I just wanna start and go, and go, and go, the longest amount of time that I can draw, before the tide comes in and washes everything away.
我就想走啊走啊走,在潮水上来冲走一切之前能画多久我就会画多久 。
My name is Jim Denevan. I draw in the sand.
我是Jim Denevan 。我在沙地上作画 。
To draw in the sand, it's a balance between a mental game and a physical.
在沙地上作画讲究的是心理游戏和现实游戏之间的一种平衡 。
They're both equally important.
这两种游戏同样重要 。
I started drawing in the sand a little more than 20 years ago.
我是20多年前开始在沙地上作画的 。
I was walking along the beach one day, and it just came to me to use it as a canvas.
有一天,我正沿着海滩散步,然后就灵光一闪想要用沙滩作我的画布 。
I just put my finger in the sand and made a giant fish.
我就用手在沙里画了一条超大的鱼 。
I became really, really obsessed with it.
从那以后,我就对这种画画的方式着魔了 。
I left behind the world, both of surfing, and a job as a chef, and then I just put everything into drawing in the sand.
为此我放弃了全世界,放弃了冲浪,放弃了厨师工作,转而全身心地投入到了沙地作画上 。
There was almost no one in the whole world that did this kind of thing.
全世界几乎没有任何人做过这种事 。
I've drawn in the sand around the world: Australia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Russia,
and occasionally a commission,
but also in places where, "Oh there's a nice patch of sand, I think I'll go do something there."
有时纯粹就是因为觉得“哎,那片沙滩好漂亮啊,好想上去画点儿啥啊 。”
The one that was 10 miles in circumference in the desert, on a dry lake,
it's a Guinness world record, largest art.
还作为规模最大的画作被吉尼斯收录了 。
I've walked as much as 30 miles in one day, which means about seven or eight hours of walking.
我一天就要走48公里,要走差不多七八个小时 。
I like the stick probably the best, because I like to come down to the beach with nothing.
我最喜欢的应该是枯枝吧,因为我喜欢空着手去沙滩上 。
The tools are sitting there on the beach, sticks to choose from, and I'll do my composition.
我需要的工具沙滩上都有,我可以随意挑选,我就用那些枯枝来完成我的作品 。
Do a nice big drawing and then I'll throw the stick away.
画一幅漂亮的巨幅画,然后就可以把树枝扔了 。
Come down with nothing and leave with nothing.
空手来,空手走 。
For me, that's the most fulfilling choice of how to do it.
这就是整个过程中最让我满足的地方 。
Drawing in the sand is the ultimate of in the moment,
and I wanna finish when the tide is about to destroy the drawing.
我希望我能在潮水到来之前完成我的作品 。
This is gonna change every day.
这里每天都在发生变化 。
Anything I do down there is gonna be gone, and every time I'm gonna have a big, huge place to try something new.
我在那里画的任何东西都会消失,但我总能找到别的大舞台尝试新事物 。