的冰淇淋这整个环节都属于我们的研究范畴 。
So we look at what happens on the farm, what happens with the milk.
我们要考察农场上的情况,牛奶的品质 。
Wait, there's a farm?
We have a herd of about 250 or so milking Holsteins and yes they are on campus.
我们有250头左右的奶牛,没错,这些奶牛就在校园里 。
So yeah, he knows ice cream.
是了,他的确是对冰淇淋了如指掌 。
But he says that he's not an ice cream purist.
他却说自己不是冰激凌纯粹主义者 。
I'm not sure what an ice cream purist is.
我也不懂你说的冰淇淋纯粹主义者是什么意思 。
But I wouldn't eat frozen yogurt if I had the opportunity to eat ice cream.
但是,如果可以的话,比起吃冰冻的酸奶,我还是愿意吃冰淇淋 。
Yeah, well, that does make sense considering he is the authority on ice cream.
好吧,考虑到他是冰淇淋方面的权威,他这么说也不是没有道理的吧 。
Bob, what's your favorite flavor?
Hmm, dulce de Leche.Ooh, yeah.
嗯,杜尔塞德莱切 。哇,是挺好吃的 。