This Great Big Story was made possible by P&G.
本期的传奇故事可能是由宝洁公司缔造的 。
Love Over Bias
I am Subhi Nahas. I am a Syrian gay refugee activist.
我是Subhi Nahas 。我是叙利亚同性恋难民活动家 。
Before the war, it was not safe at all for me to walk around.
在战争爆发之前,在外面抛头露面对我来说是非常危险的 。
Al Qaeda come into my hometown, and they said they will apply Sharia law and cleanse the city of all, like, sodomites.
基地组织去了我的家乡,说他们要用伊斯兰教法铲除城市里所有的同性恋之类的人群 。
I expected to immigrate, I did not expect to run away.
我想的是移民而不是逃走 。
I am an advocate for LGBT and LGBT refugees' rights.
我是LGBT和LGBT难民权利倡导者 。
When I went out from my country, I found that the peace of mind and the safety that I felt,
I wanted everybody else to feel the same, and I want them to feel, like, safe.
我希望其他人也能够拥有这种感受,我希望他们也有安全感 。
Syrian LGBT face double discrimination.
叙利亚的LGBT群体面临着双重的歧视 。
You escaped to save your life; you escaped your family rejection; and then to find your true self.
你逃跑,一是为了活命,二是为了躲开家人的拒绝;然后找到真正的自我 。
It is difficult to really live your life, but sometimes it's healing.
过自己真正想过的生活很难,但有时候才能改变现状 。
You start to realize how bad things were, and how good they will be in the future.
你开始意识到事情有多糟糕,未来会有多好 。
The Castro is a place where you can be whatever you wanna be.
卡斯特罗是一个你可以做任何你想做的事情的地方 。
It may give you this courage to come out to yourself, and be who you wanna be, and the person that you're supposed to be.
它能够给你勇气,让你活出真我,成为你想成为的人以及你应该成为的人 。
I always thought that home is a location, but home is where your friends are, where your love is.
我一直以为家不过是一个地方,但其实,有朋友的地方,有爱的地方才是家 。
If home is not that, then I don't think I'll find it anywhere else.
如果不是这样,那我想在别处我应该也找不着家了 。