Burtrask, Northern Sweden, a small village where you can get lit by magical lights at night.
位于瑞典北部的Burtrask是一个夜晚可以看得到极光的小村庄 。
And during the day, you can worry about their great mystery.
而在白天,你可以担心担心这座村庄的一个巨大的奥秘 。
Yeah, somewhere between that house and these cute reindeer and this giant row of trees,
there is a Century-old enigma involving, cheese.
有一个关于奶酪的,有上百年历史的奥秘 。
Yep, this big ball of cheese.
没错,就是关于这一大团奶酪的奥秘 。
Well, as for all mystery tales a star storyteller is essential,
and today, that is Thomas Rudin,
Vasterbottensost is the emperor of Swedish cheeses.
西博腾奶酪堪称瑞典的奶酪之王 。
I've been making the Vasterbottensost nearly 40 years now.
我做西博腾奶酪已经做了快40年了 。
It was invented long time ago back in 1872.
这种奶酪是1872年发明的 。
The maturation is at least 14 month because a good cheese will take its time.
成熟期至少需要14个月,因为好的奶酪需要时间 。
It's a very unique taste.
这种奶酪的味道非常独特 。
It has a bitter and milky flavor, and oh do the Swedes love it.
有一种带点儿苦又带点奶味儿的味道,瑞典人可喜欢了 。
They put it on basically everything.
他们基本上吃什么都会放这种奶酪 。
But for some reason, it can't be made anywhere else in the world, aside from this one factory.
但由于某种原因,除了这家工厂,世界上其他任何地方都生产不了这种奶酪 。
It's one of Sweden's greatest mysteries.
这也是瑞典最大的奥秘之一 。
We have tried to make it in Falkenburg down in south of Sweden, also tried to make it in Bollnas and also in Amal.
我们也试过在瑞典南部的法尔肯堡,以及Bollnas和Amal生产 。
But it hasn't been the real Vasterbotten cheese.
但做出来的都不正宗 。
We don't get the unique taste and flavor of it.
没有它那种独特的味道 。
And, why? No one really knows.
那这是为什么呢?谁也不知道 。
Some blame it on a meteor that struck the village some 20,000 years ago,
which created this lake and, in turn, enriched the soil with calcium,
which affects the cows in the region, which affects the milk and cheese they produce.
进而影响了该地区的奶牛,影响了这些奶牛产的牛奶和用这些牛奶做成的奶酪 。
Another theory suggests the cheese's unique flavor is influenced by the bacteria in the air of the old factory building.
另一种说法是,这种奶酪的独特风味来源于旧厂房空气中的细菌 。
I mean the air is so precious to the cheese's flavor
that when the building expanded, holes were made so that the air from the old building would flow into the new one.
他们还专门打洞,让老建筑的空气流入新建筑 。
There is a combination with the kind of milk that we're using from the cows in our region combined with the microflora in our dairy.
If we call that magic or not, OK.
也可以说是一种魔法吧 。
One thing is certain, this magic cheese is kept alive by the people working on it.
有一点是肯定的,这种神奇的奶酪是由制作它的人保存下来的 。
I feel very humble for the fact that I'm allowed to work with this cheese.
我能有机会制作这种奶酪我倍感荣幸 。
It's a bit of the mystery that's why it's special.
为什么这种奶酪那么特别,这个问题可以说是一个谜 。
Last thing, can you give us the recipe?
No because that's the big secret with this cheese.
不能,因为这是这种奶酪最重要的秘密 。
Hm, mystery solved, maybe.
嗯,谜团解开了,也许解开了吧 。
Goodnight, goodnight.
晚安,晚安 。