日期:2017-08-16 08:55



Hi, my name is Emma and today's lesson is a fun lesson on going to the hairdresser's.
So, as you've seen in some of my videos if you watch my videos, I have had different haircuts.
That's what we're going to be focusing on today: what do you say when you want to change your hair?
Okay? So, the first thing I want to teach you is the difference between a barber and a hairdresser, and a barbershop and a hair salon.
所以我想教你们的第一个内容是"barber"和"hairdresser"的区别,以及"barbershop"和"hair salon"的区别。
Okay? So, notice I've written "barber" and "barbershop" in blue.
Why do you think I did that?
Well, it's because boys and men go to the "barber", who is the person who cuts the hair, and the "barber" works at the "barbershop".


So the "barbershop" is the place and the "barber" is the person.
They deal with men only, boys and men only, so no women.
Now, I've written this one in red because I didn't have a pink marker.
But we also have "hairdressers", so these are people.
And where do "hairdressers" work? At "hair salons".
"hairdressers"在哪里工作?在"hair salons"(美发廊)。
Okay, so with "hairdressers", unlike with "barbers", "hairdressers" work with both men and women.
So they work with both at the "hair salon".
也就是他们在"hair salon"里男人和女人都接待。
Okay? So now let's look at some common phrases we may use when we go to the hair salon.
If I want to get my hair changed I may say, "I would like to get", or I could say, "I would like to have", so you have a choice, they're both equal.
如果我想换个发型,我会说:"I would like to get"或者"I would like to have",你们可以自己选,这两个都是一样的。
"I would like to have a cut." Okay? This means they just cut your hair.
我会说:"I would like to have a cut."(我想剪个头),意思是让他们只给你剪头发。
"I would like to have a wash and cut", this means they wash your hair first, and then they cut it.
"I would like to have a wash and cut"(我想洗个头再剪一下),这句话的意思是让他们先给你洗头,然后剪头发。
"I would like to get a wash, cut, and dry", in this case, they wash your hair, they cut it, and then they blow-dry it, and maybe they style it a bit.
"I would like to get a wash, cut, and dry"(我想来个洗剪吹一条龙),这句话的意思是让他们给你洗头,然后剪头发,最后再吹干,可能让他们稍微吹个造型。
I can also say, "I would like to get a trim".
我还可以说:"I would like to get a trim"(我想修一下头发)。
So, what is a "trim"? A "trim" is a very little cut.
So my hair is getting kind of long, I want it maybe to about here, I'm going to get a "trim".
好比我的头发有点长了,我想把它剪到这儿,那就可以说我要"get a trim"。
How much should I get cut off? Maybe I'll say, "I'd like two inches off."
我想剪掉多少头发?我可能会说:"I'd like two inches off"(我想剪掉两英寸)。
So that's a "trim", two inches.
Okay? Finally, another expression that you may need, "I would like to get a perm."
最后,你们可能会需要的另一个表达是:"I would like to get a perm."(我想烫个发)。
So what's a "perm"? A "perm" stands for permanent, and permanent means something that doesn't change.
So maybe I have very straight hair, and I don't like straight hair, maybe I like curly hair, so I may get a "perm", so my hair is always curly.
Or, maybe I get a "perm" so my hair is always straight.
So they use chemicals to change your hair so it's either curly or straight, so that's a "perm".
Now one thing I'd like to draw your attention to is, first of all, this is very polite to say, which is good, "I would like",
现在有一点我想让你们注意一下,首先,说"I would like"是非常礼貌的,是好事,
I can also say - I'll write it here - "I'd like", so both of these are correct.
还可以说 "I'd like",(我写在这里),这两个都是正确的
"I would like", "I'd like", "to get", "to have", and what do these five things have in common?
"I would like"和 "I'd like"都是对的,后面用 "to get"或"to have"都可以,还有,我上面讲的这五个词有什么共同点?
They all need an article, because these - a cut is a noun, a wash and cut, a wash, cut, and dry, a trim, a perm.
它们都需要冠词,因为这些词都是名词,要用"a cut","a wash and cut","a wash, cut, and dry","a trim","a perm"。
Okay? So they need articles.
Okay, one other thing I should mention about perms, I said they're permanent, but when we talk about perms they don't last forever.
So if you get one perm, it's not going to last you the rest of your life.
It may last you two months, one month, three months.
So even though we say "permanent", it's not forever, it's actually for kind of a short time, just longer than a lot of other hair treatments.
Okay. So, now we have another phrase, "I'd", which stands for "I would", so again, you have that choice, "I'd like to get my hair...".
现在我们来讲另一个短语,"I'd..."这是"I would"的缩写,再说一次,你们可以自己选用哪个,"I'd like to get my hair..."。
Okay, so notice, in this, before we had "I'd like to get a cut", now we're saying "I'd like to get my hair cut."
注意,我们之前讲的是"I'd like to get a cut",现在我们说的是"I'd like to get my hair cut."。
So this is another option, you can say, "I'd like to get a cut.", "I'd like to get my hair cut."
这又是一个选择,你们可以说"I'd like to get a cut.",也可以说"I'd like to get my hair cut."。
Two different ways to say the same thing.
"I'd like to get my hair colored."
"I'd like to get my hair colored."(我想把头发染一下。)
So maybe I want to change the color of my hair, I'd go to the hairdresser and say, "I'd like to get my hair colored", "I'd like to get my hair bleached."
假设我想改变我头发的颜色,于是我去找美发师说:"I'd like to get my hair colored", "I'd like to get my hair bleached."(我想漂一下头发)。
So, what is "bleached"? Well, I have sort of brownish blonde hair.
Say if I want my hair to be very, very, very blonde, so very light blonde, that's bleaching your hair.
So it's when your hair goes a lot lighter.
Okay? So I could say, "I'd like to get my hair bleached."
所以我可以说"I'd like to get my hair bleached."。
I could also say, "I'd like to get my hair dyed."
我也可以说"I'd like to get my hair dyed."(我想染头发)。
"Colored" and "dyed" are very similar things, they both mean you want to change your hair color.
So I could say, "I'd like to get my hair dyed pink."
所以我可以说"I'd like to get my hair dyed pink."(我想把头发染成粉色)。
Do you guys think this would be a good idea? Or, "I'd like to get my hair dyed black."
你们认为这个主意怎么样?或者"I'd like to get my hair dyed black."(我想把头发染成黑色)。
Okay? We've looked at "perm" already, but we can add '-ed', because now we're talking about a verb, verb, sorry, "I'd like to get my hair permed".
我们已经讲过"perm"(烫发)了,但是我们可以在这个单词后面加上"-ed",因为现在我们讲的是动词,可以说 "I'd like to get my hair permed"(我想把头发烫一下)。
Okay? So again, I have straight hair, I want my hair curly, I could ask, "I'd like to get my hair permed."
还是一样,我的头发是直的,我想把头发弄卷,所以我可以说"I'd like to get my hair permed."
Okay. "Streaked", "I'd like to get my hair streaked.", what does that mean?
好了,现在我们来讲"streaked"(挑染),这个单词的例句是"I'd like to get my hair streaked."(我想挑染一下),这是什么意思呢?
Well, here is hair, and maybe I like my hair color, but I also want some stripes in it, so I might actually get black streaks.
So, some of my hair now is blonde, and some of my hair is now black.
Okay? Or I might get blonde streaks, which is just slightly lighter than the hair color I have on brown hair.
Okay, so "streaks" is kind of like "stripes", where you have more than one color in your hair.
Okay? I could also say, "I'd like to get my hair styled."
知道了吗?我还可以说"I'd like to get my hair styled."(我想给头发做个造型)。
Okay? So, maybe I'm in high school, it's prom, the big dance, and I want my hair to get styled.
Maybe I want the hairdresser to make it curly, but not permanent.
I don't want it to stay curly for the next month, I just want it curly tonight, I could get my hair styled.
Okay? The next word, "straightened", my hair actually is curly and I straighten it, meaning it goes from curly to straight.
So I could say, "I'd like to get my hair straightened.", "I'd like to get my hair curled.", which is the opposite, and finally, "I'd like to get my hair layered."
所以我可以说"I'd like to get my hair straightened."(我想把头发拉直),"I'd like to get my hair curled."(我想把头发弄卷),和前一个正好相反,还有"I'd like to get my hair layered."(我想把头发剪出不同层次)。
So, I don't know if you know who Jennifer Aniston is, but back in the 90s her hair was layered, a very famous haircut, where her hair had multiple levels.
我不知道你们认不认识Jennifer Aniston,但是在九十年代的时候,她的头发就是"layered"(有层次感的),这是个非常有名的发型,头发有很多层次。
So, it wasn't straight across, there was some hair that was cut to here, some of it lower, some of it lower, and some of it lower, so those are layers.
Okay. So what do all of these words have in common?
If we say, "I'd like to get my hair...", except for "cut", these other ones, they all have '-ed', so make a note about that.
如果我们用"I'd like to get my hair..."这种表达,除了"cut",其他的所有单词后面都有"-ed",把这一点记下来。
So, I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Mary.
So this is Mary, right now she has no hair.
So, we're going to give her some different hair styles, and also teach you some of this vocabulary.
So the first hair style I'd like to put on Mary is an "updo", it's a small "u".
So again, Mary can say, "I'd like an updo".
还是一样,Mary可以说"I'd like an updo"(我想盘个发)。
So what am I going to do? Well, I'm going to put her hair up.
So maybe, in some sort of beautiful way, there.
So there are different types of "updos".
Okay? Maybe I could have...I don't know what hairstyle that is, I've just created it.
You can call this "the Emma", but it's an "updo".
你们可以把它叫做"the Emma",不过它还是一种"updo"。
So, an "updo" is when your hair goes up, it's not down, it's not relaxed.
Usually they have to spray a lot of hairspray in your hair to keep it this way.
So anytime your hair is up...usually we do this for weddings, you get an "updo", for prom, for any type of formal event you may get an "updo".
Okay. So now what should we give to Mary?
Maybe we should give her some "braids", I'm just going to erase what we currently have.
So, I hope those of you watching can make out what these are, I've given her two "braids".
But "braids" are when you take a bunch of hair and you separate it into three different parts, and you weave it together.
So some people have just one "braid".
Maybe like, if you've seen the movie "Tomb Raider" with Angelina Jolie, as Lara Croft, she has one braid in the back.
比如,如果你们看过《古墓丽影》,安吉丽娜朱莉在里面扮演了Lara Croft,她就是在脑袋后面编了一个辫子。
Some people have many, many, many braids.
Other times you get people like, there's a book called "Heidi", she has two braids, so these are braids.
And sometimes we have very nice braids, where it's just one and it's in the back, and we call that a "French braid".
有时候我们会弄非常漂亮的辫子,就是一个辫子,在脑袋后面,我们把它叫做"French braid"(法式小辫)。
So these are different types of "braids".
Okay, so now let's give Mary some "pigtails".
So Mary may be a little bit old for "pigtails", usually we give children "pigtails", my little niece wears "pigtails" all the time.
But Mary, for some reason, she says, "I'd like pigtails."
Okay. So pigtails is when you have two "ponytails", which we'll get to in a second, so these are "pigtails".
Now Mary wants a "ponytail", okay, so there's Mary's "ponytail".
Okay, so I've done it to the side of the head, "ponytails" are often just to the back.
Unfortunately, I have quite short hair, so I don't know how well you can see that, but that would be a "ponytail". Okay.
And just a reminder, an "updo", so she can say, "I'd like an updo".
还有再复习一下,"updo",她可以说"I'd like an updo"(我想盘个发)。
She could have "braids", so no article there, no article for "pigtails", but here we have "a ponytail". Okay?
So what other styles can we do to Mary? Well, what about "dreads"?
So, "dreads" are similar to what...well, they are what Bob Marley had.
"dreads"很像.....其实就是Bob Marley的那种发型。
I don't know if you guys listen to reggae, but Bob Marley was a famous reggae musician.
不知道你们听不听雷鬼音乐,不过Bob Marley是一位很著名的雷鬼音乐家。
And it's pretty much when your hair...how do I explain this.
It's not soft like this, it becomes kind of rough.
And just think Bob Marley, or if you know what a "Rastafarian" is, "Rastafarian hair", so these would all be dark.
想想Bob Marley就知道了,或者如果你们知道"Rastafarian hair"(拉斯塔法里教徒的发型),这些都是黑色的。
If you think of Jamaica, there are a lot of Jamaicans who have dreads.
So, there's Mary with her "dreads".
Okay. Uh-oh, so now Mary wants to become different, she doesn't want to live a normal life anymore, she's decided she wants to go against the system.
So what does Mary do? She "shaves" her head.
So we get rid of all her hair, she no longer has dreads.
So, there's Mary with a shaved head, so, no more hair, she's shaved it all off.
But I don't know, I don't think Mary's going to get a lot of dates this way.
So what can we do to fix it? Well, maybe she grows back her hair, and maybe she has a very hot date.
I don't know how all this looks, but...so we decide to give her a "bun".
So what's a "bun"? A "bun" is usually seen at the back of the hair, and it's kind of like a circle, when you put your hair tightly in a circle at the back.
So in a lot of traditional Asian haircuts you would see a "bun".
Okay, now Mary wants to add something to the "bun", she likes the "bun", but she wants something more.
So maybe she leaves out a little bit of hair, and she curls it a little bit.
These are called "ringlets", so Mary has a bun with ringlets.
Now Mary decides her hair is too short, she wants long hair.
Her hair is too short; maybe this is how long her hair is.
So what does she do? She gets "hair extensions".
那么她要怎么做呢?她弄了"hair extensions"(接发)。
So this makes her hair longer, so this part of her hair is not real; it's been woven into the short hair she has, so "hair extensions" makes her hair longer.
这个让她的头发变得更长了,所以她这部分的头发不是真的,是编进了她自己的短头发里,所以"hair extensions"能让她的头发变得更长。
Okay? So, here are some other words we can use when we're talking about Mary.
Maybe Mary, she wants to shorten her "bangs", so maybe these are her "bangs", so it's the part of your hair on your forehead.
I don't have "bangs", but Mary has "bangs", and maybe she wants to get them cut.
She could ask the hairstylist, in this case me, "Could you cut my bangs?"
"Yeah", I've cut her "bangs", I've trimmed her "bangs", sorry.
Another thing Mary might ask me is maybe...I don't know if you can see this, okay?
Maybe this is her "part", so the "part" is where your hair splits into two sides, so here's Mary's "part".
But maybe she doesn't like her "part" where it is, so she can also have the hairdresser style her hair so her "part" is somewhere else.
And finally, a final thing we may talk about when we're talking about Mary's hair is "ends".
So, what are "ends"? "Ends" are the tip of your hair.
So maybe Mary asks me to trim her "ends".
She could say, "Could you please trim my ends?", or "A little bit more off the ends.", is something common we might say,
她可以说"Could you please trim my ends?"(能请你给我修一下发尾吗?)或者"A little bit more off the ends"(把发尾再剪掉一点),我们一般会这么说,
meaning, I trimmed her hair, she wants more off, take a little bit more off the "ends".
Okay. So now let's look at some common hair problems.
Okay. So when you go to the hairdresser, maybe you want to ask for some advice, you have some sort of problem with your hair.
So what are some of these problems people might ask for advice for?
Well, someone might say, "I have dandruff."
某个人可能会说:"I have dandruff."(我有头皮屑)。
So, what's "dandruff"? "Dandruff" is the little white spots that sometimes cover people's hair.
So if you have black hair it can be really bad, because you have a lot of white spots.
So, "dandruff" usually is because maybe your head is dry.
So you might tell the hairdresser, "I have dandruff".
所以你可能会告诉美发师,“I have dandruff”。
You might also tell the hairdresser, they'll probably notice but you might say, "I have split ends."
你可能还会告诉美发师,他们可能会注意到,不过你可能会说"I have split ends."(我的头发分叉了)。
So what are "split ends"?
那么"split ends"是什么呢?
Well, if this is your piece of hair and this is healthy piece of hair, a "split end" is when this piece breaks into multiple pieces, so many pieces.
假设这是你的一根头发,这是一根健康的头发,"split ends"(发尾发叉)就是这根头发分成了好几根,很多根。
So maybe this hair breaks into this piece, this piece, this piece, this piece.
And what does this cause? It makes your hair frizzy.
So you have lots of little pieces of hair going every which way, all different directions, so these are "split ends".
你会有很多根这种分出来的头发朝着各种不同的方向生长,这些就是"split ends"。
Okay? So these are two problems.
Some other problems you may have, you might say, "My hair is oily."
你们可能会遇到其他的一些问题,你可能会说"My hair is oily."(我的头发很油)。
So what does that mean? If your hair is "oily", it's kind of wet, kind of greasy looking.
So usually with "oily hair", your hair looks shiny, but not in a healthy way, in a greasy way, so this isn't a good thing.
通常如果你的头发很油的话,它看上去会很亮,但不是健康的那种亮 泽,而是泛着油光的那种亮,所以这不是件好事。
The opposite of when your hair is "oily" is your hair could be "dry".
So if your hair is "dry", it often has split ends, it's not shiny, it's pretty dull, and it looks like you need moisture or conditioner.
If your hair is "dry", you need more conditioner.
Okay. Another common problem is some people...their hair looks like this, it's "flat".
Okay? But what they want their hair to look like is this, so they want "volume", they want their hair to be bigger, but their hair is very "flat".
So "flat" is a problem a lot of people have, they want "volume", and I'll spell "volume", so, "volume" is a good thing.
Okay, so how would you ask the hairdresser for advice?
Well, if I had any of these problems and I want the hairdresser to help me, I may say, "What product...",
如果我遇到了这里面的问题,我想让发型师帮帮我,我会说"What product would you recommend...",
so by product I mean what shampoo, what conditioner, what hairspray, "what product would you recommend...".
And I can say "for", "What product would you recommend for dandruff?", "What product would you recommend for split ends"?
然后加上"for",所以整句是:"What product would you recommend for dandruff?"(要对付头皮屑,你有什么产品推荐吗?), "What product would you recommend for split ends"?(对于头发分叉,你有什么产品推荐吗?)。
"What product would you recommend for oily hair, for dry hair?"
"What product would you recommend for oily hair/ for dry hair?"(头发油腻/头发干燥有什么产品推荐吗?)
And hopefully, my hairdresser, because he or she is the expert, will be able to give good advice on how I can get rid of these problems.
Okay, so I hope you've enjoyed our video on going to the hairdresser.
If you have any questions or comments, even if you have comments on what I can do for my hair
I'm thinking of getting a cut, but I'm not sure yet - write on the comment board at www. engvid. com.
(我在考虑剪短发,但是还不确定),都可以写在www. engvid. com的留言板上。
We will also have some quizzes there so that you can practice your vocabulary, the new vocabulary on these quizzes.So, until next time, take care.
