日期:2017-12-14 12:17



Hi again. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam.Today's lesson is a very interesting one.
It's one of my favourites.Why? Because I love to eat.
Actually, a long time ago, before I was a teacher, before I did any of that, I went to culinary school.
"Culinary" -- I learned how to cook.I was going to be a chef.
"Culinary" —— 我在那里学习怎么做菜。那个时候我想成为一名厨师。
But then I worked at a restaurant, actually I worked in a few restaurants and I decided: "Nope, I don't want to be a chef anymore."
But I still like to cook, I still love to eat.So some of my students were asking me for kitchen vocab, some culinary cooking vocab.
First, let's start with this question: "What's cookin'?"Now, it could mean: "Ah, something smells good. What's cookin'?"Means what are you making, what dish are you making?
首先来看一下这个问题:"What's cookin'?"它的意思可以是:“有东西这么香,在做什么好吃的?”就是说你在做什么菜呢?
But sometimes, people will ask this as slang: "What's cookin?" means: "What's happening? How are things? How are you?"
Just so you know. A good idiom to recognize.So we're looking at kitchen vocab.
When we're talking about cooking, we're talking about culinary arts.
Okay? So you ever hear this expression: "culinary" means about cooking, about food.
Now, before I get into these actions, some of these actions that you will use while you are cooking, it's a moral imperative that I spend a minute about these two words.
What does "moral imperative" mean?It means that to be a good person, I must tell you something about these words.
"Moral imperative"是什么意思呢?意思就是要做一个好人,我有必要告诉你们这几个单词的含义。
First: "a chef", a chef is a person who studied cooking, went to school and studied, has worked in many restaurants, and has practiced for a long time in his art, his cooking skills.
第一个:"A chef",主厨就是研究烹饪的人,去学校学习,在很多餐馆工作,花很长时间磨练自己的烹饪技艺。
This person - or her -, this person probably has a diploma and is usually the boss of a kitchen in a restaurant somewhere.
Now, "a cook" is a person who is just starting to cook or somebody who just makes food at home.Anybody can be a cook.
"A cook"说的是刚开始学做菜的人,或者在家做饭的人。所有人都可以做"cook"。
So "cook" could be a noun, the person, or: "to cook", verb, to prepare dishes.
Now, very, very, very important and I must stress this: "cook", the pronunciation of this word is very important.
It's: "uh", "uh", "uhk". "Cook", okay? "Cook".Sounds like, it rhymes with: "look" or: "took" or: "book". Okay?
发音是"uh", "uh", "uhk","Cook",明白了吗?与这几个单词同音:"look","took","book",明白吗?
"Book", "took", "look", "cook".It does not, not rhyme with: "rock" or: "sock" or: "lock". Okay? Not.
"Book", "took", "look", "cook".但是跟这几个单词并不同音:"rock","sock","lock",明白吗?
So if somebody says to you: "Oh, I'm a good cock." Say: "I'm happy for you. Bye-bye." Okay?
如果有人对你说"Oh, I'm a good cock."这句话的话,你就说一句:“哇真替你开心,再见。”明白吗?
Because they're talking about something else completely."Cook", be very careful about this word.Okay, let's get started.
Let's say you're on the internet, you want to look for some new dishes, you want to surprise your family with a nice new meal from a different country maybe.
You get on the internet and you find a "recipe", recipe for a nice dish.
But, you're not sure about how to make it because you don't recognize some of these actions.
"Pot", "pan", all of these things you can understand.
My little stove here, and my little oven here, I'm sure you can understand.Let's look at the actions.
"To saute", now this word actually comes from the French, but we use it in English as well.
"To saute",这个单词其实来源于法语,但我们英语中也用。
"To saute" means in a skillet or in a pan, to cook lightly.
So you have your pan, your flat pan, put a little bit of oil, put in your onions on the stove,
and you saute, you flip, you cook it a little bit to a little bit brown, and then you put other things in it or you add it to other things.
"Boil/simmer", these are very similar actions.
"Boil", you put something in a pot, like something like this and high, full of water.You put the heat very, very high.
So boiling is very high heat, big bubbles, and very fast moving.
"Bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh." Right? Like very boiling, so the bubbles go very fast and very high.
"Simmer" means lower heat, small bubbles moving slowly. Okay?
So when you're making a nice soup or a stew, first you get everything boiling, and then you reduce the heat and let it simmer for like an hour; get all the flavours to blend together really nicely.
Then you have: "broil/roast".So "broil" and "roast", we're using the oven.
If you want to cook something like very quickly and get the top like very crispy, you broil.
"Broil" means heat from the top, so the heat is going like this on to the food.
"Roast" means the heat is coming from the bottom and the sides, so it cooks the inside and takes a little bit longer. Okay.
"Grill". "Grill", like for example: when you barbeque. When you're barbequing, you are grilling.
You have the lines of the grill, you put your steak on it, then you flip it, etc.That's grilling, usually with fire, coals, lines.
Next: you're preparing your...All your "ingredients".That's another good word.
OK? All your ingredients, all the things that will go into the dish.So you have to "chop" or "dice".
Now, if you're a chef, there's a difference between "chop" and "dice".
If you're cooking at home, there's no difference.
Like quickly cut, you take your knife, your cutting board and: "Ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch" into little pieces.
The only difference between these two is the size that...Of the onion, let's say you're cutting onion into little pieces. "Chop", "dice".
"Slice". "Slice" means you're getting larger pieces.
If you take your onion, you slice, you have a nice round piece of onion and then you put it on your hamburger.Very delicious.
"Fry", anything that you do with oil, even sautéing is a type of frying because you're doing it with oil.
"Deep-fry" means you cover it with oil.Regular "fry" means just oil both sides, away you go.
"Stir", so when you're simmering something, don't forget once in a while to give it a stir.
Otherwise, all the ingredients, all the heavy ingredients will fall to the bottom and burn. Okay?


Every once in a while stir, get everything rising up again; get all those flavours mixing. Okay?So there. Now, I love to eat.
I mean I...I'm sure I don't look maybe that big to you, but I do love to eat.
Please, send me a recommended dish.What is your favourite dish?Go to www.engvid.com.
First of all, you can practice these words with a quiz.Second, tell me: what is your favourite dish?
What must I try to say that I have lived?I need to know your dish. Okay?
Also, make sure to go to YouTube, check my channel and subscribe to it.And come again, visit us. Bye.
