Hello. My name is Sammi, and I am from Paris, France originally.
From Atlanta, Georgia. From Sydney, Australia. London, England. Moscow, Russia. There's been a lot more, but those are the ones that come to mind.
来自佐治亚州的亚特兰大,来自澳大利亚悉尼,来自英国伦敦,俄罗斯莫斯科,我还可以继续往下说,但我先想到的就是这些 。
My name is Sammi Grant, I'm a dialect coach and I'm legally blind.
我是萨米·格兰特,是一名方言教练,而且基本上是盲人 。
A dialect coach is someone who teaches actors accents. I can do accents from around the world.
方言教练教演员口音 。我会全世界各个地方的口音 。
I don't really even have a count anymore because I've taught so many.
我已经不数自己会多少种方言了,因为我学过的实在是太多太多种了 。
I mostly work for the stage. I've started dabbling in television.
大多数时间我都在为舞台工作 。现在我也开始做电视配音了 。
One of the reasons I think that I took to voice work and dialect work is because I'm more in tune with hearing.
我选择做声音和方言这方面的工作,一个原因就是我对听觉更加敏感 。
So people are always like, “Oh, you have heightened hearing.”
大家经常都会说,“哇,你的听觉好好啊 。”
I don't like that phrase 'cause it sounds like we have like superhero hearing like we're Daredevil or something.
我其实不喜欢这种说法,因为听着好像我们是听觉超人是超胆侠似的 。
Oh, you're just like Daredevil. No.
哇,你好像超胆侠噢!才没有 。
But I do have more a tuned hearing. I use my hearing more than a sighted person because I have to.
但我的听觉确实比较发达,而且我比正常人更依赖于听觉,因为我只能靠这个 。
For a London accent, placement's really important so the placements like really forwards in the mouth.
伦敦方言的话,发音的位置比较重要,口腔内发音的位置比较靠前 。
So there's the southern accent that lacks the R.
南方口音卷舌比较少 。
The Australian accent quite different than the British accent so they don't really say like, buttah, it's a little more like butter.
澳大利亚口音跟英国口音就比较不一样,澳大利亚人不怎么会说buttah,他们会说butter 。
Transatlantic accent is very dramatic.
大西洋沿岸国家的口音比较夸张 。
It's what you hear in those old time movies.
他们说话是那种老电影里的口音 。
It's kind of like a, well, well I don't know, is he ever gonna love me? Well I just want him to love me.
就比如这样,“呃,呃,我也不知道,他会爱上我吗?我好想他爱我啊 。
But if I'm too expressive maybe he won't, I don't know.
但如果我太直白的话,他可能就不会爱我了,我也拿不准 。”
For Russian accent you want to sort of feel like you swallow some in back of the mouth.
俄罗斯口音的话,听上去感觉有种发音在口腔后部被吞掉了的感觉 。
This is very stereotype, but like the Jewish New York mother.
接下里是比较老套,听上去有点像纽约的犹太妈妈的口音 。
This is what I do a lot with my friends.
我跟我朋友就这么说话 。
You know, kind of like the, why don't you call me? You know I sit around and wait for your calls all day and you never call me.
这样,你干嘛不打电话给我?我天天守着电话,你就是不打给我 。
I don't mind, it's okay, you know, just whatever.
没什么,没事,随你便了 。
I just pay for your college tuition, it's okay.
我也就是给你交了大学的学费而已,没事 。
It's a pretty in depth process teaching someone an accent.
教人口音是一个比较深入的过程 。
I get sent this script and I try to gather everything I can.
收到剧本以后,我会尽可能收集所有的资料 。
So that goes much beyond just, where does this take place? It also factors in time period and education level, class level, and I also think about the gender of my character.
光了解事情发生的地点还远远不够,还要了解当时的时代背景,人物的受教育程度,社会阶层,还有人物的性别 。
And then I talk with the director to sort of you know touch base on their concept for the voice of the show.
然后我会跟导演沟通,了解他们对作品声音的要求 。
And then I kind of go on a hunt for authentic speakers.
接下来我就去说那种语言的本土人士 。
Once I've gathered all that information I present it to the actor.
等我收集完这所有的信息,我才会正式开始指导演员的发音 。
We're now surrounded by so many voices that are emotionless.
如今,我们生活在一个充斥着各种各样没有情感的声音世界里 。
You know by these automated voices that sound very fake where it's like, I'd love to help you, I'm a computer that's here to help you with whatever you want all the time.
“很高兴为您服务 。我是随时可以为您提供任何帮助的电脑 。” 这些机器合成的声音听着就很假 。
I love meeting new people and hearing their voices.
我喜欢结识新的朋友,听他们说话 。
I, you know, immediately go into dialect coach mode and I wanna sort of imitate them.
而且我会立刻进入方言教练的模式,学他们说话 。
I just wanna like experience their voice and experience what their vocalizing.
我就是想体验他们的声音,体验他们发音的方式 。