Stepping onto Socotra Island is like setting foot on an alien landscape.
踏上索科特拉岛,人仿佛就进入了一个世外之境 。
This place is one of the most isolated landforms on Earth.
这里是世界上最人迹罕至的地方之一 。
Located in the Arabian Sea, south of Yemen, the island separated from the mainland of Africa between six and seven million years ago.
索科特拉岛坐落在也门以南的阿拉伯海上,六七百万年前,这里还和非洲大陆连在一起 。
There are nearly 700 endemic species on Socotra that are found nowhere else on the planet.
岛上有将近700种别处无从得见的动植物 。
Perhaps the most head-turning of Socotra's species is the dragon's blood tree.
索科特拉岛最引人注目的恐怕要数龙血树了 。
These strange umbrella shaped trees dot the island.
这些奇怪的伞状树散落在整座岛屿上 。
Its top-heavy design is actually an adaptation to Socotra's arid climate.
为了适应索科特拉岛干旱的气候,龙血树进化出了这些硕大的树冠 。
The large green crown provides shade which reduces evaporation in a place that sees very little rainfall.
在降雨极少的岛上,这些巨大的绿色树冠能够为树干庇荫,减慢蒸发 。
This otherworldly gem has experienced threats to its ecology from human development.
But the United Nations stepped in in 2008 designating it a UNESCO heritage site.
所幸的是,2008年联合国将这里列入了世界遗产名录 。