日期:2017-11-12 19:07



Hello, I'm Jade. What we're talking about today is suggestions -- giving advice to people.
And we have one question to work with, which is: "What should I do when visiting London?"
Well, I am a Londoner, I can give you some advice about that.
So we'll look at the grammar structures you can use for giving advice, and a little bit later, some phrases that you can use if you need to give somebody advice.
So, the first way to do it: "You should go on the London Eye."
第一种方法:"You should go on the London Eye."
And in this grammar structure, what we're using is: "should"+bare infinitive.
"Should", bare infinitive, and then you can just finish the sentence.


Here's another option: "You should walk along the river."
还可以这么说:"You should walk along the river."
Well, you can do that anywhere, not specifically London.
Let's take a look now at the second way to give suggestions: "How about" - you can start a sentence with: "How about" - "How about going for a stroll?"
我们来看看提建议的第二种方法:"How about" - 你可以用"How about"来开头- "How about going for a stroll?"
A stroll is a very slow, relaxed kind of walk.
Actually, I do really like walking around places, the countryside and the city, so I would recommend that.
When we're using: "How about", the grammar is different.
我们在用"How about"的时候,语法有所不同。
We use verb +"ing" and the other word for that is the gerund form. "How about", verb+"ing".
我们会用动词ing+其他词,因为那是动名词形式,"How about verb+ing?"
So: "How about going for a stroll?"Or: "How about watching a musical?"
那么就是"How about going for a stroll?"或者"How about watching a musical?"
A lot of people do that when they come to London, they go to see...they go to the theatre and watch a show.
Suggestion number three for grammar: "Why don't you..."
第三条提建议的方法是:"Why don't you..."
"Why don't you", we use a negative to stress the great suggestion that we're making, "Why don't you go to Madame Tussaud's?"
"Why don't you",我们在这里用了否定式来突出强调建议,“你为什么不去看看杜莎夫人蜡像馆呢?”
A very popular tourist destination in London that, personally, I just don't get.
Why would you pay to go and look at wax work models of random famous people from anywhere in the world that don't have anything to do with London?
Sorry, if you like that. I just personally don't get it.
"Why don't you go to", if we're using: "Why don't you", we have the subject: "Why don't you".
"Why don't you go to",如果用"Why don't you",那么宾语是you。
So it might be: "Why doesn't he", or: "Why don't they", and then bare infinitive.
也可以是"Why doesn't he","Why don't they",然后接不带to的不定式。
"Why doesn't he go to Madame Tussaud's", for example, you can say that.
比如说"Why doesn't he go to Madame Tussaud's",你可以这么说。
And the fourth structure for making a suggestion is the second conditional and we usually use this phrase: "If I were you"
第四个提建议的结构是第二条件句,我们会用短语"If I were you"表示,
"If I were you", I'm imagining me being you visiting London - "If I were you, I would have tea at The Ritz."
The Ritz is a famous hotel in London.
You can go for afternoon tea, you can have champagne and scones or scones, and you can have a lovely time at The Ritz.
So, how do we make the second conditional?
We have the past simple, but you can just learn this phrase: "If I were you," followed by: "would" and bare infinitive, "would", bare infinitive there.
我们有一般过去时,但是你也可以学这个短语,"If I were you"后面跟"would"+不太to的不定式。
And, yeah, there are four different ways to make suggestions in grammar.
When we come back, I've got some phrases for you, you can also use those phrases to make suggestions.
It's time to look at the phrases for making suggestions.So, here's the question: "What should we do tonight?"
好了,该看看短语部分了。问题是"What should we do tonight?"
You might say...If someone's making a suggestion, most of the time, people don't just like suddenly jump in with their desire, the thing that they really want to do; might be quite indirect.
So, and sometimes people say something like this: "I'm easy." It means: "You decide, I'd rather you decide."Or: "It's up to you."
有时候人们会说:"I'm easy." 意思就是“你来决定就好”。或者说"It's up to you."
It's the same, means: "Okay, I want to do something, but you can decide for me."
Or even if they don't mean that, they might say that first of all and let the discussion about what to do happen a little bit more.
Next phrase: "Would you mind if we stay home?"
下一个,"Would you mind if we stay home?"
Just being a little bit boring, or tired, or not feeling well, we don't want to do anything.
"Would you mind", it's like: "I know you want to do something, but would you mind if tonight we don't do anything?"
"Would you mind",就像说:“我知道你想做什么事,但是你介不介意今天晚上我们什么都不做?”
Next one: "Would you mind having a night in?"When we're not using: "if", then we need to use the gerund after "mind", "Would you mind".
下一个,"Would you mind having a night in?"如果我们不用if,那么在mind后面就要用动名词。
"Would you mind having a night in?" - "A night in" is opposite to: "A night out".
"Would you mind having a night in?" - 反义词是"a night out"。
For a night out, you go to a club or...Or out for dinner, or you go and play chess; whatever you do.
So a night in, you probably stay home, watch TV, watch a film, maybe have a bottle of wine or something.
I don't know what you do, but that's a night in.
Next phrase: "I wouldn't mind going to the pub."Well, now it's a negative.
下一个,"I wouldn't mind going to the pub."这是一个否定。
What this means is...It's quite indirect. It means...It actually means: "I want to go to the pub."
But we use: "I wouldn't mind". "Oh, of all my options, I wouldn't mind going to the pub."
但是我们用的是:"I wouldn't mind." "Oh, of all my options, I wouldn't mind going to the pub."
Next example: "Let's go ice skating." I love ice skating. I would make this suggestion.It's very direct: "Let's go ice skating."
下一个,"Let's go ice skating." 我喜欢滑冰,我会提这个建议的。很直接,"Let's go ice skating."
I'm...I tend to be quite direct in my language; I'd feel quite comfortable saying: "Let's go ice skating."
And if the other person said: "Oh, I can't ice skate, I'm not good at it." I was like...I would be like: "Oh, okay. Do something else."
I wouldn't be upset if someone refused my suggestion.
But some people, they can get embarrassed or something, so those kinds of people sometimes use indirect language.
They might say: "Would you mind if we go ice skating?"And our last example.
他们可能会说"Would you mind if we go ice skating?"这是我们最后一个例子。
If...This one's indirect as well: "What do you feel like doing?"
这个也比较委婉,"What do you feel like doing?"
So you're not sure; you haven't got any ideas, so you can say to the other person: "What do you feel like doing?"
And you can go from there.So, yeah, this is how to make suggestions about plans and social things to do.
What you can do now is go to the website. Go to the website, find this quiz.
And yeah, you can practice all these different structures we looked at.
Make sure you've got all those phrases fixed in your head so that next time you want to make a suggestion to a friend or offer to do something together, you've got all the language that you need.
Also, I want to say: please subscribe.
If you like my videos, you can subscribe to my engVid channel and also my personal channel because I've got two...I've got two YouTube channels because one's not enough for me.
And, yeah, I'm finished now; I'm not going to say anything else. So, see you, see you.

  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • waxn. 蜡,蜂蜡 vt. (用蜡)涂 vi. 变大,增大
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • conditionaladj. 有条件的,假定的,假设的 n. [语]条件句
  • destinationn. 目的地,终点,景点