This colorful spot has a dark past.
这个色彩斑斓的地方也曾有过一段黑暗的历史 。
Las Palmitas was once a dangerous place with clashes between rival gangs.
拉斯帕米塔斯曾经是一个敌对团伙之间冲突不断,充满危险的地方 。
But the city government launched and funded a project called Pachuca Paints Itself to turn the community around.
但是,市政府发起并资助了一个名为“自己粉刷的帕丘卡”的项目,彻底改变了这里的模样 。
The painting itself involved participation from all of the households.
每个家庭都参与到了这个项目 。
They painted over 200 houses using 5000 gallons of paint.
他们用5000加仑的油漆粉刷了200多所房屋 。
These individually painted houses combine to make one beautiful rainbow design
inspired by Pachuca's nickname, La Bella Airosa, or the beautiful, breezy city.
而这一灵感来源于帕丘卡的昵称“La Bella Airosa”,翻译过来就是“美丽而轻松的城市” 。
The aim of the project was to bring a sense of liveliness and livability back to the city.
该项目旨在为城市重新营造一种生动和宜居的感觉 。
The Ministry of Planning and Evaluation of the City of Pachuca has noted that the crime rate in the city has decreased since the mural was painted.
帕丘卡市规划和评估部注意到,自从粉刷墙壁以来,该市的犯罪率也有所下降了 。