日期:2017-08-03 16:32



Hi, there. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you some phrasal verbs about getting dressed and putting on clothes.
Okay? So it's about clothes, what's a phrasal verb?A phrasal verb is when you have a verb and you have a preposition.
So it's a verb plus preposition is a phrasal verb, students usually hate phrasal verbs.There's so many of them in English and they're very difficult to remember.
So, in this video, I'm going to teach you maybe 12 or 13 phrasal verbs that will really help you to improve your English.
So let's get started. The first verb I want to teach you is: "dress up". Okay. "Dress up".What does it mean "to dress up"?When you dress up, maybe you have a hot, hot date.
那我们开始吧。我想教你们的第一个动词词组是“dress up”。"to dress up"是什么意思呢?当你dress up的时候,你可能有一个很棒的约会对象。
Maybe there's the boy or the girl of your dreams and you want to look good, you will dress up, meaning you will wear something that looks extra good.
也许你要和你的梦中情人约会,你想要把自己捯饬得好看一些,你会dress up(精心打扮),也就是说你会穿上让你看上去格外好看的衣服。


So, for example, right now, I'm wearing this sweater, not dressed up.If I wanted to dress up, oh, look here, maybe I would put on this nice dress. Okay? So dress up.
比如说,现在我穿着这件毛衣,并没有精心打扮。如果我想精心打扮一下,看这里,也许我会穿上这件很漂亮的裙子。现在知道dress up的意思了吗?
Here's my sentence: "I have a date... I have a date. I should dress up tonight." Okay.
给你们一个例句:"I have a date... I have a date, I should dress up tonight."(我今晚有个约会,应该精心打扮一下。)
"Zip up", so again: "dress up", "zip up".What does "zip up" mean? Well, I'll show you.
第二个词组"Zip up",再一次地,"dress up", "zip up"。"zip up"是什么意思?我来告诉你们。
Did you see that? "Zipping up" means you have a zipper and you pull it up.
看到那个了吗?"Zipping up"的意思是有个拉链,你把它拉上。
"Zip up! It's cold!" Mothers love to say this to their children: "Zip up your jacket so you won't be cold."
"Zip up! It's cold!"(拉上拉链!天很冷!)妈妈们很喜欢对孩子们这么说:"Zip up your jacket so you won't be cold."(把外套拉上,不然就感冒了。)
Very similar to zip up, is: "button up".When you "button up" something, you don't zip up, you have buttons, so let me show you.
和"zip up "很相似的一个词组是"button up"。当你把某个东西"button up"时,你不是把它拉上,那是扣子,我来演示给你们看。
I will take off my sweater and I will put on a new jacket with buttons.Okay, so if I button up my jacket... maybe... where is the button?
我把我的毛衣脱下来,然后穿上一件有纽扣的新外套。好了,所以如果我button up我的外套,也许......扣子在哪儿来着?
Okay, here we go. Just like this. Okay? So I buttoned up my jacket.Okay, good. "I should button up my jacket."
好了,弄好了。就是像这样,知道了吗?所以我"buttoned up"(扣上了)我的外套。很好,"I should button up my jacket."(我应该扣上我的外套。)
The next expression I want to teach you: "do up".So all of these: "up", "up", "up", "up".
我要教给你们的下一个词组是"do up"。所有这些用的介词都是"up"。
If you "do something up", it means you either button it up or you zip up."Do up" means the same thing as "zip up" and "button up".
如果你"do something up",意思就是你要么把它扣上,要么把它拉上。"do up"跟"zip up"和 "button up"的意思一样。
"I must do up my jacket." means: I should button up my jacket, do up your jacket. Okay? It's all the same.
"I must do up my jacket."的意思是:我应该把外套扣上,"do up your jacket"和"button up"是一样的。
"Have on". "What do you have on right now?"
下一个:"have on",可以问"What do you have on right now?"(你现在身上穿了什么?)
It means the same thing as: "wearing". "What are you wearing?" "What do you have on?"
和"wearing"的意思是一样的,可以说"What are you wearing?" 也可以说"What do you have on?"
Pay special attention, the preposition is: "on". Okay?So tell me, what does Emma have on right now?
要特别注意一下,这里的介词是"on",看到了吗?那么告诉我,what does Emma have on right now? (Emma现在穿戴着什么?)
Emma has a hat on, well, it's not exactly a hat; it's a shower cap.I like to take baths, so this is for the shower.
"Put on", "I put on my hat." Okay? When you put something on, it's just putting on, "I put on my hat."
下一个:"put on","I put on my hat."(我戴上了帽子),当你put something on,意思就是“穿戴上”,比如"I put on my hat."
What's the opposite of: "put on"?Oh, I don't have it here, well, you will see it in a moment.
"put on"的反义词是什么?哦,这里我没写,不过你们马上就能看到了。
But I put on, "take off". "I took off my hat".Next expression: "throw on". "I threw on my hat."
"put on"的反义词是"take off",可以说"I took off my hat"(我脱下了帽子)。下一个词组是"throw on",可以说"I threw on my hat."(我匆忙戴上了帽子)。
Can you guess what this means?If I "throw it on", it means I do it quickly. Okay?
你们能猜到这个词组的意思吗?如果我"throw it on",就说明我动作很快,知道了吗?
"I threw on my hat and I ran out the door.", "I threw on my hat and I went to school.", "I threw on my jacket and I went to school.", so it means you put on clothes very quickly.
"I threw on my hat and I ran out the door."(我匆忙戴上帽子跑出了门),"I threw on my hat and I went to school."(我匆忙戴上帽子去了学校),"I threw on my jacket and I went to school."(我匆忙穿上外套去了学校),所以意思就是很快地穿上衣服。
I'm going to take off my hat, I think it's a little too colorful."Try on". What does it mean "to try something on"?
我要把我的帽子摘下来,我觉得它有点太五彩斑斓了。下一个:"try on","to try something on"是什么意思呢?
If you ever go to a store and you see: "Oh, look at that dress, it's the most beautiful dress, I'm going to try it on." meaning "I'm going to put it on at the store to see if I like it."
如果你们去过商店就会看到:“哦,看看那条连衣裙,这是店里最漂亮的裙子,我要try it on”,意思就是“我要在店里穿上它,看看我喜不喜欢它。”
So "try on" is for shopping, you usually go to a small room, a fitting room, and you see if you like the outfit by putting it on.
所以"try on"是用于购物的,一般你会去一个小房间,一个试衣间,然后穿上那件衣服看自己喜不喜欢它。
So it's about stores, "At the store, I tried on a shirt.", "At the store, I tried on the shoes, I tried on the hat."
所以它是关于商店的,可以说"At the store, I tried on a shirt."(我在店里试穿了一件衬衫), "At the store, I tried on the shoes, I tried on the hat."(我在店里试穿了鞋子,试戴了帽子)。
So this is the expression: "try on".Again: "on", "on", "on", "on", and the first four were: "up", "up", "up", "up".
所以这个词组"try on"的意思是“试穿/试戴”。再说一下,刚学的这几个的介词都是"on",而头四个的介词都是"up"。
It's very important that you use the correct prepositions, if I say: "do down", or: "do in", or: "do off", these maybe don't make any sense or they have different meanings.
使用正确的介词非常重要,因为如果我说"do down"、 "do in"或者 "do off",这些可能要么讲不通,要么有别的意思。
So the preposition is what makes the meaning.So let me teach you some more expressions about getting dressed.
Okay, so I already explained: "take off", but I wanted you to see how it's spells "take off", "I took off my hat", now I have no hat.
我已经解释过了"take off",不过我想让你们看看它是怎么拼写的:"take off",如果说"I took off my hat",意思就是我现在没戴帽子了。
"I took off my jacket." means to take off your jacket.Okay, so it's the opposite of: "put on", "I put on my hat" and "I took off my hat".
"I took off my jacket."的意思是“脱掉外套”。好了,所以它是"put on"的反义词,"I put on my hat" 和"I took off my hat"是相反的。
Another really good phrasal verb to learn is: "kick off", sometimes when you go home, your feet hurt, you've been wearing your shoes all day, you take off your shoes,
要学习的另一个很好的动词词组是"kick off",有时候当你回家的时候,你觉得很痛,因为你已经穿着鞋子一整天了,你把鞋子脱了下来,
you can also say: "you kicked off your shoes."
你也可以说"you kicked off your shoes."(你踢脱掉了鞋子)。
So, in... It's specific to shoes, you don't kick off your shirt, you don't kick off your sweater, you "kick off" your shoes, meaning: you take off your shoes.
所以,这是具体用于鞋子的,你不能说kick off衬衫,不能kick off毛衣,你只能kick off鞋子,意思就是“脱掉你的鞋子”。
"She kicked off her shoes when she went home.", "She kicked off her high heels.", you know high heels, they're those uncomfortable, tall shoes? "She kicked off her shoes."
"She kicked off her shoes when she went home."(她一到家就把鞋子甩掉了),"She kicked off her high heels."(她甩掉了她的高跟鞋),你们知道高跟鞋吧?就是那些很不舒服的高高的鞋子,可以说"She kicked off her shoes."(她踢脱掉了自己的鞋子)。
"Wear in", so you know the verb: "to wear", when you "wear something in", it means you have something that's new and it's sort of uncomfortable.
"wear in",你们都认识"wear"这个动词,当你"wear something in",意思就是你买了新的东西,它有点不舒服。
Sometimes when we buy new shoes, they're kind of tight, they're a little bit uncomfortable.The more we wear them, the more comfortable they become.
So when we talk about wearing in something, it means we take something new, wear it a lot until it becomes comfortable.
所以当我们讨论"wearing in something"的时候,意思就是我们买了个新东西,经常穿它直到它变舒服了为止。
So, for example: "My feet hurt, because I'm wearing new shoes, I need to wear my shoes in." meaning: I need to put on my shoes many times, walk in these shoes until they become comfortable.
比如说,"My feet hurt, because I'm wearing new shoes, I need to wear my shoes in." 意思就是“我需要穿很多次这双鞋子,穿着它们走路,直到它们变舒服了为止。”
"Hang up", okay, just like hanging up the phone, okay, we have this expression for getting dressed."Hang up", what does it mean?
"hang up",就像挂电话的那个词组一样,这个词组也能用于着装。"hang up"是什么意思呢?
Well, let's see if you can guess by my example: "Don't leave your clothes on the floor, hang them up."
我们来看看你们通过我的例句能不能猜出来:"Don't leave your clothes on the floor, hang them up."(不要把你的衣服扔在地上,把它们挂起来)。
So "hanging up" means when you put your clothes either in a closet...when you take them off the floor and you put them high up,
所以"hanging up"的意思是把你的衣服要么放进衣柜里......你把衣服从地板上捡起来,然后把它们高高挂起来,
usually in a closet so they don't wrinkle, so your clothes stay and look nice.So that's: "hang up", when you put your clothes in the closet, you hang them up.
通常挂在一个衣柜里,这样它们就不会皱了,这样你的衣服看上去就很棒了。所以"hang up"就是这个意思,当你把衣服放进衣柜里的时候,你会把它们挂起来。
And again, look carefully at the prepositions, "up", "in", "off", "off".It's very important to remember the prepositions because otherwise, it changes the meaning.
再说一遍,仔细留意这些介词:"up", "in", "off", "off"。记住这些介词非常重要,因为不然意思就变了。
So I hope you come visit our website at: www.engvid.com, you can do a quiz there where you can practice these phrasal verbs.
With phrasal verbs, it's very, very important to practice so you start to really think every time you see: "hang up", you know what it means. Okay?
关于动词词组,练习非常非常重要,这样你们每次看到"hang up"的时候就会开始觉得你们知道它的意思了,记住了吗?
Phrasal verbs you need to practice a lot, so visit our website to practice these verbs.Until next time, take care.

  • prepositionn. 介词
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的
  • wrinklen. 皱纹,方法,革新,瑕疵 vt. 使起皱纹,皱着 v