日期:2017-11-16 12:00



Hi again. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam.
Today's lesson is, again, one of your favourites, phrasal verbs; everybody's favourites because they're so much fun and easy to understand.
Today we're going to look at phrasal verbs with "hold". Okay?
We have 10 of them.And again, what is a phrasal verb? Just to review.
It is a verb, in this case: "hold", plus a preposition, when put together, have completely different meanings than the two words by themselves.So, let's start.We have: "hold on".
就是动词,今天讲的是"hold",加一个介词,放在一起与他们单独成单词有很大的差别。好,我们开始。首先是"hold on"。
Now, many of you might hear this one when you call somebody on the phone and you say: -"Hi, may I speak with Joe?" -"Oh, yeah, I'll get him. Hold on."
很多人可能都听过这个,你打电话的时候,你会说:“我能跟Joe说话吗?” - “我去叫他,等一下。”
What does "hold on" mean? Means wait."Hold on" also means grab.
"Hold on"的意思就是等一下。"Hold on"也有抓取的意思。
So if you're on the bus and you see like it's a bit shaky, you hold on to the bar so you don't fall.
"Hold on", wait; "hold on", grab.Next, we have: "hold off".Now, "hold off" can also mean wait.
"Hold on",等待,抓住。下一个,"Hold off"。"Hold off"也有等待的意思。
But whereas "hold on" means I'm telling you to wait, usually "hold off" means you're waiting for something else to finish. Right?
但是与"Hold on"是让别人等待不同的是,"hold off"的意思是你在等着某件事情结束。
So I will hold off giving you the quiz until I finish explaining everything.
It's a little bit like postpone as well.It can also means...It could also mean - sorry - delay.
So, we will hold off the election until everybody has a chance to find out who the candidates are.
Okay? So we will hold off, we will postpone it or delay it."Hold up".
明白了吗?我们会推迟。"Hold up".
"Hold up" also means delay, to delay something.
"Hold up"也有推迟的意思。
So the party was held up because not enough people came because of the bad weather. Okay?
Or the concert was held up because the singer was a little bit sick, couldn't make it on to the stage for whatever reason.
A completely different meaning of "hold up" is: "Stick 'em up. This is a hold up." A robbery. Okay?
But what you have to remember is this could also be a noun, a one-word noun.
In that case, it's a robbery.
The bank robbers walked into the bank and held up the tellers to get their money.
"Hold out"."Hold out" also means wait, but in a very different context.
"Hold out"."Hold out"也是说等待,但是是完全不同的语境。
If you're holding out for something better, it means you're waiting for a better offer, or a better situation, or anything better to come along.
So, for example: in sports, you will hear this word often.
A professional hockey player is coming to the end of his...coming to the end of his contract.
The team wants to sign him to a new contract, but he's not. He's not signing.Why? He wants more money.
They say: "Okay. We're not going to give you more money".He'll say: "Okay, I'll wait".
So he is holding out for a better offer.This could also be a noun, a "holdout".
We would say the person is a holdout for a better contract."Hold over"."Hold over" also means to delay.
我们可以说这个人正在等待更大的合同。"Hold over"."Hold over"也是说推迟。
The exhibition was held over until next week because of technical difficulties.
The lights weren't working or there was a problem with the electricity, so the exhibition was held over to the next week.
"Hold against".Also, two meanings.I can hold the pen against my chest.
"Hold against".它也有两个意思。我可以拿这支笔抵住我的胸口。
I could hold the baby against my heart, for example.
But "hold against" - completely different meaning - means to have a grudge.
但是"hold against"有完全不同的意思,是说怀恨在心。
Now, I'm not sure if you guys know what "grudge" means.


A grudge means when you...When somebody did something bad to you and you just can't forgive them.
You will always remember that bad thing they did and you will always hold it against them.
Every time they want to speak to you, you're...In the back of your mind is that bad thing they did.
You're always remembering; you're never forgetting, you're never forgiving.
So you hold it against them all the time.They want to help you, you don't trust them.
You hold it against them that they did something bad to you in the past."Hold onto", again two meanings.
你一直记着他们过去对你做的坏事。"Hold onto",也有两个含义。
Similar to "hold on", hold on to something, "hold onto" your seats, we're going to go very fast.
与"hold on"差不多,抓好你的座位,我们要开的很快。
So when you go to a movie, for example, say: "Hold onto your seats, this is going to be an exciting ride", or an exciting movie, or whatever.
"Hold onto" also means keep.Hold onto your job, basically.Don't lose your job; hold onto it.
"Hold onto"也是说保持。可以说保住工作。别丢掉工作。
Hold onto your friends. Never lose your friends; not a good idea.
"Hold back"."Hold back" is to restrain someone.
"Hold back"."Hold back"是说控制住某人。
It means keep them back from going forward or to hold back somebody who's very angry, for example.
Somebody made me very angry, I want to go fight...I'm not a very violent person, but, you know, it happens.
I'm about to go fight, but then all my friends hold me back and don't let me go forward to do anything.
"Hold back" is...Another way to think of it is in school.
If a...If a child or a student does very badly, the school will hold him or her back for a year; they will have to do the year over again.They've been held back.
"Hold down"."Hold down" is like, for...Like, for example, physically hold something down.
"Hold down"."Hold down"就是说把某个东西压住。
Like if I want to fight and I'm on the ground, my friends will hold me down; they won't let me stand back up to fight.
"Hold down" also, when you're talking about food. Okay?
说食物的时候也可以用到"hold down"。
So, I ate a lot of pizza and then got on a roller coaster, like going up and down, and I just couldn't hold down my food; it all came up and out.
I couldn't hold it down.We also say "hold down" about a job.
我压不住它们。我们也会说"hold down"一份工作。
A person who can hold down a job will have a successful life because he or she has money.
So hold down a job means keep a job, be able to keep a job.
所以说"hold down"一份工作就是说保住一份工作。
And last one: "hold to".Now, this is a little bit particular situations. Right?
最后一个,"hold to"。这个需要在特定场合下用到。
I'm going to hold you to your promise, means I'm going to make you keep your promise.
So, you say: "Okay, I can't talk to you right now, but let's meet next week for a coffee".Say: "Okay, I'm going to hold you to that".
It means: next week I'm going to call you and you're going to meet me for a coffee. Okay?
So there you go again. "Hold" with 10 different prepositions.Lots of different meanings and uses.
But again, you need to practice this. Go to www.engvid.com. There's a quiz there you can practice these phrasal verbs with.And come visit us again soon. Bye.
